Day 97 of lockdown – Mandala 97


Good morning friends !

Have you watched ‘ the social dilemma’, an original Netflix documentary ? If you have not yet seen it, it’s time to make time to see it! I think it MUST BE SEEN by everyone who uses social media in some way or the other.

My son Satyajit recommended it to us and he insisted that all 3 of us watch it together. In the pre-covid days, we have watched some beautiful films like ‘ Loving Vincent ‘ in theatres, which were recommended by Satyajit and we have enjoyed all of them. This time he kept saying that this is a MUST WATCH for all of us. So, we fixed up a time and started watching this documentary together……. and we were soon completely drawn into it. I will not use the word ‘enjoyment’ in association with this work, because this depiction of reality is something that can scare you, haunt you and you can lose your sleep over it. Nevertheless, it is very important for all of us not just to see it, but to think about the problems portrayed here and try and find solutions before it is too late to do anything and this monster takes over the whole world and manipulates it completely.

Later we also watched an interview of Tristan Harris, the producer and the brain behind this documentary in Joe Rogan’s podcast. All 3 of us felt that Tristan was speaking from his heart and that he is genuinely interested in the well-being of the human society and is trying his best to help in whichever way he can.

Some of the dangers that this documentary talks about are “trying to unscrupulously increase the screen time of the younger generation , manipulating the posts/videos that the person is watching, increasing the rift between different races/ communities, focusing on conspiracy theories, focusing on unscientific and unscrupulous data” etc

I will try to give you a summary of the essentials of this film in my next post if some of you are not able to watch it

In the current pandemic, most of us are working online, including very young children and adolescents who can be easily manipulated by advertisers. Very young children, who should not really be using smartphones, are permitted ( forced ,according to me ) to use them, exposing them to many dangers in the process if the parents are not careful. In this scenario, it is very important that parents monitor what their children are doing on the social media and guide them on the right path. Otherwise, very soon, we will be facing new and very severe challenges and problems in the new generation as they get manipulated by the social media. And these challenges could be much much worse than those with nuclear weapons or biological warfare , because the social media is hitting at the very foundation of Humanity

Do watch this documentary and show it to your children too.

Hoping and praying that all of us can protect ourselves and our family from this upcoming monster,

Anjali Bhatawdekar

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