Day 34 of lockdown – Mandala 34 – Relaxed, Refreshed


Good morning! 4th. May
For the last two days, I have been having a stiff and severely painful right shoulder, affecting my sleep and making it more and more difficult to move my right upper limb. When I had to use only the left upper limb for everything, I realised that I have been taking so many things for granted. Simple tasks like brushing my teeth or combing hair or taking a bath are dependent on so many muscles and joints working together harmoniously. I experienced that problems with a small, seemingly insignificant muscle can play havoc with our daily activities. I was once again made aware of the importance of a healthy body and how much I should be thanking each and every part of my body every day. Thank youGod for this realisation.
Wishing you a Healthy Monday and the week ahead
Anjali Bhatawdekar
P.S. As I couldn’t draw with my right hand , I had the option of posting an old Mandala or creating a new Mandala without involving the right hand. I am sure you can guess which option I have chosen!

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