1st March 2023

Good morning friends

Have you heard the story of the hummingbird? In a forest, there was a huge fire and all the animals came out of the forest, feeling powerless to do anything about the fire. But this little Hummingbird kept going from the lake to the fire carrying a drop of water in its tiny beak and putting the drop of water on the fire to try and extinguish the fire. The large animals thought that they could not do anything about the fire, that anyway they did not have the capacity to extinguish the fire, so why try something ? But the hummingbird on the other hand said, I will do what I can do and continued its mission of bringing drops of water to the fire.

Similar things happen all the time in life, don’t they ? There are so many things that need a change, but we think to ourselves, nobody else is trying to do anything, so how is it going to help if I do something ?… it’s impossible, it’s pointless, so I am not going to do anything.

And then we just sit back and gossip about the corruption which is going on, the environment which is being degraded, the trees which are being cut, the ozone layer which is getting depleted, how obesity is increasing day by day, how the MNCs are ruling our lives, et cetera et cetera. We talk about it a lot, we complain and we blame everything and everyone, but hardly any of us actually tries to do something.

Wouldn’t it be nice if each one of us remembers the story of this hummingbird and does whatever he or she can do and not really worry about the outcome ? The hummingbird probably knew that his drops of water were not likely to extinguish the fire. Nevertheless, he continued to do what he felt was the right thing to do. Similarly, when each and every one of us does his or her bit, then things are likely to change. But we will have to start with ourselves, right?
If each person decides to act consciously about something that he’s passionate about, without getting attached to the outcome, I am sure that we can make the change happen.

So, can we all decide that,” Rather than being an onlooker or a spectator, I will do the best that I can, even if nobody else is doing anything.”

Anjali Bhatawdekar

2nd March 2023

Good morning friends

Yesterday, I had written about the story of the hummingbird and how each one of us can do what best we can to change any situation.

While writing this, I had totally forgotten about a similar story in Ramayana. But a dear friend reminded me of the story of a squirrel when Rama and his vanarsena were building a bridge over the sea from India to Lanka. The monkeys were carrying huge stones and placing them in position. A squirrel started putting pebbles in the gaps between the huge stones to bind them together. ( Another version of the story which I have heard says that the squirrel would roll around in the sand, let the sand stick to its body and then go on to the stones and shake its body so that the sand would get deposited in the gaps. ) Some of the monkeys were making fun of this squirrel and demeaning its efforts. But when lord Rama saw the dedication and hard work of this squirrel, he lovingly picked it up and stroked its back. Legend says that this is how the squirrel got the stripes on its back.

Any large project can never be completed without the support and help of everyone. We need the contributions from all and every task, even if it seems insignificant, is equally important. Love and dedication is what matters the most and that’s why, every effort, howsoever small, should always be appreciated ! Though the main contributors are obviously very important, no project can be successful without the help of each individual of the team.

That’s why, we say in Marathi, “ माझा खारीचा वाटा “, meaning let me do my little bit, even if it may be insignificant !

Are you all ready to do your little bit every day?
Anjali Bhatawdekar

3rd March 2023

Good morning friends

In the last 2-3 months, after the corona restrictions have been lifted, there has been a flurry of weddings and parties and family functions. Almost all of us have been attending such functions at least 4 to 5 times in a month. We all know that it takes a lot of efforts to arrange a big event like a wedding or a party, it requires a lot of planning, a lot of administration, a lot of coordination between different workers….. all in all, a lot of time and energy is utilised for arranging a function, be it big or small.

But in the last couple of months, I realised that even to attend such functions on a regular basis needs a lot of work. First of all you have to find time in your busy schedules, adjust your schedule for important functions, and then of course, we have to start preparing for the event itself. It involves so many factors like choosing what you are going to wear…. In case of ladies, this takes even longer than gents generally, because you have to decide on the jewellery and accessories,hairstyle and the footwear and the make up if you are using any. All in all, I think it takes at least an hour for the preparations each time. Of course, this is assuming that you are very well organised. If you’re not so well organised, it may take even longer for these preparations. Then of course the question of the travel time …. Especially if the venue is far from your place, the traffic , the parking if you are taking your own vehicle, ….the issues are unending.

And you must not forget that after you come home, you have to put back every thing in its place, get things cleaned . And all this is basically to show your best face to the World ! So, for the younger generation, the time element involved is probably much longer, perhaps starting with a visit to the parlour a few days in advance or buying a new outfit altogether according to the ‘dress code’ suggested in the invite !

Most of the times, when you attend such functions, it’s an occasion to socialise, to meet your family or old friends, exchange what is happening in your life and generally enjoy yourself, enjoy the good food and the decor and have fun. At times, however, it’s a social obligation which you cannot avoid.

As I sat back, thinking about all the functions which I attended in the last three months, I realised that most of the time our emphasis is on our external appearances; obviously more so in case of ladies, but these days gents are no exception ! This means that we spend a lot of time, energy and efforts in taking care of our external appearances, of how we present ourselves to the world. Nothing wrong in that. Obviously, whenever we take efforts with our looks, glance into the mirror, give ourselves a smile, and a beautiful reflection smiles back, we do feel happy, don’t we ?

But then, I started thinking….do we take the same efforts with our inner selves?

Just as we spend time, energy and efforts in creating a beautiful exterior, do we give at least a part of that time or energy to nourishing our inner selves? Do we focus on making just our exterior beautiful , or do we take care of our whole being too ? We paste a smile on our lips, but does that smile come from the depths of our being ? We appreciate the hosts for their hospitality but do we really mean our words ? We utilise a lot of energy in presenting our external beauty, but do we use the same energy to become more kind, more compassionate, more loving?

A point to ponder, isn’t it?

I hope we all can spend at least a fraction of our time, energy and efforts to beautify our inner being, our souls and become beautiful in the true sense of the word.
Anjali Bhatawdekar

4th March 2023

Good morning friends

The first good morning message that I saw yesterday was, “When you can’t control what’s happening, challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what’s happening. That’s where your power is.”

Easier said than done, isn’t it ? But just imagine if we could really put this into practice, then wouldn’t our lives be much happier?

All of us have so many dreams and ideas for the future ; but very often, life has different plans for us. And I think that almost every one of us has to go through this process of adapting ourselves to the changes that life brings. Financial issues, sickness either physical or mental, natural calamities, and other similar factors can thwart our plans and leave us feeling vulnerable or sad or angry or anxious. It is absolutely natural to have this kind of reaction immediately, but eventually, it becomes essential for us to change our plans and our actions, to suit the needs of the changed circumstances, if we want to succeed in future.

Obviously, if we could totally control what’s happening in our lives, we would do so, right ? But unfortunately ( or should I say fortunately? ), none of us has the capacity to control all the things all the time. But for those who can respect life ( and its challenges) and respond positively to the demands of the changed situation, the obstacles act just as stepping stones. These people have the power and the wisdom to control their reactions to suit the new situation and hence, they emerge victorious.

We have seen many such examples in the Pandemic, haven’t we ? So many people who lost their jobs, after the initial shock, found new ways to succeed in totally different areas. I am reminded of the story, ‘ The Verger’ by Somerset Maugham, which is based on a similar concept. But this post is getting a little too long, so let me continue with this story tomorrow.

I do hope that we cultivate the power to control the way we respond to life’s challenges, rather than expecting to control all the circumstances,
Anjali Bhatawdekar

5th March 2023

Good morning friends

Yesterday I mentioned about a short story by Somerset Maugham. Before I talk about this story, however, I would like to mention that it was my father who introduced me to Somerset Maugham during my teenage. My father was a member of the British Council Library and would often bring home the short story volumes of Somerset Maugham. As I was a voracious reader, I started reading these stories and was soon hooked on to him. Now that I think back upon those times, I think my love of English literature and my understanding of the English language can be traced back to these books. Actually, I have studied in a vernacular school, studying all the subjects in Marathi till seventh standard; and only from the eighth standard onwards, we studied the major subjects like science and maths in English. But I have always loved reading books and I don’t remember a time when I was not a member of some library or the other. I suppose reading the books of the likes of Somerset Maugham and P. G. Wodehouse in my early impressionable age had a wonderful influence on how I spoke and wrote in English.

Coming back to the story now….. I think this story is a wonderful example of how we can succeed in life in the face of major obstacles, if we change our thinking.

Maugham is telling us about Albert, the verger in a church. ( verger means an official in a church who acts as a caretaker and attendant. ) The newly appointed vicar finds out that Albert can neither read nor write and he is appalled by this piece of information. The vicar feels that an illiterate person is not suited to this job in a prestigious church and gives him an ultimatum: either learn to read and write in the next 3 months or we will have to let you go. Albert however, is quite obstinate about this; he feels that if he could not learn to read and write in his youth, it is not possible for him to do so now.

Worried about his future and engrossed in his thoughts, he loses his way as he is walking back home and finds himself in an unknown street. Suddenly, he gets a strong urge to smoke and looks for a shop selling cigarettes. But he is surprised to find that though this long street has several other shops, it doesn’t have a shop selling cigarettes. This gives rise to a new idea in his mind. He finds out that there’s a shop to let and decides to start a new business selling cigarettes. And soon, he is doing very well. After a year or so, he thinks of starting another shop on a similar street which has no tobacco shops and that too does well. In no time at all, he is managing 10 such shops. One day, when he goes to the bank to deposit money, the bank manager meets him and recommends that he invest the substantial savings more judiciously. During the course of their conversation, the manager realises that Albert is illiterate. He is shocked and says, “Good God! Where would you have been if you could read and write?” And Albert answers,” I would be working as a Verger in the church ! “

I have tried to give you the gist of the story but if you could read the original story as written by Maugham, I am sure that you would enjoy it even more. It is available on the Internet for those who wish to read it.

This story unfolds a very important universal truth: When one door closes, another one opens! It’s just that we need to be receptive about it, we need to change our response as the situation changes.

It also reiterates the fact that an obstacle or a challenge, if met with the right attitude, can actually lead to more success than the previous situation.

As I am writing this, I am reminded of another beautiful story about doors as narrated by Osho. Maybe I will share it tomorrow.

In the meantime, can we be open to changing our responses as per the demands of our circumstances, just like Albert did….

Anjali Bhatawdekar

6th March 2023

Good morning friends

While I was writing about the need to change our responses according to the change in our situation, I came across a message which said, “Every next level of life will demand a new/ different version of you. “

How true is this ! Each situation in life demands a unique response and that can happen if and only if we upgrade to a higher level of ourselves.

It’s not only mobiles and gadgets that can be upgraded ! And of course, upgrading gadgets is of no use if we don’t upgrade ourselves and if we don’t learn something new which can facilitate our use of the new technology.

And that applies to life as well, doesn’t it ?

If we don’t change our thinking, our responses , our behaviour as per the demands of the new level of life, we won’t be able to cope with the ever changing business called ‘Life’ !

So, just as changing your knowledge base is essential for using newer gadgets; changing your perspective is imperative for being successful in the next level of your life.

Hoping that all of us can mould ourselves and our responses to the challenges of life,
Anjali Bhatawdekar


7th March 2023

Good morning friends

When I was writing about one door closing and another one opening, I remembered a beautiful story told by Osho. I have heard the story many years ago in one of his discourses, so I may not be very accurate about the details. But I will try to convey the gist of this story.

A blind man is trapped in a room with 1000 doors, ( obviously, this is a metaphor ) and the doors are revolving. Only one of these doors actually opens out to the exterior, but the blind man has to try each one of the doors to see if it is the right one which can free him. So the man tries to open each door as it comes in front of him, but none of them can be opened. Eventually, he gets frustrated with the whole thing, and gives up. A short while later, the door which can be opened is right in front of the man, but he has already given up ! He has given up all the attempts to try to open the door and so he remains trapped in the room.

So often we see similar things happening in real life too, don’t we ? We stop trying after the first few attempts fail and we too, are trapped in an intolerable situation for a very long time.

I am sure that this story can be interpreted in various ways. One interpretation is : whenever people are trapped in a situation from which it is difficult to get out, very often they give up within a few attempts. Later, when the right opportunity comes along, they cannot grab this opportunity as they are not even trying now. And so they remain in a situation which they do not like, which they hate in fact, but are unable to free themselves.

Another important interpretation is that we must always be on the lookout for the right opportunity if we want to change our circumstances in life. The right opportunities do not come along very often, they’re quite rare in fact. So, we have to be aware all the time, we have to be on the lookout for them, assess the likelihood of success in any opportunity which comes along and not miss out on the right one. In fact, we should be ready all the time to grab the right opportunity.

It has been my personal experience that if we miss the right opportunity ( for whatever reason—- because we didn’t recognise it or because we were scared or because it was not feasible at that time to accept it ), it’s a very long time before such an opportunity becomes available again. And in the meantime, we may get frustrated with life.

Of course, at times, it is difficult to assess whether a particular opportunity is the right one for you. But regular meditation practice can help you in making this decision.

As I wrote this, I remembered a lovely zen story about awareness. As always, I have heard this story from beloved Osho. I will share this story in a day or two.

