17th March 2023


Good morning friends

Osho says, “ Drop the idea of becoming someone, because you are already a masterpiece. You cannot be improved. You have only to come to it, to know it, to realize it.”

Most of us are obsessed with the idea of becoming someone, little understanding that each one of us is already a masterpiece. We just need to realise this truth. We need to become aware that we already have everything that it takes to be someone. But most of the time, we are ignorant about ourselves.

And it has been my personal experience that we come closer to our inner self, our strengths, our potential only when we go through difficulties and challenges and rise above them to emerge victorious. The so-called bad times or testing times are in reality the doorways to know ourselves.

There is no need to copy someone else, we are enough for ourselves. The only problem is that most of the times, we do not know our own worth. More often than not, we are not in touch with the fact that all of us are divine. It’s just that we are not aware of our own divinity, our own strengths, our own potential. And that is when we try to copy someone, become like someone else. But copies are just that…. Copies! They are not originals. And an original is so much more valuable than a copy, isn’t it ?
As Osho says, “ Existence creates only originals. It does not create carbon copies. “

I hope each one of us can search for our true self and let go of the temptation to copy someone.

Anjali Bhatawdekar


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