15th jan 2023


Good morning friends

I remember reading “Everything that happens to you happens for a reason.” In fact, every situation has the potential to teach you something new, if only you are open and receptive to it and this was confirmed by my wrist sprain. I hope you are not bored with my wrist

पुराण ! ( पुराण  generally means mythology , but in this case it can be loosely translated as harping on a particular topic…. 😊)

Coming back to my wrist, it has taught me quite a few things…actually taught may not be the right word, because I knew about these facts but they had receded into the background as time passed and the wrist incident reminded me of their importance in my life. So,what is it that I have relearned?

Firstly, I have been reminded about the importance of thanking my body, not just my whole body but also the individual components which make up the whole. I have also understood that this offering of gratitude should not be just a ritual, but it is something you feel deep within yourself. So, now I practise thanking my body in the morning for the fact that I am alive and at night once again that I could do so much throughout the day with the help of my amazing body, with special emphasis on the body parts which may have aches or pain ….. and of course, meaning every single word of this gratitude prayer.

Secondly, I have realised the importance of the people who beautify my life, visible or otherwise. So, thanking everyone who helps me ( even if they do it for a salary ) is crucial.

Thirdly, I have actually experienced the truth of the statement “ Everything that happens in life, happens for a reason “. So, my wrist sprain has actually jolted me back into practising gratitude more sincerely and not just as a ritual.

I hope that you too can perceive each situation in life as a blessing in disguise, a lesson that can teach ( or remind) you of certain important truths of life,



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