Day 23 of lockdown – Mandala 23

WONDER! You must be wondering why I am writing about ‘Wonder’ in these troubled times! As the clouds of fear are darkening the skies, as we are worried about our health and the safety of our families, as we ‘wonder’ about what’s going to happen to us, our city, our country and  the whole world.., as we are fearful about the future of our economy.., as our well-structured world is crumbling around us…is there anything like.. “a feeling of amazement and admiration, caused by something beautiful, remarkable, or unfamiliar.”  (the dictionary meaning of Wonder!) There seems to be nothing remotely beautiful in the present situation, but of course, it is unfamiliar to all of us and it is also remarkable in the sense that something like this happens once in a lifetime! I am trying to look at the situation, not with apprehension, but with Wonder! *But more about my thoughts tomorrow*! In the meanwhile, I request you to think about what could be ‘wonder’ful about this situation and do share it with me

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