12th March 2023


Good morning friends

Since I have been on the right side of sixty……. Wait, don’t get me wrong. Though the popular and the universally accepted meaning of this phrase is being less than sixty, I actually mean the exact opposite. I like to think that it is only now, after completing 60 years last September, that I have reached the right side of sixty. Of course, the dictionary meaning is just the same as the popularly accepted meaning.

So let me elaborate on this….. why am I implying that for me, being more than 60 years of age means being on the right side of sixty ? Let me share with you my own understanding and my experience since joining the Senior Citizens’ Club.

Over the past few years, I have realised that getting older has its own advantages. And I am not talking of just the benefits that you get as a senior citizen in terms of concessions or seat reservations in public transport. It goes way beyond these minor advantages.

As we grow older, beyond mid fifties or sixties, we find that most of us have achieved what we wanted to achieve; or if we have not been able to accomplish what we had set out to achieve, we have to gracefully accept that this particular life was not meant for these things.

In India, most of the people retire around the age of sixty. Those who have married early and have had children early, have fulfilled all the responsibilities towards their families. So, now, they are free to spend their retirement years just as they wish to, pursuing their hobbies, travelling around or just relaxing.

And this brings with it, a sense of freedom that we never had in our younger days. Now, it’s ok to say that I am tired and want to rest just now. Now, it does not matter if someone finds our house in a mess because we are by now convinced that being obsessed about tidying the house all the time is extremely tiring. Now, at least speaking for myself, the desire to get clothes of the latest fashion doesn’t touch me. Now, I am slowly getting comfortable with myself, my looks, my achievements and even my non-achievements. Now, I don’t have the desire to compete with anyone else for anything, nor do I crave for things that I don’t have.

In short, I have a peculiar sense of freedom that I lacked in my younger days. I am more carefree, I am not really bothered about what people will say when I do something which is contrary to popular belief but in which I completely believe.

Having said all this, I also have a sense of urgency to not waste my days any more, as I don’t know how much time I have in my hands. I want to utilise every opportunity to learn things which are truly important, which will help me on the spiritual path. I do not wish to spend time in quarrels and disharmony, I do not have any wish to judge others, nor do I want to waste time hating others. Whenever possible, I would like to help others. But most of all, I want to be happy and peaceful.

I’m not saying that all this is always possible. There are times when I deviate from my goals, there are days when I forget about my resolutions and there are days when I get caught up in anger or frustration. But these times are slowly reducing and I have a feeling that slowly and steadily, I am traversing on the right path.

As Rumi says, “ When all your desires are distilled; you will cast just two votes; to love more and to be happy! “
I am trying to cast these votes now, on the right side of sixty !

I hope that all of us can cast these votes, of loving more and being happy,
Anjali Bhatawdekar


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