Day 28 of lockdown – Mandala 28

Dear friends, Today’s Mandala is just to express my Gratitude to all of you, who have appreciated my efforts in drawing these alphabetical Mandalas and penning down my thoughts. I am extremely grateful for the tremendous encouragement I have received in these 4 weeks of Lock down. This exercise has given me a lot of happiness and satisfaction and a sense of fulfilment during the Lock down; when I too, have been more or less confined to my house. What initially started as something to keep me occupied , turned into quite a serious affair, leaving me writing or drawing till late into the night! During the last 4 weeks, I have received feedback from many of you which has been quite overwhelming ; and also has given me a boost to continue to share my experiences

Many of you told me that mine was the first post that they read in the morning , as it helped maintain positivity in these depressing times. This really touched my heart and kept me going. I was especially moved when one of my doctor friends, working on the forefront messaged that the positive reinforcements from my posts are a great help, especially in tough times !

The first 2 – 3 days, I had written very short posts, but as days went by, I felt compelled to share more of my experiences as they seemed to be helping many readers. Initially, I had made a list of the words alphabetically which I could write on. But to my surprise, on many days, I found that I could not write on the pre-decided word till late evening, and then suddenly another word was (sort of ) revealed to me, after which there was a steady flow of my thoughts. This happened with C, I had initially decided to write on Compassion, but ended up writing on Cheerfulness ! Then again, Exercise instead of Empathy, Hope instead of Health, Key instead of Kindness, Wonder instead of Wisdom…….. I felt as if I was guided by someone to write on a topic which was more relevant and more useful during the Lockdown. The letter X was quite a challenge, I had decided to write on Xcellence, but a discussion with my family changed my mind and I ended up writing on Xperience. YES was suggested to me by Manoj , when I talked to him about my inability to fix upon a word starting with Y…….and almost instantaneously , he came up with YES, and I said YES !!!

I have been having a feeling that I was being guided to write these posts—–it was almost as if this was my mission during Lock down, to spread Positivity and Love. I am immensely grateful to the Almighty for showing me the way throughout these 4 weeks, for helping me when I was stuck and for giving me the energy and the enthusiasm, or should I say, the ZEST to continue !

Today, as I write this, I have a wonderful feeling of being permitted to accomplish something which had not occurred to me in the wildest of my dreams; and at the same time, there is a sense of loss too. I am going to miss this artistic and intellectual stimulation, and of course being able to connect with so many of you every day. But I know in my heart, that these connections are here to stay, even if I stop writing on a regular basis. Of course, whenever I have the time, I will try to post either a Mandala or some of my thoughts, but not as regularly as the last 28 days.

Some of you have asked me to compile these Mandalas and my posts accompanying them into a book. For that to happen, I will need to find a publisher who is willing to publish it. If you have any contacts, do let me know

Once again, thank you very much for your appreciation and your suggestions and wishing you and your family good health in the days to come…

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