Day 15 of lockdown – Mandala 15


Today’s Mandala’s focus is on Opportunity! I was talking to someone today and that person said that this Lock down is a punishment! That is when I started wondering whether it is really a punishment or an opportunity! If you look at the dictionary for the meaning of opportunity, it says, “An opportunity is a situation in which it is possible for you to do something that you want to do.” And what better time to have a look at the Opportunities that Life is presenting us than the present time, when we have a lot of free time on our hands?   As I started reflecting on the past few days, I realised that for me, this period has been full of wonderful opportunities and I have a long list of opportunities that this Lock down has presented us. I am giving you just a few examples of these opportunities and I am sure each one of us can come up with a different and interesting list.

🔯 This is a heaven sent opportunity for me to have a lot of quality time with my family.

🔯  I don’t have to worry about waking up early in the morning, so if I am doing something interesting, I can continue with it… yesterday, when at 1.30  in the night , I was drawing a Mandala while chatting with my son, having a discussion on the changes in the dietary habits of man from the Paleolithic period and the modern man !!


 We had a most interesting talk, when my son surprised me with his knowledge about varied subjects!! In normal circumstances, I wouldn’t have been relaxed enough at this time for such discussions.

🔯 I have realised that it is possible to do everything without the help of our bai. This has also made me realise that I have a lot of untapped energy and great stamina !!

🔯  We have realised that we can use our creativity to cook wonderful meals within the limited resources.

🔯 This has been an opportunity for me to realise afresh that my family is extremely adjustable in such times….in fact , these difficult times are bringing out the best in us !

🔯  We had been planning to translate Manoj’s book एका पुनर्जन्माची कथा into English for a long time, we could actually start the work during this Lock down

🔯 This has also been an opportunity to start getting the house in order, cleaning and getting rid of unwanted stuff that all of us hoard in our houses

🔯 This time has also made me realise how little we really need to live happily…a house, food on the table and a few clothes…and of course, books !…..we are down to essentials. We realise how little is the  use of all the jewellery and purses and accessories.

🔯 I have been given the opportunity to draw these theme based Mandalas, which is bringing out the best of my creativity , I am enjoying this immensely.

I think the list can go on , but let me stop now…..and maybe you can share with me some of the opportunities that you have found in the past 2 weeks.

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