Day 76 of lockdown – Mandala 76

14th June
Good morning!
Someone sent me this yesterday. *”While you are sanitizing and wiping everything down, be sure to wipe the hatred out of your heart. That’s a virus too “*
As I was reading it and agreeing with it completely, I remembered a teaching by Dalai Lama, ” *The world around us will never be peaceful until we ourselves are at PEACE WITHIN. If we are fighting and angry on the inside, we will never experience the opposite on the outside* ”
So, if we want Peace in this world, it would appear that the solution is very simple ; but are we ready to follow this ?
Are we ready to wipe the hatred out of our hearts ……that is the real question. And the Earth’s and Humankind’s future depends on our answer!
Hope all of us can choose Love instead of hatred.
Anjali Bhatawdekar