Till then, praying that all of us can recognise the right opportunity ( the specific opportunity which is right for us ) and take the necessary actions,
Anjali Bhatawdekar

8th March 2023

Good morning friends

A few days ago, there was a sudden change in my plans and I had to reach somewhere much earlier than I had anticipated. Obviously, this affected my entire schedule. There were many chores that I had to complete before I left home. So I started ‘attacking’ them in a hurry but soon realised that I am making a lot of mistakes while doing my routine work. I was dropping things, spilling liquids; which needed a lot of time to clean. I saw that in fact, I was spending more time doing the chores than I usually spend.

As soon as I realised this, I took a pause, I breathed out deeply a few times, and said to myself, “ It’s okay if some of the chores are left unfinished. I can always do them after coming home.”

With this attitude, I once again started working ( not ‘attacking’ the work this time ). And do you know what happened this time ? As I proceeded to do my tasks calmly, in an orderly fashion, without anxiety, without hurrying, I could finish them all before I left.

I am sure some of you must have noticed the same phenomenon of ‘Hurry affecting efficiency’ with you or your family/ children. What exactly happens in such situations?

Whenever we start hurrying, anxiety builds up inside us ; we are worried whether we would be able to complete the task in the stipulated time or not, we are afraid of what would happen if the jobs remain undone, and then we start making mistakes, as I did. Normally, whenever we do some routine work, there is a certain rhythm to it. And when you do the work in that particular rhythm, things get done very smoothly. But when we are anxious or tensed, or stressed out, we are in a hurry and this hurry affects the rhythm, and causes us to make mistakes. So, a job which would take, say 10 minutes, needs at least 15 minutes. As a result, slowly, the stress starts building up even more. And when that happens, we make more mistakes, and we take even longer to finish our routine chores.

In simple household chores, this would not matter too much. But at times,the stress of completing a particular task within a time frame can lead to irreparable mistakes. We have heard many examples of the wrong cheques or letters being posted ( leading to disastrous results ). We know that at times we enter in the wrong figure or the wrong account numbers during online transactions….. all these can be traced back to the degree of anxiety or tension that you were going through while doing the task. We all know that when we’re anxious, our concentration suffers, and this leads to decreased efficiency.

The stress can lead to unpardonable mistakes at times, in very important tasks like accountancy, engineering, medicine, et cetera. Some fields like the air traffic control, which need instantaneous decisions, are extremely vulnerable to mistakes because even an apparently small mistake can lead to a major disaster in these fields. And that’s why it’s very important to do any job calmly, in an orderly manner, without anxiety and without hurrying.

I know a friend who is a very good driver, he always drives very calmly, in fact, it’s a pleasure to sit in the car that he is driving. But I know that on one occasion, when he was extremely disturbed by sickness in a close family member, he was hurrying to the hospital and he got involved in a road accident, which would otherwise never have happened. Obviously the stress was telling on him.

There is a saying in Marathi, अति घाई संकटात नेई meaning, ‘ If you hurry too much, you may land in trouble or danger’

Author G.K. Chesterton has said, “
One of the great disadvantages of hurry is that it takes such a long time.”!!

I hope that you don’t hurry so much that it takes a long time for you to get the job done !

Anjali Bhatawdekar

9th March 2023

Good morning friends

Eckhart Tolle, the famous author of, ‘The Power of Now’ and ‘A New Earth’ says, “When you complain, you make yourself a victim. Leave the situation, change the situation or accept it . All else is madness.”

Easier said than done, right ?
Much easier to complain, isn’t it ?

The other 3 options of leaving the situation or changing the situation or accepting the situation mean that you have to be courageous, and make yourself responsible for what’s happening in your life.

When we choose the option of complaining, we have already said to ourselves that we have to stay in this situation forever, that there is no escaping from it. The only thing left then is to complain… to complain about other people, to complain about the society, to complain about our destiny and so on and so forth.

But with this complaining attitude, it is impossible to raise ourselves from any unpleasant situation in life. We may stay in the same position for years or even till we die.

However, any one of the other 3 options requires that we need to actively take action to change our lives for the better. … whether it is leaving the situation or changing the situation or accepting the situation…. Any one of these options means that we have to work hard either externally ( to leave or change the situation) or internally ( to accept the situation ). This seems very difficult because we are either fearful about the consequences when we choose one of these alternatives or because we are so used to the relative comfort of not doing anything and just complaining !

It has been my personal experience with some people that they do not want any solutions to their problems, they just want to wallow in self pity about their life. Even if you suggest some solutions which can be easily tried in real life, they will not accept the solutions. Very often they outright reject answers to their problems. In short, they tend to indulge in madness as Eckhart Tolle says !

What about you ?
Do you want to remain a victim? Or do you want to get out of the madness and take some action ? The choice is entirely yours !

Anjali Bhatawdekar

10th March 2023

Good morning friends

The popular Marathi poet Mangesh Padgaonkar says,
“सांगा कसं जगायचं?कण्हत कण्हत की गाणं म्हणततुम्हीच ठरवा!”
This could be translated as,
” Tell me how to live.
Groaning and moaning ?
Or with a song on your lips ?
The choice is yours ! “

While thinking about this groaning and moaning about problems in life, I was reminded of a story, once again told by beloved Osho. A saint was living in a village and he was fed up with all the villagers who would come and complain about their problems every single day. He decided that he has to do something about this. He announced that the following day there would be a meeting in which he would address this issue.

He told all the villagers to put all their problems in a sack, label the sack and get it with them to the meeting. Everybody was very happy to learn that they would finally be able to get rid of all the problems and went about collecting the problems. The sacks grew bigger and bigger.( Like most of the stories, which our gurus tell us, this story too, is a metaphor.)

When the meeting started, the saint told the villagers to put the sacks in a corner of the meeting hall. After his discourse, he told them that while leaving the hall, each one has to take one sack with them. They can leave behind their own sack of problems and pick up somebody else’s. But they cannot go out without picking up a sack.

After the meeting ended, everyone went to the corner where the sacks were piled up. The person keeping a watch observed that each person meticulously looked for his own sack and took it back with him.

The moral of the story is : (this is how the stories in our childhood would end ), but actually speaking, there is no moral in this story. It’s just a matter of understanding the truth in life.

Why did everybody choose to take back their own problems? And not someone else’s? I think the villagers realised that every single person has a problem. ..be it a wealthy person or a learned person or a beautiful one. Just as everyone is endowed with some treasures, they’re also given problems which they need to face in life. It’s just that with some people the problems are obvious : for example, poverty or sickness or ugliness. But with some others, the problems are not easily visible. We are not aware that these people also have some problems in life because we are dazzled by their wealth or their beauty or their intelligence or their celebrity status and start thinking that when they have so much, how can they have any problems.

Human nature is such that once we become aware of the fact that every single person on this earth has some problem or the other, it becomes easier to deal with our own problems. And all of us are used to our own problems, we have been dealing with them all our lives. So, rather than picking up a sack of a new problem, everyone chose to stick to his or her own problems with which they were familiar and comfortable.

How about you ?
Would you like to exchange your problems with someone else if you were given the choice or would you prefer your own?

And would you prefer to live life groaning and moaning or live it with a song on your lips ?

Anjali Bhatawdekar


11th March 2023

Good morning friends

Rumi says, “If you are irritated by every rub, how will you be polished ?”

All of us are like diamonds. I am sure you know that an unpolished diamond looks like any other stone. Only an expert jeweller can recognise an uncut and unpolished diamond; and eventually create a beauty out of what looked like an ordinary stone.

Similarly, almost all of us are unaware of our intrinsic value; only a guru has the ability to recognise our inherent potential. And there’s no greater guru than life itself !

As Rumi says, every rub, every unpleasantness, every difficulty in our life is explicitly created for polishing us and creating a beautiful, brilliant and unique diamond. For our inner beauty to shine forth, we have to go through the trials and trainings that life brings.

So, rather than getting irritated by every rub, shouldn’t we strive to be grateful for every difficulty that comes our way ? I know that this is not easy, but we can at least try it whenever we remember. I know that we are habituated to complain about the tough times, about the rubs as Rumi calls them. But with practice, we can slowly master this art. I am sure that it will be very difficult initially, but if we keep on working on it, eventually, we can succeed.

And when we find our way out of the storms in our life, with a smile on our face and gratitude in our hearts, we will become aware of our true value. And when that happens, we can help others around us by the Light of our being.

So, are you ready for the rubs to polish you ?
Anjali Bhatawdekar


12th March 2023

Good morning friends

Since I have been on the right side of sixty……. Wait, don’t get me wrong. Though the popular and the universally accepted meaning of this phrase is being less than sixty, I actually mean the exact opposite. I like to think that it is only now, after completing 60 years last September, that I have reached the right side of sixty. Of course, the dictionary meaning is just the same as the popularly accepted meaning.

So let me elaborate on this….. why am I implying that for me, being more than 60 years of age means being on the right side of sixty ? Let me share with you my own understanding and my experience since joining the Senior Citizens’ Club.

Over the past few years, I have realised that getting older has its own advantages. And I am not talking of just the benefits that you get as a senior citizen in terms of concessions or seat reservations in public transport. It goes way beyond these minor advantages.

As we grow older, beyond mid fifties or sixties, we find that most of us have achieved what we wanted to achieve; or if we have not been able to accomplish what we had set out to achieve, we have to gracefully accept that this particular life was not meant for these things.

In India, most of the people retire around the age of sixty. Those who have married early and have had children early, have fulfilled all the responsibilities towards their families. So, now, they are free to spend their retirement years just as they wish to, pursuing their hobbies, travelling around or just relaxing.

And this brings with it, a sense of freedom that we never had in our younger days. Now, it’s ok to say that I am tired and want to rest just now. Now, it does not matter if someone finds our house in a mess because we are by now convinced that being obsessed about tidying the house all the time is extremely tiring. Now, at least speaking for myself, the desire to get clothes of the latest fashion doesn’t touch me. Now, I am slowly getting comfortable with myself, my looks, my achievements and even my non-achievements. Now, I don’t have the desire to compete with anyone else for anything, nor do I crave for things that I don’t have.

In short, I have a peculiar sense of freedom that I lacked in my younger days. I am more carefree, I am not really bothered about what people will say when I do something which is contrary to popular belief but in which I completely believe.

Having said all this, I also have a sense of urgency to not waste my days any more, as I don’t know how much time I have in my hands. I want to utilise every opportunity to learn things which are truly important, which will help me on the spiritual path. I do not wish to spend time in quarrels and disharmony, I do not have any wish to judge others, nor do I want to waste time hating others. Whenever possible, I would like to help others. But most of all, I want to be happy and peaceful.

I’m not saying that all this is always possible. There are times when I deviate from my goals, there are days when I forget about my resolutions and there are days when I get caught up in anger or frustration. But these times are slowly reducing and I have a feeling that slowly and steadily, I am traversing on the right path.

As Rumi says, “ When all your desires are distilled; you will cast just two votes; to love more and to be happy! “
I am trying to cast these votes now, on the right side of sixty !

I hope that all of us can cast these votes, of loving more and being happy,
Anjali Bhatawdekar


13th March 2023

Good morning friends

I love stories, and especially stories told by Osho or other spiritual gurus. A short story can effectively convey what a two hour long discourse would have difficulty in explaining.

There is a beautiful story about a Zen Master and someone who wanted to be his disciple. The novice approached this Zen Master who was renowned for his strictness. Before accepting him as a disciple, the Zen Master told him that he would be watching the novice carefully and whenever he saw that the novice was not practising awareness, he would hit him with a stick. The novice agreed to this condition, little knowing how hard this training would turn out to be. The novice was required to do a lot of work in the kitchen and the garden. In the early days, the Master would creep in soundlessly and hit him hard on the head with a stick. This would happen several times a day. As time passed however, the novice learned to keep an eye on the Master and hence could avoid the beating most of the times. In a few months, he could escape all the hits with his Master’s stick but now the Master started hitting him when he slept. Initially this was hard to avoid for the novice, but as time passed, he began to master awareness and very soon, he could avoid the beatings even during sleep. Even when he slept, a part of him remained aware and could sense his Master coming. This was when he was finally accepted as a disciple by the Master.

This story beautifully illustrates how we normally blunder through life without any awareness. We are never really present in the present moment, in what we are doing, never alert to our surroundings and very often not even aware of our innermost motives behind our actions and our words. But as we start practising mindfulness ( meditation), slowly our awareness is heightened and we can take each and every step with total awareness.

Osho has talked about this awareness in his book ‘ Meditation- The first and last freedom’. As we start practising meditation, our awareness increases. First, we become aware of our breathing, then our thoughts and after that we begin to get in touch with our emotions. When that happens, it helps us a lot in our daily lives, in dealing with tough situations, in expressing our emotions correctly thereby avoiding conflicts and improving relationships. Awareness is actually the key to living life with love, a caring attitude and consciousness.

To quote Osho, “Awareness means a conscious mind. Anger, greed and hate are possible only in a very unconscious, sleepy state of mind.”

