Day 80 of lockdown – Mandala 80


18th June
Good morning!
Yesterday, as I was chatting with a friend, she told me that her shoulder is troubling her a lot. We often hear people talk like this, don’t we? Someone says, ” My knees are troubling me”; somebody else says, ” My back is killing me “. At times, people accuse the part which is hurting, as if this body part is troubling them purposefully. I too , have been guilty of doing this in the past, before I started meditating.
But these days, I have changed my approach. Now, whenever I have a knee pain or a backache, I caress that part and talk to that body part….I tell the body part, ” You have been working for me all these years. Thank you so much. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your work. And is there anything I can do for you to reduce the pain? ”
…..and when I am talking to my body in this manner, I can actually feel that body part relaxing and feeling happy. (We have a wonderful word for this feeling in Marathi….सुखावणं….)
So, rather than blaming the body part for the pain , if we treat it as a friend and thank it deeply and sincerely, it responds to the gratitude and starts functioning better.
Do try out this technique whenever you have aches and pains anywhere in the body and let me know the results.
Anjali Bhatawekar

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