Day 73 of lockdown – Mandala 73

11th June
Good morning!
Osho says, ” *With such a small life, with such a small energy source, it is simply stupid to waste it in sadness, in anger, in hatred, in jealousy. Use it in love, use it in some creative act, use it in friendship, use it in meditation: Do something with it which takes you higher. And the higher you go, the more energy sources become available to you. At the highest point of consciousness, you are almost a Godliness. * ”
Does it sound easy and simple to follow? Trust me, it’s neither easy nor simple. From my personal experience, I can assure you that though we may know this as theory, it’s very difficult to put it into practice continuously. There are times when it is easy to practise, but there are also times when it seems impossible to follow.
I hope that all of us can go higher by following this advice, so that more energy sources become available to us, which we can use to beautify this world.
Anjali Bhatawdekar