Good morning friends
Rumi says, “Do you pay regular visits to yourself ? Start now.”
What a wonderful concept…. Of paying visits to yourself !
In the modern times, most of us are very conscious of paying regular visits to the doctor for a health check up, to a dentist to check on the condition of our teeth, to the tax consultant for paying our taxes on time and so on and so forth. We like to read or listen to the news to stay informed about what is happening in the world.
The beauty conscious ones pay regular visits to the beauty parlour. We try to visit our elders ( who don’t stay with us ) on a regular basis. We like to keep in touch with our friends and organise get togethers from time to time.
But while we struggle to stay tuned with the outside world, very often, we forget about the most important person in our life…. And that is ourselves !
And unless we pay regular visits to ourselves, how will we work on improving ourselves?
What then is the meaning of paying regular visits to ourselves? Sitting down quietly, reflecting on our actions, trying to find out from where our actions originate, the emotions and the feelings behind each act of ours….. In short, meditating, becoming mindful is very important if we wish to progress on the right path.
Paying regular visits to ourselves does not just mean taking care of our external appearance, our bodies, our looks, our attire…. All these are of course very important when we are a part of this physical world.; but even more important is paying attention to what is happening inside us. To understand ourselves, to reflect on ourselves, to introspect, and try to see which direction we are going in.
And if we are going in the wrong direction, to steer ourselves back on the right path. Equally important is to congratulate and appreciate ourselves if we are progressing in the right direction.
So, are you willing to pay regular visits to yourselves?
Anjali Bhatawdekar