I hope all of us can make attempts to improve our awareness,
Anjali Bhatawdekar


14th March 2023

Good morning friends

Yesterday as I was coming home by Metro in the afternoon around 1 o’clock, I realised that the summer heat has already started. It was very hot, the sun was beating down and I had to walk from the Metro station to my house for about 7 to 8 minutes.

After crossing the highway, there is a patch of road where there are no trees. All the beautiful trees on this road have been sacrificed during the road widening or the Metro work. In this patch, I could actually feel my skin burning from the sun rays, so I was trying to find shade to protect myself from the heat. Along this road, there is a large commercial building with a tall wall surrounding the building. The wall was casting a shadow on the road so I thought of walking in the shadow to get some relief. This wall has pieces of tiles stuck to it as part of decorating it. When I walked in the shadow of the wall, I found to my surprise, that though I was walking in the shade, that particular area was even hotter than the road. The tiles seemed to be emitting heat out of them. Luckily, this was a very small patch and as I turned into the lane leading to my house, I could feel myself cooling down just looking at the trees and being in the shade under the tree. And there was a major difference in the temperature under the tree and under the wall. As I walked under the tree, I felt cool, I could even feel a pleasant breeze caressing my skin.

Halfway down the lane, there was another wall casting a shadow on the road, as I walked in the shadow of this brick wall I was surprised to note that there was no heat radiating from this brick wall, unlike the wall with the tiles.

I was thinking about this phenomenon of shades and the difference in cooling even after I reached home. And I realised that the shade of each object differed greatly…..probably according to the peculiar characteristics of each object. The living tree and its shade was cool and welcoming and provided a great respite from the hot sun. It was as if the tree was absorbing the sun’s rays and converting them into coolness. Under the tree, you could almost feel as if the tree is trying to protect you from the heat, helping you to cool down and recover from the onslaught of the afternoon sun.

Under the wall with the tiles however, the experience was absolutely different. Though the sunrays were not directly touching the skin, there was no coolness. In fact, it felt as if the wall was radiating heat.

The brick wall did not have any heat being radiated from it. ( ? probably because of the porous nature of the bricks )

I thought to myself, the shadow that an object casts depends on the inherent nature of the object. The shadows of inanimate objects like the tiled walls radiate heat which they have stored within themselves. The brick wall probably has some moisture inside and so its shade is a little more inviting.

The living tree, on the other hand, was trying its best to protect people from the heat. It seemed more loving, more inviting and more cool and hence more comfortable.

Isn’t it the same with people? There are people like the tiled walls who are full of negative energy, negative emotions like anger or hatred or sadness and when you are around them, they seem to be radiating these emotions. Sometimes, you may get enveloped in this negativity and may start feeling negative yourself. Obviously, we try to avoid such people, right ?

And some people are like the trees …full of Love and Joy and Peace….. and what’s more important is that they have an urge to give, to share what they have, a desire to help others. And we always feel very nice in their presence and wish to spend a lot of time in their company.

As I was pondering over this, I thought to myself that I would certainly like to emulate the tree which is always giving, without expecting anything in return.

What about you ?

Anjali Bhatawdekar

15th March 2023

Good morning friends

Buddha says, “Each morning, we are born again. What we do today, matters the most.”

Isn’t this reassuring ?

At times, we get depressed by the mistakes we have made, by our inability to complete tasks in time, by our repeated failures to stick to our resolutions…. And then we start wallowing in grief and frustration instead of getting up and working.

We tend to stay stuck in the past and to focus on our shortcomings and inadequacies rather than starting afresh. Even on the occasions that we start anew, we carry the burden of our past with us and this burden weighs us down and it taints our present and we find it difficult to give our best to the present moment.

If we can remember what Buddha says, “ What we do today, matters the most.“; then probably we will be able to shrug off the chains of the past and be able to dance in the present.

I hope that we can do our best today and every day,

Anjali Bhatawdekar


16th March 2023

Good morning friends

A few days ago, I opened a good morning message which said,”It doesn’t matter where you are coming from. All that matters is where you are going.”

I could immediately connect with this message!

Your past, what you have done in your earlier years, the kind of family you come from, the religion you belong to, your education, …. All these things are not really important if you are going in the right direction.

This message reminds me of the story of Angulimal, who was a dacoit and later became Buddha’s disciple.

It is said that Angulimal would kill the travellers traversing through the jungle where he lived, cut off their little finger and he made a garland out of these fingers. That’s how he was called Angulimal. He had vowed to kill a thousand people. He had already collected 999 fingers when Buddha passed through his forest. Seeing Buddha and Buddha’s innocence and beauty, Angulimal asked him to go back or else he would be forced to kill him. As he talked with Buddha, Buddha requested him to do one thing before Angulimal killed him. Angulimal agreed to the request. Buddha asked him to cut off a branch of the tree. When Angulimal cut off the branch, Buddha asked him to join it back to the tree. Angulimal realised that he could not even join a branch which had been cut, back to the tree, then how could he kill people; and he fell at Buddha’s feet. Buddha accepted him as a disciple and he later attained enlightenment.

If a murderer can attain enlightenment, don’t you think that you and I too, can walk on the righteous path and eventually elevate ourselves spiritually ?

Let us keep our eyes on the path that we wish to walk on regardless of what we have done in our past. If we are going in the right direction, our past will not be able to affect our journey!

So, even though I have made major blunders in the past, I vow to walk on the spiritual path which will lead me to a place which is full of Joy, Peace and Love.

What about you ?

Anjali Bhatawdekar


17th March 2023

Good morning friends

Osho says, “ Drop the idea of becoming someone, because you are already a masterpiece. You cannot be improved. You have only to come to it, to know it, to realize it.”

Most of us are obsessed with the idea of becoming someone, little understanding that each one of us is already a masterpiece. We just need to realise this truth. We need to become aware that we already have everything that it takes to be someone. But most of the time, we are ignorant about ourselves.

And it has been my personal experience that we come closer to our inner self, our strengths, our potential only when we go through difficulties and challenges and rise above them to emerge victorious. The so-called bad times or testing times are in reality the doorways to know ourselves.

There is no need to copy someone else, we are enough for ourselves. The only problem is that most of the times, we do not know our own worth. More often than not, we are not in touch with the fact that all of us are divine. It’s just that we are not aware of our own divinity, our own strengths, our own potential. And that is when we try to copy someone, become like someone else. But copies are just that…. Copies! They are not originals. And an original is so much more valuable than a copy, isn’t it ?
As Osho says, “ Existence creates only originals. It does not create carbon copies. “

I hope each one of us can search for our true self and let go of the temptation to copy someone.

Anjali Bhatawdekar


18th March 2023

Good morning friends

Osho says, “It is not that a meditative person enters heaven…. No, heaven enters into a meditative person.”

Such a wonderful, poetic description of the changes that meditation can bring about.

Meditation can help in burning away all that is impure in us and can help our inner light to shine brightly.

Meditation and the awareness that it brings along can eventually, in due course of time, make us more joyful, more at peace and more loving. We can enter a state where there are no conflicts and where we all are connected to each other irrespective of our class, creed or religion. And if that is not heaven , what else can be the meaning of heaven?

You don’t have to enter an imaginary place called heaven. Wherever you are, heaven is created in that place.

And this is helpful not just to the person who meditates, but also to those around this meditative person. That in fact, is the meaning of सत्संग !

I am eagerly waiting for that day when heaven enters me !

Anjali Bhatawdekar


19th March 2023

Good morning friends

Rumi says, “Do you pay regular visits to yourself ? Start now.”

What a wonderful concept…. Of paying visits to yourself !

In the modern times, most of us are very conscious of paying regular visits to the doctor for a health check up, to a dentist to check on the condition of our teeth, to the tax consultant for paying our taxes on time and so on and so forth. We like to read or listen to the news to stay informed about what is happening in the world.

The beauty conscious ones pay regular visits to the beauty parlour. We try to visit our elders ( who don’t stay with us ) on a regular basis. We like to keep in touch with our friends and organise get togethers from time to time.

But while we struggle to stay tuned with the outside world, very often, we forget about the most important person in our life…. And that is ourselves !

And unless we pay regular visits to ourselves, how will we work on improving ourselves?

What then is the meaning of paying regular visits to ourselves? Sitting down quietly, reflecting on our actions, trying to find out from where our actions originate, the emotions and the feelings behind each act of ours….. In short, meditating, becoming mindful is very important if we wish to progress on the right path.

Paying regular visits to ourselves does not just mean taking care of our external appearance, our bodies, our looks, our attire…. All these are of course very important when we are a part of this physical world.; but even more important is paying attention to what is happening inside us. To understand ourselves, to reflect on ourselves, to introspect, and try to see which direction we are going in.

And if we are going in the wrong direction, to steer ourselves back on the right path. Equally important is to congratulate and appreciate ourselves if we are progressing in the right direction.

So, are you willing to pay regular visits to yourselves?
Anjali Bhatawdekar

20th March 2023

Good morning friends

A few days ago, I was listening to an Osho discourse. Osho was asked his opinion about prayer. In response to this question, Osho narrated a story.

The story goes like this : A ship was sailing home after visiting many countries. It was near the home town when there was a huge storm in the sea. Strong winds were blowing and the ship started swaying from side to side. It looked like the ship would sink any moment and all the passengers would be drowned. In this ship was a rich merchant who was coming back from a business trip, carrying with him a lot of gold and diamonds and other treasures. He fell to his knees and started praying fervently to God, as was everyone else. He prayed to God “ Oh God, please save me. If I can return home safely, I will give you my mansion.”

The palatial mansion that this merchant owned was so beautiful that even the king of the country wanted to buy it; but so far, he had not sold it to anyone. Now, when he was looking at death in face, he offered this mansion to God .

Miraculously, within a few moments, the storm stopped suddenly and every thing was quiet. The ship was stable
once again and started sailing home.

Now the merchant started feeling a little sorry. He thought to himself, “I should have waited a little longer. I was in a hurry unnecessarily. The storm would have stopped anyway. Now I have promised my mansion to God.” But then he said to himself, “I am a businessman, I will find a way out of this.”

The next day he announced that there was an auction to sell his palatial mansion. Many kings and queens and rich people gathered near the mansion. They were surprised to find a cat tied to one of the pillars of the mansion. The merchant announced that whoever wants to buy the mansion has to buy the cat also. Both the things go together. You cannot buy just the mansion. And then he announced the price of the mansion and the cat. The cat would cost one million rupees while the mansion would be just one rupee. But of course, the condition was that you have to buy them both together.

The king of the country agreed for this deal and bought the cat and the mansion. Later he asked the merchant about this oddity. The merchant told him about the prayer and said, “I had promised God that I would donate him my mansion. Now I can donate the one rupee which I have got from the sale of the mansion to God and keep the 1 million from the sale of the cat for myself. I know how to do my business.”

This story is a real eye opener, isn’t it ?

Osho says, for the majority of people, prayer is a business. Prayer is bargaining. People tell God, if you give me this, I will give you this in return. There is no real sense of gratitude in almost all the prayers that are happening all over the world.

In the same story, Osho has talked about how a saint in the same ship behaved differently during the crisis. But more about that tomorrow.

In the meantime, I hope that we train ourselves to not look upon prayer as a business.

Anjali Bhatawdekar


21st March 2023

Good morning friends

Yesterday I talked about Osho’s discourse on prayer and one half of the story that he narrated in this discourse.

Coming to the second part of the story: In the ship, which was caught in a storm, when everybody was praying to God, there sat a man calmly and quietly, doing nothing. Outwardly it looked as if he was not interested in praying. Everyone was surprised at his behaviour and the surprise was all the more because this man was a saint , he was supposed to be a very religious man. So someone asked him, “How is it that you, being a religious man, are not praying to God to save you ?“

The saint’s answer was a true indicator of his religiousness. He said, “If God wants to save me, I am okay with that. And if He feels that it is time for me to die, that too, is okay with me. I totally accept God’s will. Whatever he decides for me, is perfectly fine with me; so what is the need for prayers? “

A truly religious man has no disagreement with whatever is happening in his life. He totally accepts any situation without any questions. ( of course, if he can do something about it, he will try his best. But if it is beyond human capacity to control the situation, the religious man will unconditionally, accept the situation without any fight. )

As Osho talked about this acceptance, he further talked about the true meaning of prayer. He says, true prayer is one in which you express your gratitude towards God, towards the supreme power, towards nature, for all the blessings that you are receiving in life….. ( A religious man will also express gratitude for the trials and trainings that he has to go through in life ! )

So a prayer is not about begging or bargaining. A true prayer is about being full of gratitude. A prayer reaches much higher dimensions when it is about thankfulness, about gratitude. That is the prayer which reaches God immediately and directly, not needing any mediators ( like priests ) in between.

A religious man is a living example of gratitude and acceptance. So a formal prayer is not necessary for such a person. He is always in the prayer mode !

I hope that I can be in the true prayer mode in any situation.

How about you ?


