13th jan 2023


Good morning friends

A few days ago, I somehow stained my right wrist. Normally, I don’t pay much attention to my wrists because compared to the whole body, they are such a small part. But that’s when everything is going smoothly. The moment I sprained it, I realised what an important part it plays in my day-to-day activities. As the movement of the wrist was painful, I found myself handicapped. It affected so many seemingly simple tasks… brushing my teeth, combing my hair, tying my hair , lifting up utensils, cooking, lifting the water-filled mug while bathing, and so on. Even getting up from the floor was tough as I could not take the support of my right hand. But more than anything, I started thinking about how I was going to draw my daily Mandala. Luckily, I immediately realised that this kind of thinking was not what I needed. From my past experiences, I knew where this would lead me… first worrying, then complaining, then thinking’ why did this have to happen just now’… and this line of negative thinking can just continue indefinitely.

So I consciously took a decision to change tracks, and focused on this exceptional entity called ‘body’. Not only are our bodies supercomputers in terms of intellectual functioning, they are also superior to machines in the amazing way they function. They are better than most machines and more importantly, they are intelligent machines. Add to this the incredible fact that our bodies have an inherent capacity to heal themselves, and of course, we cannot exist without our bodies. So, how grateful should we be to our bodies ? Immensely grateful, right ? But in reality, what do we do ? We take our bodies for granted, we use them excessively, and many times, without giving them adequate rest but nevertheless, expect them to work smoothly. Hardly any of us appreciates our bodies, leave alone be grateful to them. Still, our bodies are faithful to us and obedient; but obviously, they work far better when we are grateful to them and also when we take care of them.
Talking about my wrist, as I focused on the importance of my wrist in my daily life and started thanking it and caressing it and giving it rest, miraculously it healed on its own in two days. I was amazed by the speed of recovery; I had thought that it would take at least one week to be fully functional again. But that’s how our bodies can surprise us if we show them love and care and gratitude.

Hope that all of us can take up the practice of thanking our bodies daily,

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