15th March 2023


Good morning friends

Buddha says, “Each morning, we are born again. What we do today, matters the most.”

Isn’t this reassuring ?

At times, we get depressed by the mistakes we have made, by our inability to complete tasks in time, by our repeated failures to stick to our resolutions…. And then we start wallowing in grief and frustration instead of getting up and working.

We tend to stay stuck in the past and to focus on our shortcomings and inadequacies rather than starting afresh. Even on the occasions that we start anew, we carry the burden of our past with us and this burden weighs us down and it taints our present and we find it difficult to give our best to the present moment.

If we can remember what Buddha says, “ What we do today, matters the most.“; then probably we will be able to shrug off the chains of the past and be able to dance in the present.

I hope that we can do our best today and every day,

Anjali Bhatawdekar


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