1st March 2023


Good morning friends

Have you heard the story of the hummingbird? In a forest, there was a huge fire and all the animals came out of the forest, feeling powerless to do anything about the fire. But this little Hummingbird kept going from the lake to the fire carrying a drop of water in its tiny beak and putting the drop of water on the fire to try and extinguish the fire. The large animals thought that they could not do anything about the fire, that anyway they did not have the capacity to extinguish the fire, so why try something ? But the hummingbird on the other hand said, I will do what I can do and continued its mission of bringing drops of water to the fire.

Similar things happen all the time in life, don’t they ? There are so many things that need a change, but we think to ourselves, nobody else is trying to do anything, so how is it going to help if I do something ?… it’s impossible, it’s pointless, so I am not going to do anything.

And then we just sit back and gossip about the corruption which is going on, the environment which is being degraded, the trees which are being cut, the ozone layer which is getting depleted, how obesity is increasing day by day, how the MNCs are ruling our lives, et cetera et cetera. We talk about it a lot, we complain and we blame everything and everyone, but hardly any of us actually tries to do something.

Wouldn’t it be nice if each one of us remembers the story of this hummingbird and does whatever he or she can do and not really worry about the outcome ? The hummingbird probably knew that his drops of water were not likely to extinguish the fire. Nevertheless, he continued to do what he felt was the right thing to do. Similarly, when each and every one of us does his or her bit, then things are likely to change. But we will have to start with ourselves, right?
If each person decides to act consciously about something that he’s passionate about, without getting attached to the outcome, I am sure that we can make the change happen.

So, can we all decide that,” Rather than being an onlooker or a spectator, I will do the best that I can, even if nobody else is doing anything.”

Anjali Bhatawdekar

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