28th feb 2023


Good morning friends

Today morning, I received a good morning message from a dear friend which said, “When you really pay attention, everything is your teacher.” And how true this statement is ! Everything around you, every human being, every situation, even the inanimate objects have the potential to teach you something; but only if we are receptive ! Most of the times, we are so engrossed in our own world and our life with its inherent problems, that we don’t look around. Or even when we look around, we only see with our physical eyes, without paying any attention to the essence. And then we miss out on the important messages that life is giving us.
So many apparently simple things are happening around us all the time. On the surface, they seem to be ordinary. But if we look into their depths, they have the capacity to inspire us to achieve our highest potential. When we look around us with our spiritual eyes, we can grasp the real, deeper meaning which can nurture us on our spiritual journey. And if we get an awakening even once, it can set us on the right path ( the path which is right for us, individually ! ) and once we find the path that is the right one for us, there’s no looking back.
I remember writing an essay about “तेथे कर माझे जुळती” ( can be roughly translated as I bow down to them ) in 10th standard. I have forgotten most of the other stuff that I learned in school, but I still vividly recollect what I had written in this essay. And it portrayed the same feeling of ‘everything is your teacher’. I had expressed my admiration about ordinary people like my friends or acquaintances who showed exceptional qualities while going through difficult situations. After so many years, when I remembered that essay today, I realised that I had unconsciously grasped a profound truth at that young age; but had inadvertently let go of it as I was caught up with life and its challenges.

Today morning, when I opened this message, I was reminded of this profound truth. Everyone and everything can be our teacher, if we pay attention. I think many times, we miss out on the ‘paying attention’ part. So many teachers are available to us, but we are not available to them ! And unless we are receptive to the teachings that the Universe is sending our way, it will be impossible to learn them.

So, even though many years have passed, I have decided to look at life and everything that crosses my path with spiritual eyes and a deep and sincere desire in my heart to learn every day.
Would you also like to try this out ?
Anjali Bhatawdekar

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