Day 24 of lockdown – Mandala 24


Yesterday, I was wondering which word I should select that starts from W. As you have probably noticed, I have been going alphabetically with my


. I had initially thought of writing on Wisdom, but even though I tried hard to write on Wisdom, I just couldn’t get down to writing. ( I hope this is not an indication of how much wisdom I have !


) So I thought of drawing the


first, leaving a blank in the centre. But just as I started drawing, I remembered the song from Sound of Music that Julie Andrews sings as she leaves the Abbey to take up her job. Do you remember that song?

“What will this day be like? I wonder.

What will my future be? I wonder.

It could be so exciting to be out in the world, to be free

My heart should be wildly rejoicing

Oh, what’s the matter with me?

I’ve always longed for adventure

To do the things I’ve never dared

And here I’m facing adventure

Then why am I so scared”

To a certain extent this song identifies with how most of us feel at the moment. We have always had a desire to change the present state of the world …from the overtly Materialistic to a more Humane, Loving world, free from conflicts, haven’t we ? I wonder if this Pandemic is the beginning of this change. As they say, before any major change, there’s chaos ! We are in the chaotic stage at the moment. BUT THIS TOO SHALL PASS ! I choose to believe that this calamity will be able to bring in many desirable changes in us humans, in the animal world ( we are already seeing the positive effects of the reduced pollution on many animal species ) and also in our Spiritual world. Anyone who passes through a storm this size, cannot remain the same even after the storm quietens. Many of us are getting new Insights about Life in general, and the behaviour of humans in particular. It is my sincere wish that all of us can carry these Insights with us even when things normalise.

I would like to share a small incident from my chemotherapy days here. After my treatment was over, a dear friend messaged me , ” Now you can put everything behind you and forget about this difficult period ” I know she meant well, but I told her, ” Yes, the difficult period is over. But I never ever want to forget about this period, because I have learnt a lot of Life lessons during this time, and I would always like to carry these wonderful lessons in my heart through the rest of my life! ”

Quite a few of you have shared your new Insights with me……the importance of respecting the nature, about how little we actually need and how much we hoard, how we can do without so many so-called essential things, the importance of family, Gratitude for the things we have, realisations about our own strengths and stamina ( how we can do all household work without any help !) , and also our perseverance and our creativity and how we can still HOPE in the midst of so much fear……..and most importantly, how little we actually need to be happy!

So yes, let us hope and pray that this calamity gets over soon with minimum damage to our world; but let us always remember the wonderful lessons that all of us are learning now and act in future with this newfound Wisdom.

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