26th feb 2023


Good morning friends

Rumi says, “ There’s a fountain inside you. Don’t walk around with an empty bucket.”
Rumi is talking about each and everyone of us. Almost all of us are unaware of the fountain of Joy that resides deep within us. We are not in touch with our own strengths and our inherent treasures. And that’s why, very often, we think that we are poor, and we beg for things from God. We see even kings and extremely rich people begging for something or the other from the supreme power. The simple reason for this is that we are ignorant about our inner wealth. Over the years, the fountain of Joy dwelling within us has been covered with layers and layers of anger, hatred, jealousy, complaints, blames, anxieties and worries and so on. Unless we strive to peel off these layers of negativity, we will not able to experience the droplets of joy that spring forth from our inner fountain. And then we roam around with empty buckets, looking outside for treasures that are actually hidden within us. To quote Rumi once again, “ We seek outside the wonders we carry inside us.”

Hope each one of us can experience this fountain within us,
Anjali Bhatawdekar

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