Anjali Bhatawdekar


22nd March 2023

Good morning friends

Today is Gudhi Padwa, the beginning of the new year according to the Hindu calendar. It is the first day of the first month ( चैत्र ) of the Hindu calendar.

We normally associate Gudhi Padwa with the beginning of spring. As we look around, we can see the change in the temperatures, the trees with their new leaves, the blooming of flowers,. This period is labelled as वसंतोत्सव, which means celebrating the spring. It indicates the beginning of new life everywhere.

Yesterday, as I sat in my balcony and looked at the trees lining the compound wall of our society, I could see the stark difference in the trees, from the picture that I saw 15-20 days ago. At that time, the trees had lost all their leaves and looked bare. But now, with the beginning of spring, the trees are adorned with new leaves. The cycle of nature continues in all its glory.

But these days, have you noticed that the abnormal weather patterns are more predominant than the usual natural cycles ? Just yesterday we had heavy rain falls in Mumbai and some other regions. In the last few years untimely rains have become a rule rather than an exception, causing severe damage to crops and fruit harvests.

And if we observe minutely, we can notice these changes everywhere around us. There is a Badam tree next to my bedroom window and until a few years ago, like clockwork, the Badam tree would change the colours of its leaves to orange, before the beginning of winter. It would then shed all these orange leaves and in a few days time, the tree would be dancing with new leaves. In the last few years, however, with the changing weather patterns, the Badam trees seems to have lost its inherent wisdom and starts shedding its leaves at odd times. I feel that it gets confused with the changes in the climate.

Don’t we see similar things happening everywhere? Untimely rains, increasing frequency and intensity of
natural calamities as compared to the last century are adversely affecting us.

We all know that man himself is responsible for these aberrations in nature. I hope that on the occasion of this first day of spring, all of us can pledge to restore and revive nature to its original splendour.

Anjali Bhatawdekar


23rd March 2023

Good morning friends


A few days ago, I came across an interesting video in which Dr Deepak Chopra appeared in a TV show. ( I think this was a program hosted by Oprah Winfrey. ) He carried out an experiment in this programme. He handed over a piece of a string to the host and asked her to concentrate on the string. Then he asked her to think that the string is moving horizontally, and lo and behold, in a few moments, the string started moving horizontally. Then he asked her to change the direction in her thoughts, to move the string vertically, and once again, the string obeyed her thoughts. Then he asked her to change her thoughts to a circular movement of this string and almost immediately, the string started moving in circles.

This is a very fascinating experiment. Isn’t it ? To quote Deepak Chopra from this video, “Your expectancy determines the outcome and as long as you are not attached to the outcome, the outcome will be guaranteed “. I think this non attachment to the outcome is a crucial determinant of the success of this experiment.

He further added, “This is living proof that every cell in your body is eavesdropping on your internal dialogue ….. It means you can influence your health by your thoughts… this is reassuring as well as scary. “

Reassuring because it means that we can actively participate in the healing of our body whenever things are not going right. Just by changing the direction of our thoughts, by concentrating on our brain, by inviting healing energy to rejuvenate our body cells, by giving positive thought inputs to our body, we can positively influence the healing process.

And why is it scary? Because just as you can invite positive thoughts to help in the healing process, the negative thoughts of worry, anxiety et cetera can negatively influence the body’s efforts to heal the part which is unwell. So, if a person suffering from a major illness keeps thinking negative thoughts all the time, about complications, about death, then these thoughts can hamper the natural restorative processes of the body.

And in the age of Internet, we see that this is a very common occurrence even with minor problems. More about this phenomenon some other time.

In this regard, I would also like to share my own experience during my chemotherapy in a day or two.

In the meanwhile, can we use the message given by this experiment to augment our health, by sending out positive thoughts to our body ?


Anjali Bhatawdekar


24rd March 2023

Good morning friends

Some days ago, a friend sent me the YouTube link for an interesting Ted talk by Dr Mohit Gupta. Dr Gupta is a cardiologist and he was speaking on “Unleashing your inner potential: the power of the mind, body and spirit “

Dr Gupta, a busy cardiologist suffered from brain tuberculosis, resistant brain tuberculosis, a few years ago. While continuing medical therapy, he also made use of positive suggestions and positive thoughts to the body to cure his illness. He strongly advocates utilising these methods as an additional therapy to overcome major illnesses.

Another interesting point that came up during his talk was his study of effects on the genes in young adults who are severely stressed out. A scientific study that he carried out has shown that severe stress can have a deleterious effect on our genes. The chronological age of the young adults was not very high; but their genetic age , as seen by the breakages in their genes during genetic studies, was much higher, almost 30 to 40 years more than the chronological age. This is an alarming piece of information, isn’t it ?

I have heard BK Shivani didi talk about stress in our daily lives. She says that these days everybody says stress is normal if you want to live in this world. But this was not the case 20- 30 years ago. At that time, stress was not considered something normal. Unfortunately, in the modern times, the thinking has changed, basically because stress seems to be ruling ( and ruining ) our lives. People seem to think that stress is normal and something that you have to live with. As can be seen from Dr Gupta‘s studies, long-standing stress has long-term negative implications on our health. ( Most of the doctors have experienced this in their medical practice: the incidence of hypertension, diabetes and heart disease is increasingly seen in younger and younger patients. )

So, it is imperative that everyone understands this reality of the association of stress and ill health and takes steps to reduce or eliminate stress from our lives. This sounds impossible, doesn’t it? But when we see the positive results on our health when stress is reduced, we can be motivated to work harder on reducing our stress levels.

When we take up any spiritual practice like meditation, in addition to medical treatment, we find a positive change in our health. Our immunity improves, our predisposition to viral illnesses reduces, our blood pressure is under control, our sugar levels remain stable and in general, we can enjoy a healthier and therefore happier life. Spirituality also has wonderful effects on our skin; the texture of our skin improves, and we look much younger than our chronological age. ( I have personally experienced this myself. ) Obviously the effects on the skin are just an outward manifestation of the inner peace and joy, which we can cultivate with regular meditation practices.

I do hope that these messages about healing our own bodies or being a part of the healing process by changing our thoughts and practising mindfulness can reach wider audiences so that the overall health of humankind can be improved.

Anjali Bhatawdekar

25th March 2023

Good morning friends

Yesterday I received a message from my electric service provider talking about the Earth Hour which will be observed today, 25th March between 8.30 pm and 9.30 pm.

As I searched for more information about this event, I found it easily on the Internet. To quote Wikipedia,”Earth Hour is a worldwide movement organized by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). The event is held annually, encouraging individuals, communities, and businesses to turn off non-essential electric lights, for one hour, from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. on the last Saturday of March, as a symbol of commitment to the planet.”

Sounds like a great concept, does it not ? “ Switch off lights and Switch on concern for the planet for 60 minutes.” , is such a wonderful slogan. But apparently, this concept is not as great as it looks. There are many criticisms against this concept, a strong one being that it does not really reduce the consumption of electricity. But maybe it motivates people to think more about environmental issues, which is a good idea. I also think that the concern for the planet should be an ongoing affair, not something which lasts for only 60 minutes.

As I was going through all the pros and cons for this project, I remembered another video that I had recently watched. This video is about a small village ( I couldn’t catch the name of this village, but it was something-vadgaon; so probably a village from Maharashtra )

This village has a policy of ‘Digital Detox’, meaning that all the screens in the village are shut off every day from 7 to 8.30 pm. A batch of volunteers goes around the village checking that every person and family in the village is following the rules.

The video shows the interviews of residents and their opinion about this policy. The families were very happy that the ladies of the house were cooking for the family rather than watching serials. In general, they found this time together great for close bonding.

The teachers were the ones who were really very pleased with this arrangement. They have experienced a change for the better in the concentration of their students. They also found that the students were completing their homework and hence could grasp their lessons easily.

I think this is a brilliant idea. Such initiatives are really useful for our society and especially for our children. I hope more and more villages can adopt similar ideas which will reduce the screen time.

Along with this, I think all of us need a screen detox from time to time. It would be so nice if we could create “ No screen zones” in our homes ( and schools and colleges ), at least during meal times. I think it’s essential for nurturing the future generations.

Anjali Bhatawdekar


26th March 2023

Good morning friends

A few months ago, an elderly family friend, who is a hypertensive but well controlled on antihypertensive medicines, saw a video on YouTube. This video claimed that we can cure high blood pressure without any medicines and urged their viewers to stop their medicines. This friend was so impressed by the contents of this video that he immediately decided to follow this advice. Incidentally, the video was not posted by a medical person. Unfortunately, this friend did not consult his regular doctor before stopping his drugs, nor did he monitor his BP at home. As expected, within a couple of days, his BP shot up very high and he suffered from a brain stroke. He had to be admitted in the ICU, but the damage done was irreversible and now, even after months of treatment, he is still wheelchair bound.

We have had similar experiences very often in our patients as well as in people known to us, with disastrous results many times.

Many of our juvenile diabetics and their families are carried away by advertisements and videos claiming to cure diabetes without medicines. Here too, we have seen the juvenile diabetic going into a coma and getting admitted in ICU as insulin is stopped abruptly. Sometimes, this situation can even be life threatening.

We have seen patients with major psychiatric disorders like schizophrenia, spending lakhs and lakhs of rupees on treatments advocated in a YouTube channel by a person who cannot even pronounce the word schizophrenia. Unfortunately, well maintained patients stop their medicines, spend a huge amount of money on these so-called guaranteed treatments, which of course are bound to fail, and then return to the psychiatrist. By this time, however, the psychiatric disorder, which was under control with medicines, is out of control, and most of the times, the condition has become chronic which needs newer ( read costlier) drugs and higher doses of medicines.

While having access to medical problems on the internet is not a bad idea, more often than not, we find patients being lured by unscientific sites. In fact, very often, people totally disregard the advice of their doctor who has many years of experience and blindly follow the advice given on YouTube channels by people who have nothing to do with medicine and its practice.

I continue to be amazed with people, blatantly disregarding the advice of experienced doctors and blindly following the unscientific advice of a YouTuber ( who surprisingly has lakhs and lakhs of followers. ) I am also surprised that no legal action is taken against these people when they create such problems, ….. obviously they are not governed by the consumer protection laws, unlike doctors!

The internet is teeming with videos on every subject, some of them with a vast number of followers. But it is difficult to find authentic, scientific videos on any subject. …. It is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.

As I was thinking about this phenomenon of more and more people giving in to unscientific, unproven methods of treatment, I realised that most of these videos focus on the possible side-effects of medicines. While it is true that some medicines may have major side-effects, most doctors would try to use ( or should try to use ! ) such medicines only for severe conditions.

And of course these videos claim that their methods are the best with no side effects and also offer hundred percent guarantee for cure which actually no doctor can ever give you. In fact, if a doctor attempts to advertise 100 % results of his treatment, he is likely to be penalised for such advertising; but as these videos are not made by doctors, their creators go scot- free in the face of problems.

I don’t think there is any harm in trying out an alternative method of treatment as long as you are under medical observation, as long as you are not stopping the medicines which are life saving, which are absolutely essential for keeping your BP or sugar or mental health under control . If you do decide to stop any such medicines, it is better to taper them off gradually, while watching the medical parameters rather than stopping them suddenly and landing in trouble.

I do hope that the consumer guidance forums start taking action against potentially harmful videos on YouTube,

Anjali Bhatawdekar


27th March 2023

Good morning friends

I wrote an article on the power of thoughts and how they can affect our health a few days ago. As is true with every thing else, this power can be harnessed to good use, to improve our health. However, if a person persists in looking at the complications of any disease that they are suffering from or to focus on the side-effects of the drugs ( which are necessary to treat this condition ),it can lead to disasters.

These days, many doctors are plagued by internet savvy patients, who have already googled their symptoms and come to a diagnosis on their own and now they just want the confirmation of the diagnosis from the doctor and of course, the prescription handed out by the doctor. Once that is accomplished, they are ready to argue about the side-effects of the prescribed medicines, the potential complications of the illness, and so it goes on and on.

As more and more people are getting access to internet, doctors are bound to experience these problems more and more.

Actually, having an access to information on various health problems and their treatments is very good, but only if this information is used rationally, and of course, if the information is scientific and based on scientific studies.

Unfortunately though, most of the times this information is not scientific as I talked about in my article yesterday.

Apart from the dangers on your health, of following unscientific advice, there is a real danger of googling too much and getting influenced by the negative aspects of any health problems.

Let me give you an example : if you Google for the side-effects of a very safe drug like paracetamol which has been in use for decades, you may find a long list of side-effects, including major side-effects like liver toxicity. However, as we doctors know from our experience for many years, if paracetamol is used in the right dosage and for the right indication, it rarely has any major side-effects. Most of the side-effects are seen when you exceed the recommended dosages or when you use the drug for prolonged periods, especially when the usage is not indicated.

Nowadays, whenever doctors prescribe any drug, the first thing that the patient or the patient’s family does is to go on the net and Google for the side-effects. More often than not, the side-effects mentioned on the net are not very common, but still the patients have firm belief in what they read on the internet. ( and not on what the doctor says )

So two things can happen ; one: The family askes the doctor to stop or to change the medication or two: if a change is not possible, because this is the only safest drug which is available for that particular ailment, then the patient and the family start worrying unnecessarily and excessively about the possibility of incurring side-effects.

