9th March 2023


Good morning friends

Eckhart Tolle, the famous author of, ‘The Power of Now’ and ‘A New Earth’ says, “When you complain, you make yourself a victim. Leave the situation, change the situation or accept it . All else is madness.”

Easier said than done, right ?
Much easier to complain, isn’t it ?

The other 3 options of leaving the situation or changing the situation or accepting the situation mean that you have to be courageous, and make yourself responsible for what’s happening in your life.

When we choose the option of complaining, we have already said to ourselves that we have to stay in this situation forever, that there is no escaping from it. The only thing left then is to complain… to complain about other people, to complain about the society, to complain about our destiny and so on and so forth.

But with this complaining attitude, it is impossible to raise ourselves from any unpleasant situation in life. We may stay in the same position for years or even till we die.

However, any one of the other 3 options requires that we need to actively take action to change our lives for the better. … whether it is leaving the situation or changing the situation or accepting the situation…. Any one of these options means that we have to work hard either externally ( to leave or change the situation) or internally ( to accept the situation ). This seems very difficult because we are either fearful about the consequences when we choose one of these alternatives or because we are so used to the relative comfort of not doing anything and just complaining !

It has been my personal experience with some people that they do not want any solutions to their problems, they just want to wallow in self pity about their life. Even if you suggest some solutions which can be easily tried in real life, they will not accept the solutions. Very often they outright reject answers to their problems. In short, they tend to indulge in madness as Eckhart Tolle says !

What about you ?
Do you want to remain a victim? Or do you want to get out of the madness and take some action ? The choice is entirely yours !

Anjali Bhatawdekar

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