Day 47 of lockdown – Mandala 47

16th May
Good morning! Hope this beautiful morning finds you at Peace with yourself.
As expected, the Lock down has been extended further. For some of us, this may seem like an unending ordeal. At this point, it will help us to remember Buddha’s saying, ” Every experience, no matter how bad it seems, holds within it a blessing of some kind. The goal is to find it ”
Even if the days and weeks ahead may seem dark, I am sure we can find rays of Hope if we look for them. The rays may not look very bright at the moment; but if we follow them, they will eventually lead us to a bright sunlit path.
Hoping that you can see many rays of Hope today, that you can discover New Opportunities for the future and look forward to the days ahead with a spring in your step and Joy in your heart.
Anjali Bhatawdekar

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