Day 64 of lockdown – Mandala 64

2nd June
Good morning friends!
Yesterday a dear friend sent me this beautiful quote by Rumi, ” *Walk patiently through this troubled world. And you will find a great treasure !* ”
It seems like Rumi has written this specially for the present times, doesn’t it ?
Another time Rumi says, *”The moment you accept what troubles you have been given, the door will open “*…..this too fits the present situation, doesn’t it ?
Unconditionally accepting whatever situation you find yourself in and having Patience are two qualities that will help us sail through any crisis.
Total unconditional Acceptance means not fighting with the situation, not asking questions like ,” Why me ? ” (Of course, we can and should try to reflect on why the world has found itself in the present predicament, so that we can change our ways to prevent a recurrence)
Are you ready to try out what Rumi says to see the doors opening and to find the treasures within ?
Anjali Bhatawdekar

Day 65 of lockdown – Mandala 65

3rd June
Good morning!
Yesterday, a friend sent me the video of the beautiful song “Que sera sera ” by Doris Day. Though I have heard this song many times, it was a pleasure to listen to it again. And as I listened to the words carefully, I realised that this song is apt for the present times. Each stanza of the song ends with,
” Que sera sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future’s not ours to see
Que sera sera
What will be, will be ”
And this is exactly the philosophy which ours saints have been teaching us for hundreds and thousands of years.
I felt that this song is similar to the concept of संत तुकाराम,
” ठेविले अनंते, तैसेची रहावे
चित्ती असो द्यावे समाधान ”
I can find three great virtues in this song Que sera sera — *Acceptance, Trust and Living in the Now !*
As I understand it, Acceptance means accepting gracefully whatever situation you find yourself in, without complaining or blaming. ( It does NOT mean giving up ) When we accept any problem unconditionally, we are not wasting our energy fighting it ,but we are utilising all our energy in doing what needs to be done ; and therefore , we are able to take the right decisions to tide over any crisis.
Total Trust in God helps us find our Inner resources needed to deal with the situation.
And staying in the present moment is advised by all saints and Enlightened souls. Living in the Now avoids unnecessary sadness or guilt about the Past and unnecessary anxieties about the Future. As these feelings (which can drain our energy) are eliminated, we can improve our efficiency and Capacity to face any problems.
So, are you ready to practise Acceptance, Trust and Living in the present moment?
Anjali Bhatawdekar