Day 25 of lockdown – Mandala 25


XPERIENCE! Today’s Mandala is centred on (E)xperience ! For all of us, this Lock down is a new experience. None of us have ever been exposed to a similar situation in the past. Everything that is happening is Novel, just like the Novel coronavirus. So, how are we responding to this situation? Are we brooding and worrying about what will happen in the future? Are we consumed by the Fear pandemic? Or are we Coping well with the new challenges? Are we learning new skills in response to this hitherto unforeseen calamity? How are all of us responding to this extra ordinary experience? Let us all reflect on our individual, subjective experience of this worldwide Lock down……

One of the definitions of the word experience is as follows:” It is an event or occurrence which leaves an impression on someone.” I am absolutely certain that the present crisis is going to leave a permanent mark on all our lives. In fact, I have heard people say that in future we will be talking about the Before-Corona and After- Corona Times.

Another meaning of the word experience is, “The process of getting knowledge or skill from Doing, Seeing, Or feeling things.” I am certain that all of us have learnt some new skills and also gained knowledge about various aspects of life during this period, and I am fairly certain that this learning is going to continue in the coming weeks and months.

Speaking of skills, I know I have learnt quite a few new ones, but the latest one is using this ( to me) new facility on whatsapp ……speech getting converted into text ! Today, for the first time, I used this new format to type half of my write up. I still need to develop this skill, but I have taken the first step. I am sure many of us will HAVE to learn new skills to cope with the changes that the future will bring. Many doctors are learning and practising Video consultations during this Lock down period; and this trend is bound to continue in the future.
If we are not open to learning something new now, we may find it difficult to adjust to the inevitable changes in the near future.

But now, comes an important question. Do we all respond in a similar manner to any event? We all know about the half-full or half-empty cup, indicating that the response to a particular event depends on one’s outlook. As each person looks at the same event from his/her own perspective, the effects on that person are going to be different, his experience is going to be different. I remember a story about two twin brothers. One of them is always optimistic, whatever the situation; and other one is always pessimistic. Once their father decides to try an experiment. He gives them both different gifts on their birthday. For the pessimistic one, he has a room full of wonderful gifts. And for the optimistic one, he gives a box full of horse shit. When the father goes to see how the two brothers are responding to their gifts, he is surprised to see that the one gifted horse shit is dancing with joy. When asked the reason, he replies, “If there is so much horse shit, there’s bound to be a horse somewhere! “On the other hand, the pessimistic one is not happy even with a room full of gifts! These brothers remind me of ourselves….the Pessimists amongst us are not happy in any situation, they are not grateful for the wonderful blessings that they have ( like good health, a loving family, a home…..the list goes on ! ) But in the same situation, the Optimists can focus on the minutest blessing and stay happy in any circumstances. How you perceive or experience) any event depends so much on your Outlook.

So, at the moment, how am I looking at this lock down? Is it a punishment for me or is it a new opportunity for me to take an overview of my life, to learn new skills and to face the coming changes in the world with confidence? Am I looking at it as just a bad phase in my life that has to be tolerated and forgotten as soon as possible or am I looking at it as an enriching experience?
The choice is in our hands, don’t you think?
Anjali Bhatwdekar

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