As we talked earlier, our thoughts have a major influence on our bodies, on ourselves, on the functioning of our liver and kidneys and other organs. So, when somebody keeps giving a message to himself that this particular drug is going to cause a lot of side-effects, there is every likelihood that the side-effects will happen. It is almost like inviting the side-effects by constantly thinking about them, by constantly worrying about them, by constantly arguing with the doctor about the drug.

This phenomenon would not matter so much in minor ailments because most of the times our bodies are capable of healing themselves, even without medicines or in spite of the medicines !!

In serious problems however, when these drugs have to be administered, when there is no alternative for a particular drug, either because of nonavailability or the cost factor or any other factors, then this negative messaging to our body can create a lot of problems for the patient.

We often see that those who google their symptoms or their medicines too much, all the time, are more likely to have side-effects, than those who have complete trust in the doctor and accept the medicines unconditionally.

Of course, I do not mean that you should stop searching for information about any serious problems. I just mean that it’s better to focus on the positives rather than the negatives. Because if you keep focusing on the negatives, you are creating the thoughts which send negative signals to the body and complications are seen more often.

In the context of this, I will share my own experience tomorrow.

Anjali Bhatawdekar

1st feb 2023

Good morning friends

Last week, I was returning from my bank and thinking about the chores which were pending, when someone called out to me and said,” Auntie, didn’t you recognise me? “. Frankly speaking, I did not remember this person at all, but then I have always been bad at recognising faces or with connecting the face with the name. In my youth, this would cause a lot of problems and I had to grope around the conversation to put a name to the face ! Now that I am a senior citizen, however, I can blame it on my age and honestly declare that I had not recognised that person…. And that is what I did in this case. This person, probably in his forties, told me that he had done the painting work in my house some years ago. Maybe it was true, but still I could not really remember him. When he told me that he had done some work in the bathroom along with the painting, I was quite sure that he had mistaken me for someone else. Then he started telling me that he had recently lost his mother and he had just returned from his native place. And then he came to the point… he asked me for some money as he had not eaten ! It was then that I realised that I had been marked as the target for a new scam. This thought amused me and also alerted me to be on my toes. I walked away from him without saying another word, but I started thinking, “Did I look like a gullible elderly lady who can be easily conned ?” And that brought a smile to my face. Luckily, no damage was done and I decided to be more careful next time.

I have experienced quite a few conmen but so far I have not been conned by them, probably because of my high index of suspicion. I remember a man coming to my clinic in the early days of my practice purporting to be a doctor, telling me that his wife had died in Nanavati and he needed money so that her body could be released. It turned out that he was an alcoholic who tried this trick with quite a few doctors. People asking for money for travelling back home, strangers asking you to show Indian rupees on foreign airports and foreign lands, ladies asking for money for funeral…. We have heard and seen them all, but luckily, our index of suspicion has been pretty high, so the conmen could not fool us.

But many times these guys can be successful and cause a lot of psychological damage to the victim. I remember an old lady in her seventies, who handed over her jewellery to someone claiming to be a police officer and when she realised that she had been conned, she went into severe depression. Many years ago, a close relative was probably hypnotised and gave all the money in his wallet to a stranger. He was in shock for quite some time afterwards. So, it is good to spread the word about the types of frauds that conmen are trying out. But, just as we get smart, they get smarter and in the era of internet, they are getting more and more creative. ( At times, I admire their creativity… of course I can do that only when I’m not taken in by their drama! )

Practising awareness techniques can be very helpful in detecting if someone is trying to fool us.

I pray that all of us can be alert and protect ourselves from these creative conmen,


Anjali Bhatawdekar

2nd feb 2023

Good morning friends

Yesterday, I came across this quote from Wayne Dyer : “Observe yourself and others in this nutty world and then decide whether to carry around anger or develop a sense of humour that will give you and others one of the most priceless gifts of all—- laughter.” And I could see myself agreeing with this totally.
Many times, I have noticed that when people get together, the most common topics for discussion are how things are going wrong, how corrupt the society is getting, how things were good in olden times and how they are deteriorating day by day…. Once this kind of discussion/ gossip starts, it’s very difficult to put a stop to it. In fact, everyone participates in this mud- throwing game enthusiastically. ( I have often found myself getting carried away by these animated debates). Do these discussions serve any purpose ? Occasionally, some of us do get inspired to do something about changing the situation; but more often than not, it’s just empty talk which creates a lot of negative energy.
If we decide to act as Wayne Dyer says, and look at the situation with humour instead of anger, it has the potential to put us in a better mood. We have tried this out on a number of occasions and it has given us excellent results by turning anger or frustration into positive energy.
One example which I remember vividly took place many years ago. A close family friend had a tendency to preach us all the time and I used to get extremely irritated with him. On one occasion, we were to stay with him in his house. We decided to use the shield of humour to protect ourselves from getting angry and irritable and it worked beautifully. Every time, he said something that was likely to trigger us into anger, we looked at each other and smiled in a knowing way. And it worked wonders ! I still remember that trip because of the humour and the laughter ! And all this without antagonising him in any way !
Isn’t that also what cartoonists do so efficiently and effortlessly ? They highlight the ridiculousness of the situation which makes us laugh. ( And the cartoons also have the potential to galvanise some of us into taking action against the injustice.) And of course, laughter is much much better for our overall health than anger.

So, whenever possible, I have decided to use humour and laughter instead of anger and irritation. What about you?

Hope you can smile and laugh every day,
Anjali Bhatawdekar

3rd feb 2023

Good morning friends

I remember listening to an Osho discourse some time back. Amongst other things, he talked about spreading goodwill to others. He emphasised on sending positive vibrations and good wishes even while walking on the road. And you can do this just in your mind. Whenever you meet someone, you can either greet them with oral greetings, or if speech is not possible, just wishing them well in your mind,”भगवान आपका भला करे”. If this is practised by everyone, there can be a positive change in the world. Of course, the first change that takes place is within ourselves, we feel really good when we send शुभ कामनाए to others, we ourselves have a feeling of satisfaction and well being … I have experienced this many times.

In her book’ Magic’, Rhonda Byrne ( author of the famous book ’ The Secret’ ) explains, “Ancient spiritual teachings say that what we give to the other person with a full heart returns to us hundredfold.“ Therefore, if we send शुभ कामनाए or gratitude to others, we will attract the same vibrations of goodwill and gratitude. Wouldn’t the world be a better place to live in if all of us decide to practise this very simple method ?
I try to do it every day, but on many days, I forget about it. So, it’s good to get reminders about this wonderful practice intermittently.

Sending my love and gratitude and best wishes to each and everyone reading these words,
Anjali Bhatawdekar

4th feb 2023

Good morning friends

Yesterday, I called our local store for home delivery of some groceries. Normally, whenever I call this store, a cheerful voice answers the phone. He recognises my voice immediately, knows my flat number, takes the order cheerfully and that’s why I feel good when he picks up the phone. I too, can recognise him from his voice and way of talking. When I see him in the store, he is always smiling, ready to help, willing to sort out difficulties. Yesterday, however, a grumpy voice answered the phone. I recognised this person too, from his voice. I could picture him in the store, no smile on his face, not really interested in customers, looking thoroughly bored all the time. I don’t feel like talking to him much on phone or in person. When I was thinking about this, I became conscious of the fact that we can relate so much more easily to someone who is smiling and cheerful. On the other hand, we generally avoid talking to people who are grumpy, who look depressed or seem uninterested in anything.
My sister-in-law who underwent a surgery recently was praising her surgeon… how he is always smiling, how he brightens up the atmosphere with his entry in the room, how he is able to reassure his patients with his smiling countenance.
When someone is bright and cheerful, they transmit their positive vibrations to others just through their presence or even their voice on phone. Obviously, the opposite is also true and grumpy people transmit their negative vibrations through their presence or voice…. And perhaps that’s why people tend to avoid the grumpy ones and reach out for the cheerful ones.
Being happy is an art and I think it’s the most important of all important things in life. Unfortunately, though, none of the schools and colleges have included this subject in their curriculum. So we can learn this art only from the University of life ! And life certainly teaches us this art if we are willing to learn. Once one awakens to the realisation that your time on earth is limited, it becomes easy to master this art. Speaking for myself, when I was presented with the diagnosis of cancer 8 years ago, I started walking on this path; and the journey has really been beautiful. For me, cancer was the biggest teacher …when you are faced with death, you don’t want to waste your time feeling anything but happy and cheerful.
Of course, there are days when I stray away from the path, but invariably I am able to return to it.
I hope that all of us are surrounded by souls trying to master this art of Being happy,
Anjali Bhatawdekar

5th feb 2023

Good morning friends
At the moment, I am re-reading the book “The Path of Emancipation” by the Vietnamese Buddhist monk, Thich Nhat Hanh. These are talks given at a 21-Day Mindfulness Retreat at Vermont. Here, he has talked a lot about mindful breathing and mindful walking. He says, “When we practise mindful walking, every step we take is like placing a seal on the ground……. We print our solidity, peace, and freedom on the ground”. I have experienced mindful breathing and mindful walking in meditation camps ( also called as Vipassana and vipassana walks.) So I knew first hand that this kind of mindful walking can bring you a lot of peace and relaxation, but I was not really sure that you could put this into practice in your day-to-day life, especially when you are doing multiple chores on a busy road. But life has its own way of teaching you lessons that you need to learn and I experienced this the very next day.
The next day, I was walking to my bank in a hurry as I had a lot of chores that day. The road to the bank is narrow, full of traffic, with hardly any place for pedestrians to walk. I was soon brought to a halt as an elderly man was walking very slowly in front of me. It was not possible to overtake him, and this is the time one usually gets anxious and frustrated. Luckily, for me, I remembered Thich Nhat Hanh’s teachings about mindful walking and decided to put them into practice. As it is, I had to walk slowly, so why not try this mindful walking, even though I am on a busy road? And no sooner I started walking mindfully, I realised the truth of what Thich Nhat Hanh was saying. As I took each step mindfully, I found myself filled with peace and relaxation and it did not seem very long before I was at the doorstep of the bank.
Once I finished my work in the bank, I was back on the road, walking at my normal pace. But life had certainly decided to teach me about mindful walking on that day. Because within a few minutes I was walking on a road where a school had just left. The entire road was lined up with school buses and children queueing up to get inside the school bus and obviously I had to slow down once again, and got another opportunity to practice mindful walking. Before I reached home, I could practice this wonderful technique two more times: once, when an elderly lady was walking, very slowly in front of me with her 3-4 years old grandchild and another time when a limping lady blocked my path. And every time, I could feel the Peace and Relaxation permeating my being, during those few moments that I practised mindful walking. So, now I understand that you can practise mindful walking, even on a busy road, even when you have a lot of chores to do, and when you practise it, within a few minutes, you can feel peace and relaxation descend upon you and fill you and surround you.
If we really want to practise mindfulness, we can get hundreds of opportunities every day to practise either mindful breathing or mindful walking —— when you are stuck in traffic, and can’t do anything about it, when you cannot walk fast on a busy road, or on an escalator, when you’re waiting for a bus, or a train or your taxi to arrive, when you are waiting for your loved ones to return home—— normally we become impatient or anxious during these times, but actually these moments can be converted into an opportunity to put into practice mindful breathing and walking. Would you like to try this out the next time you’re stuck in traffic?

I hope that I remember to practise mindful breathing and mindful walking every time I am waiting,
Anjali, Bhatawdekar

6th feb 2023

Good morning friends
The new metro line from Gundavli to Andheri West via Dahisar East is a boon to us. We can avoid the traffic jams, the bad roads and pollution while travelling by the air conditioned and super clean Metro. As the Metro travels at a higher level, you can get a wonderful view of the city while travelling. Of course, the view majorly consist of buildings, high-rises, interspersed with slums. But from the stations Jogeshwari East to Aarey or Dindoshi, we can see a wonderful lush green carpet of trees. This area, especially around Aarey Road, still boasts of a lot of trees which probably serve as the lungs of the suburbs. However, once you cross Dindoshi, we are back to tall towers, the green jungle giving way to a concrete jungle.
In this patch of the city around Aarey, you can actually feel a positive difference in the air that you’re breathing in. If you’re travelling by an auto early in the morning, before sunrise, then this particular patch is much much cooler than the rest of the suburbs.
As I sat in the Metro, watching the scenery unfold before my eyes, I remembered a car ride many years ago when my son was in the first or second standard. We were caught in a traffic jam on our way to Dahisar from Andheri. As it was obvious that it would take a long time for our journey, I decided to play a game of “Count the trees“ with Satyajit. As it was April and Gulmohars were in blossom, we decided to count the number of Gulmohars on both sides of the highway. The bright red or orange colour of the blossoms made it easy to spot the trees, even from a distance. To my amazement, we counted more than a hundred Gulmohar trees during this journey. A couple of years ago, ( once again in April ) both Satyajit and I remembered this car ride and tried to look for the Gulmohar trees but found to our dismay that the number had dwindled considerably.
We had a similar experience while travelling from Nashik to Saputara many years ago. As it was a long journey, once again, we had spent the time counting the Banyan trees lining both sides of the road. Once again, the number was in hundreds. About 10 years later, when we travelled the road again, the road had been widened, and most of the Banyan trees had been sacrificed during the widening.
These days, we are hearing a lot about the air quality of Mumbai going down remarkably,it seems it’s even worse than the air quality of Delhi. We can actually see the smog in the mornings, all the more striking when you watch it from the Metro. And we also find that the temperatures in the city and suburbs are reaching higher levels every year. I am sure that these adverse changes in my beloved city can be attributed not just to the increasing constructions and the exponential increase in the number of vehicles but also to the drastic reduction in the number of trees.

