23rd jan 2023


Good morning friends

I was reading a quote, ”As you start to walk on the way, the way appears”. Needless to say, this is a Rumi quote !

As I was reading this, I thought to myself that Rumi’s poetry is not something you try to understand; it has to be experienced, you have to allow his words and their hidden meanings seep into your heart and soul. You just have to feel the words and the world it opens up, you have to close your eyes and feel the love emanating from his words. You have to allow yourself to be drawn into the joys that the lines portray, let them surround you and engulf you and drown you so that when you come up for a breath, you are no longer the old, tired you but a rejuvenated version of yourself. And this happens to me every time I read Rumi. I am unable to analyse it but I can experience it with my body, mind and soul. That’s why I love Rumi !

Hope that you too can have a taste of poets like Rumi who can touch your heart and soul,
Anjali Bhatawdekar

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