Day 59 of lockdown – Mandala 59


28th May
Good morning!
All of us are facing a lot of anxieties and stresses these days. There’s a beautiful Breathing Meditation that can help reduce our anxieties.
Whenever you are feeling particularly anxious or tense, take some time off and sit quietly in your own space and start watching your breath. There’s no need to change your breathing, just become aware of your in-breath and out-breath. And as you become aware of your breathing, imagine that you are taking in Beautiful Golden Healing Energy with each incoming breath. Let this energy reach each and every cell of your body, touching it, caressing it and Healing it. And with each out-breath, imagine that you are throwing out all the anxieties and stresses and sadness and negativity.
As you continue to do this, you will feel your body relaxing and your tensions melting away. As this happens, you will experience yourself being surrounded by this beautiful Healing Energy. Continue for 8 to 10 minutes and repeat whenever needed.
You can do this meditation even if you don’t have any obvious anxieties or stresses, as it will help you to relax and improve your Immunity.
Do try this out and let me know your experience.
Anjali Bhatawdekar

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