I do hope that we can change this situation for the better by planting more trees and making changes in the legislation,
Anjali Bhatawdekar

7th feb 2023

Good morning friends

After reading my post about trees yesterday, my brother-in-law Dheeraj wrote to me from London, ”I spotted something wonderful in my old neighbourhood in London.
A friend of mine was spotted watering two street side trees.When inquired, he told me that he had adopted these trees under a new program our local council has implemented. Since he is a permanent resident there, he will look after the trees for a few years until they can look after themselves. I wonder if something similar is possible in India?
If each family adopts one tree and looks after it’s wellbeing fully, in a very short time, the green cover would increase. Space being an issue, I have known for the longest time another dear friend whose botanist father successfully experimented growing large trees on building terraces in 9 inches deep beds. They have a forest on their terrace in the busy area of Law College Road, Pune.”

This ‘Adopting a tree’ sounds like a very good idea. I am not aware if it is already implemented in India in any of the cities. If not, it would be a great initiative, especially if taken up by large societies as well as corporates as part of CSR activities.

About the terrace gardens, I know a dear friend who cultivates a large garden with many trees on her terrace. The family works quite hard to maintain the trees but the results are amazing.

I am a member of a Japanese spiritual organisation. Our Spiritual leader has been advocating growing at least one plant in each home for many years now.

I have noticed that these days, many institutions gift potted plants to their speakers/ guests as a token of appreciation instead of other gifts. This trend is picking up quite well and would be helpful for the go green initiative.

In some of the birthday parties or other events, I have received seeds as gifts, which when planted, blossom into lovely plants…. these are beautiful Eco friendly gifts which will not end up in trash.

So, conscientious people are trying their best to spread the word about planting more trees and conserving the environment.

I hope all of us can lend a helping hand in this initiative,
Anjali Bhatawdekar

8th feb 2023

Good morning friends

Have you ever hugged a tree ?
And put an ear to the tree’s trunk to listen to the mysterious sounds in the interior of the tree ?
My son taught me to do that when he was in kindergarten. In those golden days, we three would visit छोटा काश्मिर, the beautiful garden on Aarey road at least 2-3 times in a month. Sometimes, my niece, who is a little older than my son, would accompany us. This garden is located in the heart of the green forest of Aarey and has beautiful trees, lush green lawns and a lot of open space. There was a Bakul tree in the middle of the garden which all of us loved. Satyajit and Tanaya would climb up the tree and we both would sit down on the seats under the tree, inhaling the fragrance of the flowers and the smell of the trees, away from the hustle bustle of the busy city and relaxing completely. It used to be one of the most peaceful times that we spent together in the company of nature.
Before heading back home, we would take a walk around the entire garden. One day, while we were walking in an area where there were many coconut trees, Satyajit hugged a tree , putting his ear to the trunk and then he beckoned us, asking us to listen to the mysterious sound in the tree. When we followed suit, we could hear a musical murmuring sound coming from the interior of the tree. When we asked Satyajit about the origin of the sound, he said…. Remember he was in kindergarten at that time….,” It is the sound of the water going from the roots to the branches. “ We both loved this poetic explanation !
And that’s how I learned to hug a tree and enjoy the music inside a tree!

I do hope you too get an opportunity to bask in the glory of nature and hug trees,
Anjali Bhatawdekar

9th feb 2023

Good morning friends

While we are talking about the trees, the go green revolution and environmental conservation, I remembered hearing this from an Osho discourse. He says,
“You are a guest. Leave this earth a little more beautiful, a little more human, a little more lovable, a little more fragrant, for those unknown guests who will be following you.”

And these guests following us are none other than our own descendants. We always worry about how much money we can leave to our children and grandchildren, what material possessions can be handed over to them after we are gone; but we ignore the most important and precious treasure that we can preserve for generations and that is our Mother Earth.

I have heard a story about an आदिवासी
( aboriginal or tribal ) chief. He was approached by a company and offered a lot of wealth in exchange of certain land. He thought about it and refused the offer. When asked why he was refusing such a seemingly lucrative offer, he replied that as a chief he has to think about the consequences of his actions not just in the near future, but for the next 7 generations; and this particular offer was not beneficial for his tribe in the long run, in fact it would be harmful for his descendants.

I hope that the modern materialist world can learn this important lesson from the so-called backward tribes,
Anjali Bhatawdekar

10th feb 2023

Good morning friends

Recently, I came across a quote , ”A flower does not compare itself to the one beside it, it simply blooms.”
Actually, all of us are like flowers, we can all bloom when the right time comes, when the right atmosphere surrounds us, when we are ready for blooming; the only hindrance is when we compare ourselves with others. Comparison and the envy or jealousy which may at times follow the comparison can work as a poison for the flower within us.( At times, of course, comparison can motivate us to do better too ). If each and everyone of us is reassured that each one is unique, each one has a special place in the universe and each one matters; then it is easier to stop comparing and be content with the stage of development that you are currently in.
As I was thinking about all this, I remembered another post which I had read. It said,
“Someone will always be prettier, someone with always be smarter, someone will always be younger,
but they will never be YOU.”
This aptly sums up the situation, doesn’t it ?
YOU are always unique…एकमेव अद्वितीय… in the entire universe, there has been no person exactly like you, never in the entire history of mankind. Each person has different strengths and different weaknesses, each person blossoms at a different time, each one has a different destiny, but nevertheless, each one is equally important.

As Osho says, “Nobody is superior, nobody is inferior, but nobody is equal either. People are simply unique, incomparable. You are you, I am I. I have to contribute my potential to life; you have to contribute your potential to life. I have to discover my own being; you have to discover your own being.”

I hope that all of us can contribute our potential to life and work towards discovering our own being,
Anjali Bhatawdekar

11th feb 2023

Good morning friends

We doctors take an oath before we actually start medical practice. This oath is known as the ‘Hippocratic oath’, a promise to uphold the professional ethics of practising medicine. Hippocrates is known as “ The Father of Medicine “ for his lasting contributions to medicine. But I am not going to talk about the Hippocratic oath today. ( I heard that there is some controversy about this oath now in India ! ) I want to talk about an interesting quote from Hippocrates that I read today. He says, “ Before you heal someone, ask him if he is willing to give up the things that made him sick.“

Hippocrates was born around 460 BC, almost 2500 years ago. But his quote holds true even today after so many years, in spite of the mind boggling advances in the medical field. In fact, probably, it is even more true now in the modern times with the ever increasing lifestyle diseases than it was in his times. Don’t we all see this happening day in and day out ? After a bypass surgery, for a few months or a couple of years at the most, the patient follows the advice regarding lifestyle changes, but soon, very soon, it’s back to square one ! We hear of people undergoing 2 or 3 bypass surgeries, of diabetes not getting under control, and so on, simply because the patients are not willing to give up the lifestyle that made them sick. Is it not time that the doctors asked the patient this fundamental question before treatment is started, “ Are you willing to make a change? Are you willing to give up the things that make you sick ?”

And all this is not just about diet and exercise, but it’s also about the stresses of modern life. Unless we consciously work on reducing our stress levels, on spending some time every day indulging in activities that relax us ( like our hobbies ) and of course, unless we take up the practice of meditation on a regular basis, it would be difficult to reduce our stress levels.
I heard a very interesting talk by BK Shivani yesterday on you tube. This talk was given specifically for doctors at a medical conference. She has talked about the origin of sickness being related to negative thoughts and how sickness cannot be cured unless we treat the root cause. But more about that some other time.

I wish that all of us can make a conscious choice to give up the things that make us sick, and work towards staying healthy,
Anjali Bhatawdekar

12th feb 2023

Good morning friends
A few days ago, we were shooting for our YouTube channel’s series “Wise Parenting “. The topic for discussion was “Temper tantrums in children“. Our son, Satyajit , is doing the job of a director, videographer,editor and the media person……in fact, he is सर्वेसर्वा ( all in all ) for the shoots. We were discussing about the difference between needs and wants of children, about how the parents should not give in to the wants ( wants are just that…. something that the child wants, mostly a toy or a food item) ; but how you should be addressing the needs of young children. ( Needs are things that children need for their emotional development, like love and care and attention and appreciation; but children don’t really ask for them ). While this discussion was going on, a point came up that some children ask for things just to try it out ….if they get what they ask for, that’s fine and if they don’t get it, then too, it is alright. Satyajit confessed to us that he used to try out this behaviour in his childhood. He was inspired by an ad which advocated the thinking , “पूछने में क्या जाता है ? “ ( What’s the harm in asking? )
We had a hearty laugh when we heard this, and I thought that it’s a good policy to follow for anyone as long as we don’t feel insulted if someone says no. Basically, not getting attached to the outcome, enjoying it when you get a positive result, but not getting angry or upset at a negative response.
Later when I was thinking about this policy of, ”पूछने में क्या जाता है ? “, I started wondering about the things that we as adults ask for. Most of the people when they pray to God, ask for something or the other. Mostly these are materialistic things ….maybe a good job, a better house, more money or something similar. Aren’t these similar to the wants of children? Just like children, we hardly ever ask for the things that we really need like maybe good health, or the higher spiritual values. When we pray and want to ask for something, should we ask for our materialistic wants or some eternal needs. … like spiritual awakening or eternal values like the ability to be accepting, humble and grateful, to be satisfied, learning compassion, be loving, to offer service without expectations….. all these are actually the basic needs of all human beings, but we hardly ever ask for them.

If we were to follow the policy of “पूछने में क्या जाता है ?“, why not ask for our real needs and not our wants ? What do you think ?
Anjali Bhatawdekar

13th feb 2023

Good morning friends

“Is it okay to get bored ?” That was the question asked by one of the parents in the Parent-Teacher Meeting of my son’s kindergarten class. She was obviously asking about her child. She further added that at times, her child looks bored, but is not interested in any activity that she suggests. She wanted to know what she should be doing at such times. The teacher was an experienced one, having worked with kindergarten children for many years and she told us that it’s perfectly okay for a child to get bored occasionally. In fact, such times, when the child’s brain and mind are rested, may lead to creative activities later on.
In the era of joint families, this question of whether the child is getting bored or not did not arise at all. Most of the times the mother was very busy looking after the housework, but then there was always someone or the other to take care of the child…maybe an older sibling,maybe grandparents, or aunts or uncles. In the modern times however, many parents don’t have much help with child rearing except hired helps. Also the anxiety levels of parents are higher, probably because they have no support ,so they are often wondering whether they are going in the right direction with regard to bringing up their child. And that’s why such questions arise in the minds of parents these days. The internet or the social media can only add to the confusion.
Many times we as doctors see that parents want their child to be busy all the time. They don’t want their child to ‘waste’ even a single moment of the day. And if it’s a single child, the expectation scale starts even higher. We see many parents enrolling their children in classes from a very young age.
Actually, the truth is that the young children, of kindergarten age, need a lot of unstructured play. Structured activities should not happen more than a few minutes at a stretch. The unstructured play time is the time when the child’s creativity is at a peak and that is very important for later development. I met a mother once who complained that her child plays only with leaves and flowers and mud when she goes to play with her friends. The mother wanted to know what she could do to change this pattern. I had a tough time explaining to her that this is exactly what the child needed to do at her age… the feel of the natural elements in her hands, the exposure to various colours and textures was crucial to the sensory development of her child.
And that’s why it’s perfectly fine if the child is bored occasionally. There is no need for the parents to feel guilty. The boredom may be the seed for subsequent creativity !
While we are talking of boredom in children, what about boredom in adults ? Many adults also feel that they should be busy all the time, they should not be wasting a single moment of their waking hours. Is it okay for adults too to get bored occasionally ?( I am not talking of someone who is bored all the time )

Let me quote Osho here: he says ,”We are constantly drilled with the aphorism,’Don’t just stand there – do something! Yet, Buddha would say, ‘Don’t just do something – stand there!’ “He further says,
“ ‘Sitting silently, doing nothing, the spring comes and the grass grows by itself.’ It is only out of silence that action arises.“

So, even with adults, we need to rest our overworked brains intermittently. It’s ok to get bored occasionally… that will only make you more productive later!

