12th feb 2023


Good morning friends
A few days ago, we were shooting for our YouTube channel’s series “Wise Parenting “. The topic for discussion was “Temper tantrums in children“. Our son, Satyajit , is doing the job of a director, videographer,editor and the media person……in fact, he is सर्वेसर्वा ( all in all ) for the shoots. We were discussing about the difference between needs and wants of children, about how the parents should not give in to the wants ( wants are just that…. something that the child wants, mostly a toy or a food item) ; but how you should be addressing the needs of young children. ( Needs are things that children need for their emotional development, like love and care and attention and appreciation; but children don’t really ask for them ). While this discussion was going on, a point came up that some children ask for things just to try it out ….if they get what they ask for, that’s fine and if they don’t get it, then too, it is alright. Satyajit confessed to us that he used to try out this behaviour in his childhood. He was inspired by an ad which advocated the thinking , “पूछने में क्या जाता है ? “ ( What’s the harm in asking? )
We had a hearty laugh when we heard this, and I thought that it’s a good policy to follow for anyone as long as we don’t feel insulted if someone says no. Basically, not getting attached to the outcome, enjoying it when you get a positive result, but not getting angry or upset at a negative response.
Later when I was thinking about this policy of, ”पूछने में क्या जाता है ? “, I started wondering about the things that we as adults ask for. Most of the people when they pray to God, ask for something or the other. Mostly these are materialistic things ….maybe a good job, a better house, more money or something similar. Aren’t these similar to the wants of children? Just like children, we hardly ever ask for the things that we really need like maybe good health, or the higher spiritual values. When we pray and want to ask for something, should we ask for our materialistic wants or some eternal needs. … like spiritual awakening or eternal values like the ability to be accepting, humble and grateful, to be satisfied, learning compassion, be loving, to offer service without expectations….. all these are actually the basic needs of all human beings, but we hardly ever ask for them.

If we were to follow the policy of “पूछने में क्या जाता है ?“, why not ask for our real needs and not our wants ? What do you think ?
Anjali Bhatawdekar

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