I hope you are ready to explore this art of ‘sitting silently, doing nothing’ !
Anjali Bhatawdekar

14th feb 2023

Good morning friends

I came across this thought provoking quote a few days ago: ‘So often we are depressed by what remains to be done and forget to be thankful for all that has been done.’
How true this is, especially for perfectionists and obsessive people!
And this can happen on a daily basis, especially at night before sleeping, when we take a stock of the whole day. Some of us tend to remember the unfinished jobs and start cursing ourselves for being lazy. But we don’t acknowledge the work that we did well during the day, we forget about the successful completion of many tasks that needed hard work. In short, we focus on our deficiencies but take for granted our efficiency!
Actually, when we talk about reflections, it should be about both our strengths and our weaknesses. Unfortunately, most of us focus on our deficiencies rather than our successes. The major problem with this approach occurs if we are following this pattern every night. If we sleep with these negative thoughts about ourselves in our mind, during our sleep, this negativity can penetrate into our subconscious and when this pattern is repeated often, it can affect our self esteem and confidence. We may start thinking of ourselves as failures if we keep harbouring such thoughts regularly. The negative thoughts act as a seed and slowly, a poisonous tree, which is harmful to us, starts thriving in our minds.
BK Shivani didi talks a lot about watching our thoughts at night and advises that the last thing we do before going to sleep should be the regular practice of positive thoughts and positive affirmations. ( Osho too, has given a meditation called the ‘Affirmation meditation’. ) When we practise these positive Affirmations on a daily basis, we can sow the seeds of a wonderful tree that blossoms and nourishes us. If we are sincere about following this practice regularly, then our productivity, our capacity to work, our stamina, our self esteem and confidence can all grow stronger.

I have been following a daily night practice given to us by our spiritual leader. In this practice, before going to bed, you are asked to look at yourself in the mirror, give yourself a big smile and congratulate yourself on completing the tasks that you attended to throughout the day.
Of course, this doesn’t mean that you ignore your faults or failures. It just means that especially at night, the focus should be on your achievements. ( In case you become aware of some unfinished tasks, you can motivate yourself to do even better the next day. )

I hope all of us can start this wonderful nightly practice,
Anjali Bhatawdekar

15th feb 2023

Good morning friends

Yesterday, I was talking about appreciating ourselves before going to sleep. As I wrote about this, I realised that just as we focus on our own deficiencies and faults, we tend to do that with others too. Very often, we take the good behaviour or good actions of others for granted, and fail to appreciate the good deeds that others are doing. This can happen, not just with our family members, but also with our friends, our neighbours and especially with those who are working for us. And parents do it all the time with their children !

As a Paediatrician, I have to often guide parents about how to nurture the emotional development of children; and one of the important aspects of parenting is to know the importance of appreciating children’s behaviour. Parents often neglect to or do not understand the need to appreciate desirable behaviour of their child but they are quick in pointing out the undesirable behaviour. ( Of course, this happens all the time with respect to adults too ! ). We know that praising a particular behaviour has the potential to motivate the child to repeat the behaviour, i.e. positive reinforcement. It is more beneficial to use positive reinforcement as opposed to negative reinforcement both in children and in adults. I believe that though most adults are grown up in physical aspects, they still remain children at heart ( including myself! )That’s why the practice of appreciating good behaviour works equally well with adults just as it does with children. Speaking for myself, I always feel motivated to work harder when someone acknowledges and appreciates my efforts.

In our spiritual organisation, we are taught that it is important to acknowledge the contribution/ help of others in any work, even when their contribution is minor. This can encourage them to do even better in future.
So, all in all, appreciating others is as important as appreciating ourselves. These days, whenever I find an auto or taxi driver who drives carefully and safely, I make sure to compliment him on his driving while getting off. Invariably, this brings a smile to his face and I am convinced that he drives even better in his next rides. Once we realise the importance of appreciation, we can find innumerable opportunities every day to put it into practice: when someone makes a cup of tea for you, when someone cooks food for you, when someone cleans for you, when someone takes care of your children, when someone cares for your parents…. the list is endless….even when someone smiles at you and makes your day ! Many times, if I cannot actually thank the person in person, I thank them in my mind and I am certain that these vibrations reach them.

So, are you ready to add on this practice of appreciating others to the nightly practice of appreciating yourself ?
Anjali Bhatawdekar

16th feb 2023

Good morning friends
A few days ago, I had called the personal number of the person in charge of an institution for some important information. I knew this lady, had met her on a number of occasions and had found her to be a very pleasant, cooperative and helpful person. Therefore, I was surprised to hear a gruff voice answering the phone. It sounded as if the person answering the phone was not really interested in answering, sent out the vibrations of ‘why is this person calling me ?’ and was in general, not very inviting. So I asked to speak to the person I knew. I realised with a jolt that the same lady was answering the phone. I then introduced myself and she remembered me and immediately there was a radical change in her tone. She was once again, the pleasant and helpful person that I knew. She helped me with all the information, invited me to visit their institution again and we ended the conversation on a pleasant note. After I kept the phone down, I was wondering about this phenomenon and I realised that I myself am often guilty of a similar behaviour. Having answered many unsolicited calls from people promoting their products at odd hours, many times, I am weary of answering unknown numbers. And when I do answer these phones, I do so curtly. If the person calling is selling some product that I do not want, my tone remains the same. But if it’s a friend or an acquaintance, then immediately my tone is different, more interested and friendly. I am sure this happens with most of us, especially when we are irritable or overworked or anxious or worried about something. We always project our own vibrations when we answer the phone. So, if we are happy and relaxed, we may answer in a cheerful tone; but if we are stressed out due to any reason, our stress is reflected in our tone. As I thought about this incident, I remembered reading a book by Ekhart Tolle. He has talked about the exact phenomena of answering phone calls in this book. And he suggests that before picking up the phone, especially if you are irritable or angry, take a pause, breathe in and out deeply a few times, and then answer the phone. This pause and breathing gives you time to change your vibrations and your tone. As you become more aware, your tone becomes at least neutral, if not a cheerful one. I have tried this practice quite a few times, and it does work wonders. However, I have a tendency to forget about this as time passes by. I am happy that listening to the change in the tone of this person reminded me about the pause before answering a phone call. Now, once again, I will make efforts to take a pause before answering any phone calls, and try to answer them mindfully.

I hope I can incorporate this mindfulness in every action that I take,
Anjali Bhatawadekar

17th feb 2023

Good morning friends

Today’s Mandala is for the puzzle lovers. A six letter word is hidden in this Mandala. The letters are jumbled up. Please find the word if you like puzzles. Or else, wait until tomorrow for the answer.
A few hints about the word:
1. This thing is precious to all of us irrespective of class, creed, religion or race.
2. The first and the last letters of this 6-letter word are the same.
3. The second to fifth letters, when rearranged, tell a story!
Happy hunting !
Anjali Bhatawdekar

18th feb 2023

Good morning friends

As many of you guessed correctly, the golden word hidden in yesterday’s Mandala was ‘Health’ ! Congratulations to everyone who has found true health !

The WHO states: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” As this definition states, true health is not confined to just physical well-being, but includes mental and social wellness too.

We all know that the body and mind are closely related. Actually speaking, body and mind are not two separate compartments, but they are along the same continuum; the body being the gross visible ( स्थूल शरीर ) and the mind being the subtle/ invisible one (सूक्ष्म शरीर )That’s why, a physical illness can cause a psychological disturbance and conversely, a mental disorder can lead to some physical problems. Scientific studies suggest that negative emotions like depression, severe anxiety, worry and stress can adversely affect the recovery from an illness and also our immune system. Depression and anxiety have also been linked with the cause and/ or relapse of cancers. Social factors also influence the physical and mental state of an individual.

We doctors always talk about ‘Prevention being better than cure’ for any health issues. So, we stress upon the importance of a good nutritive diet, regular exercise and a good lifestyle. In these stressful modern times, taking time out of our busy schedules for relaxation, for pursuing our hobbies is as, or maybe, even more important than diet and exercise.

While we talk about these aspects of health, we are forgetting an important component of ourselves and that is the spiritual aspect. I am sure many of us have experienced this unseen realm- the spiritual- which is beyond both the body and the mind. It is a matter of experience and not logic ( hence a matter of great controversy ) Our body, mind and soul are interconnected and any change in any of these three components can affect the other two, both positively or negatively. A person who is physically healthy, has no obvious mental problems, may not be truly healthy if spiritually he/ she is harbouring harmful emotions. For example, people who are always angry, always complaining, consistently blaming others, jealous or revengeful, who harbour harmful thoughts for others like hatred, all these people are obviously not healthy spiritually. On the other hand, people who are loving and caring, kind, compassionate, helpful, satisfied with their life situation are spiritually healthier. In the long run, a spiritually unhealthy person is more likely to suffer from physical illness also. It follows that staying spiritually healthy during a stressful period can help reduce the duration of sickness or its complications. Prayers and spiritual practices are known to improve recovery from major health issues, but often these are termed as ‘miracles’ by the medical fraternity. Actually, we need more scientific studies to assess the role of spirituality during stressful situations.

Speaking for myself, I have experienced the benefits from meditation and other spiritual practices during my cancer treatment. After my treatment was over, I have helped some cancer patients with these practices and the results have been amazing.

But even if you leave aside major health issues ( like cancer ), meditation has been known to control hypertension, diabetes and anxiety disorders. So, I believe that being open to spiritual experiences , and not writing them off as an aberration, is the need of the modern world.

When I read the word ‘healthy’ , I think it is an abbreviation of ‘Heal thyself ‘ ! After all, remaining healthy and/ or healing ourselves is quite often in our own hands, isn’t it ? And to remain healthy in the true sense, we need to take care of not just our body and mind but our spiritual aspects too !

Wishing all of us good physical, mental, social and spiritual health in the years to come,
Anjali Bhatawdekar

19th feb 2023

Good morning friends

Yesterday, I was writing about the importance of spiritual practices in health and healing. I would like to share our own personal experience in this respect.
My husband Manoj, who is a Psychiatrist, suffered from severe rheumatoid arthritis more than 25 years ago. Rheumatoid arthritis is an extremely painful condition, affecting several joints and also other parts of the body. Manoj had involvement of most of the major joints, making simple tasks like getting up from bed , brushing his teeth, walking up and down the stairs extremely painful and difficult. In addition, he developed allergies to multiple foods during this time. All in all, it was a very difficult time for us as a family.
After almost a year of this suffering, with no end in sight, Manoj decided to attend a meditation camp along with his music guru Pandit Yashwant Deo. The aim of going for this camp was just to experience a change. We were not looking for any cure. At that time, Manoj used to have bandages on most of his joints, was in severe pain when the action of painkillers wore off and could not eat more than half the food items due to allergies. We travelled for almost 10 hours to reach Ganapatipule where the camp was being conducted. And the first session that we attended was Satsung, in which everyone was dancing enthusiastically. We were not really prepared for this kind of activity, especially with Manoj’s joint condition and seriously thought of going back home. But then Manoj decided that as we have come so far, let us at least give it a try. So, we stayed on and tried to practise the meditation techniques to the best of our abilities. And on the third day, we were pleasantly surprised when we realised that Manoj had missed a dose of his painkillers and still there was no pain! At home, delaying the dose of his medicine even by an hour would lead to excruciating pain. And here we were, 5-6 hours after missing a dose, with no pain at all ! That was when we realised the power of meditation. Manoj and I continued to meditate regularly after returning home and we found a great positive change in his condition. Slowly, we could taper off his medicines, most of his allergies disappeared and he could resume normal life once again. And till date, after 25 years, there has been no relapse. Manoj has been conducting meditation camps regularly for many years now and many people have benefited from these camps. We also conduct meditation sessions in our clinic regularly. He has written about this journey in a Marathi book ‘एका पुनर्जन्माची कथा’. A lot of his readers have been inspired to meditate after reading his book and have had wonderful experiences.
During my own cancer treatment almost 9 years ago, meditation and another spiritual practice ( we are members of a Japanese spiritual organisation) was extremely helpful to me to stay calm and cheerful throughout the 6 month period of treatment.
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition in which patient’s own body wages a war against various body parts. Cancer too, has been linked to certain problems with the immune system. Meditation can certainly improve the working of our immune system, thereby improving our overall health.
We have personally experienced the wonderful benefits of meditation especially during the early days of Manoj’s RA, when we would find that there was pain relief and improvement in the range of movements in the affected joints after a meditation session.
We have also experienced reduction in the doses of strong painkillers like morphine in terminal cancer patients with other spiritual practices apart from meditation.

So combining spiritual practices with regular medical therapy sounds like a good idea in case of major health issues, doesn’t it ?

I hope that meditation and other spiritual practices can be routinely used in serious health problems as an adjunct to medical treatment.
Anjali Bhatawdekar

20th feb 2023

Good morning friends

I remember reading somewhere, “Every time you get upset at something, ask yourself if you were to die tomorrow, was it worth wasting your time getting angry”. Unfortunately, we often forget to ask ourselves this question when we are angry. We are so much carried away by the energy of the anger; by the feeling, nay, conviction, that we are right and the other person is wrong, that we totally ignore this truth even if we remember it. I am no exception to this human tendency. Very often, we waste our energy in getting angry about minor issues, which, in the long run, have no importance. But if we forget about this and allow ourselves to be consumed by the anger, we say or do things that can have a long lasting negative impact and it can even harm our relationships with our loved ones.

If we seriously consider the fact which Osho always stresses upon, “ Death is just round the corner! “, then would we waste time in anger? Or would we choose to forgive the mistakes of others ( and also ourselves ) and focus on spending time in love and harmony ?

Of course, this is true only for those situations which will not be of any importance over a period of time. In certain circumstances, which have long term implications, we may consciously choose to show our anger or dissatisfaction, but then, that will be a conscious decision, so we can choose our words and actions carefully and not get hijacked by the anger.

In the early days of my cancer diagnosis, it was very easy for me to follow this advice, because with a diagnosis like cancer, you never know how many days you have left. So you tend to concentrate on the intrinsic values like love and harmony and tend to ignore the differences of opinions with others. As time has passed however, I no more have this feeling of death being round the corner, and I find that I have to remind myself about the truth of this advice. But following a spiritual practice on a regular basis can be really helpful in reminding yourself about this valuable advice. When you practise meditation or any other spiritual practice regularly, even when you get angry, it is easier to let go of the anger, in a shorter time. Spiritual gurus generally advise that you should resolve your differences, especially with your loved ones, before you go to sleep or before you step out of the house; because you never know what can happen during sleep or when you are away from your loved ones.

I hope that we can remember this valuable advice during our disagreements and learn to resolve our differences before going to sleep.


Anjali Bhatawdekar

21th feb 2023

Good morning friends

On Saturday, we both visited the ‘ Divya kala mela ‘ at MMRD Grounds at BKC. This exhibition showcases the artworks and other products like food items from persons with disabilities. It is an initiative by the Department of empowerment of persons with disabilities. We wanted to have a look at the exhibition as 2 of our friends have stalls here.

Swasti Mehta, ( our friend’s daughter) has Down’s syndrome and is a special child ( now an adult if you count her age ). She is an entrepreneur who sells a drink called Pudina Punch. The taste of this Pudina Punch is amazing and once you taste it, you can forget about all other drinks and stick to it whenever you feel like a drink. Apart from her Pudina Punch, Swasti is a fantastic person, always smiling and welcoming you to her stall, appealing to you to taste her Punch, even if you don’t buy or order it ! She is a wonderful salesperson, also advertising the sugar-free cookies of Varun Sawant who shares her stall numbered 16. Varun has Autism and he is passionate about baking. In spite of his handicap, he has completed the hotel management course and started his own business of cookies using jowar or nachni with jaggery. They are very tasty and I could not stop myself from buying them. Apart from baking, Varun is also a long distance runner, taking part in marathons. As we talked to Varun’s mother, she expressed her gratitude to the doctors and occupational therapists who guided them about alternative choices of education ( NIOS ) which helped Varun tremendously.

Another NGO, the Awakening Charitable Trust, based in Ratnagiri, has a stall in this exhibition. The founders and Trustees , Shamin and Shashvat Shere are close friends and we have observed up-close their dedication about empowering people with disabilities. Their NGO creates purses with traditional warli designs and also other items like bedsheets, coasters, table mats and other gift items.

Another stall which caught our attention because of the peaceful vibes emanating from the stall, had an artist from Manipur, creating a beautiful collage work. His creations are lovely and worth decorating our walls with. I’m sorry to say that I don’t have his name or stall number, but the exhibition is not huge, so you should be able to find him easily.
Another stall had wooden artwork and we actually saw the artisan sculpting his creations on wooden frames. Some of these resembled the Japanese dragon deities.

One more interesting stall ‘ Ecomade’ was selling bio degradable pens , made of paper. Only the refill is made of plastic. An interesting concept of this pen is that after the refill is over, you can remove it and plant the paper covering in soil. It contains a seed at the bottom and can grow into a lovely plant. I am waiting for my pens to be used completely, so that I can plant them and grow the plants.

There are also many other stalls selling handicrafts and food items and clothing. We could buy biodegradable plates and bowls from another stall.

Generally, when there’s an exhibition of persons with disabilities, most of the visitors have a lot of sympathy for them and have a subconscious attitude that they are helping someone who needs help. Many times we also have a feeling that we are doing them a favour by buying things from them. I used to have a similar attitude earlier. But now that I have known Swasti and her family very closely for many years,I know that the reality is absolutely different. Rather than doing a favour to them, I am being benefited tremendously when I come into contact with them. There’s so much to learn from them and their families: their grit and determination, their positive attitude towards life, their incessant efforts to overcome the obstacles with a smile on their face…. I learn all this and much more from them. And when I see them heroically facing the challenges of life, I feel ashamed to complain about any deficiencies in my own life.

With respect to Swasti, I always find her smiling and enthusiastic and moreover, she is always in the present …not in the past or the future! ( which is what meditation is all about ! ) She is mature beyond her intellectual age.

As I was talking to Darshana ( Swasti’s mother ) , I came to understand that this exhibition is a wonderful initiative by the government to give opportunities to persons with disabilities. The stalls are free, food is provided for them, travel expenses are reimbursed and accommodation is arranged for those from outside Mumbai. There still are a few lacunae, but I am sure that they will be sorted out eventually. The government is planning to hold such exhibitions in 4 major cities.

The exhibition is on till 25th February from 11 am to 9 pm. Do visit it not just to buy things, but to experience the wonderful atmosphere, and to meet in person the shining live examples of families standing up to the challenges of life and winning !
Anjali Bhatawdekar

22th feb 2023

Good morning friends

As I was writing about persons with disabilities yesterday, I thought of another group with a disorder which affects all the modalities of their life. For the last 30 years, I have been working with JDF, Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, a support group for JDs, as we call them, providing medical, psychological and social support to JDs and their families. The age group of our member JDs ranges from 10 months to 70 years. Let me first explain what it means to be a JD. A Juvenile or Type 1 diabetic, is one whose body cannot produce insulin. So a JD has to take 4-5 insulin injections every day ( or use an insulin pump). Oral tablets are of no use for this type of diabetes. In addition to the insulin injections, they have to check their blood sugar multiple times a day, do periodic tests, take care to eat nutritive, healthy meals and exercise regularly. Of course, the stresses of modern life get multiplied with all these factors. One would then expect them to be down in the dumps, but we see a totally different picture when we interact with them. Most of the JDs are very happy, focused in life and more mature than peers of their own age. In fact, in our 3-day residential camps every year, we doctors get energised by their company, when we spend time teaching them during the day and being entertained by them in the evening.

Just as I talked about people with disabilities, there’s a lot to learn from our family of JDs. I vividly remember the time more than 25 years ago when we had received Manoj’s RA test report and we were emotionally quite low with the confirmation of the diagnosis. Around the same time, we had a JDF get-together and our doctor colleagues insisted that we attend the program. And I am so glad that we listened to them and participated in the party. Just being around these JDs and their families was like a great boost for us emotionally. Their energy and enthusiasm was infectious and for a few hours, we forgot all our woes. Not only that, we carried this powerful positivity home and it helped us come to terms with the diagnosis of RA.

Sometimes I feel that those who face obstacles of different kinds in their life are more motivated to work hard than those who have everything handed over to them on a silver or golden plate. So, those who have physical problems of any kind, those with chronic health issues, those with financial hardship or those with emotional problems in the family tend to work very hard to overcome their problems. Those who have had an easy or smooth life are at times ( not always of course ) laid back and are not motivated to go beyond routine. Unless and until we face a difficulty or a setback, we don’t realise the extent of our coping capacity. All of us have a tremendous store of untapped potential with us. When we have a very easy life, without any problems, this potential remains hidden and we may lead mediocre lives ( unless we are motivated from within, needing no external stimulus ! ). For the majority of people, difficult times can bring to the forefront hitherto unknown and unexpected strengths, if we face the challenges with the right attitude. In these cases, not only do we reach the top shining, but we can also become an inspiration and a role model for others.

And that’s why I am especially grateful to the rough times that our family has had to endure, because those were the times when we knew our real strength !

I hope all of us can tap our hidden potential,
Anjali Bhatawdekar

23th feb 2023

Good morning friends

Today morning I was listening to a talk by BK Shivani didi about selfcare. One important point caught my attention and set me thinking. She said that many times we hold grudges against people saying, ‘ How could that person behave like this with me ? I can never forget this. ‘ Of course, this kind of thinking means that we are holding on to these negative emotions and thoughts like grudges and anger and hatred ( She did not even utter this word, but I inferred it from her talk ! ) She explained that when we hold on to this negativity, it causes a lot of harm. And the first thing that is harmed is our own self. If our mind cannot let go of the behaviour of others and continues to harbour these harmful thoughts, first our body is affected and over the years, we suffer from illnesses. Obviously, these negative vibes also affect our near ones, our family and friends, the circle of people that we move in , and they can also adversely affect our city and country and the whole world too if everybody persists in this kind of thinking.

As I listened to her, a very interesting point caught my attention. I thought of the times when I had been hurt by someone’s behaviour. Our natural reaction in such situations is to blame the other person, to wonder’ how can this person behave so horribly with me ‘and to never forget the hurt and the pain and suffering associated with this situation. While we do this however, we do not remember the times when this person had helped us, we forget the occasions when we had wonderful times together and we just focus on the hurt. We find it difficult to let go of the bad behaviour but we choose to easily forget the good behaviour. Of course, this is human tendency and it happens everywhere and with everyone. More often than not, we vividly remember the bad behaviour of a friend or relative, but easily forget that the same person had behaved well 9 times out of 10 ! And when we send these negative vibrations of hurt and anger to this person, they are going to come back to us with a vehemence. And so it continues !

I do hope that all of can let go of grudges against others and hold on to their good deeds. ( Instead of doing the opposite as we often do ! )
Anjali Bhatawdekar

24th feb 2023

Good morning friends

Rumi says, “ Let people catch something from your heart that will cause no discomfort, but help them to sing. “
Such a beautiful thought, of spreading Joy around you. I hope to become this kind of person someday in future. Obviously, your own heart has to be full of Love and Joy before people around you can sense these vibrations. You can spread or give only that which you have. So, I pray that sometime, someday, I have a heart full of love and joy and maybe then I can be a person who can help people sing. I know I have a very long way to go, but I have heard Osho say that having a desire to attain higher goals is the first step towards attaining them. Of course, you have to work hard to finally achieve it; but I am at least taking the first step.
What about you ?
Anjali Bhatawdekar

25th feb 2023

Good morning friends

A few days ago, a friend sent me a quote which said, “Don’t offer a lecture to a person who needs a hug!” And it totally resonated with me! It reminded me of something that we used to talk about in our ’Wise Parenting ‘ series of talks for parents of kindergarten children. We used to discuss a lot about disciplining a child and whether to punish a child or not and how to punish in case punishment is absolutely essential. One very important point to remember in this connection is that ‘A child needs your love the most when he deserves it the least ! ‘
Every child knows when he has not behaved well, when he has broken the rules of his home and he is scared of punishment when the parents learn about this behaviour. But if the punishment is too harsh, the child learns to try to hide his mistakes so as to escape punishment. But that’s not really what we want as a parent, right ? We want the child to learn about the right way of behaving, of the values of his family and this may not necessarily happen when the parents treat a mistake as a crime. In fact, it’s ok to make mistakes, it’s ok to accept your mistakes as long as you try your best to not make the same mistake again. And that is how we learn to do the right thing… through making mistakes and correcting them, isn’t it ?
And that’s why, love should be an integral component of any punishment or reprimands and what better way to do that than to hug the child ? When you hug someone who has made a mistake, you are telling him without saying anything that your love for him is not affected by his actions. Of course, it doesn’t mean that we cover up the mistakes, just that the first thing we convey to the person is that we love him irrespective of his mistakes and our love for each other is more important than anything else in life. Later, we can take the necessary steps to ensure that such behaviour is not repeated in the future. But let us start with a hug, let us start with trying to understand why the person behaved in this manner and then decide on the appropriate response.
Would you like to try this out whenever someone makes a mistake ?

Anjali Bhatawdekar

26th feb 2023

Good morning friends

Rumi says, “ There’s a fountain inside you. Don’t walk around with an empty bucket.”
Rumi is talking about each and everyone of us. Almost all of us are unaware of the fountain of Joy that resides deep within us. We are not in touch with our own strengths and our inherent treasures. And that’s why, very often, we think that we are poor, and we beg for things from God. We see even kings and extremely rich people begging for something or the other from the supreme power. The simple reason for this is that we are ignorant about our inner wealth. Over the years, the fountain of Joy dwelling within us has been covered with layers and layers of anger, hatred, jealousy, complaints, blames, anxieties and worries and so on. Unless we strive to peel off these layers of negativity, we will not able to experience the droplets of joy that spring forth from our inner fountain. And then we roam around with empty buckets, looking outside for treasures that are actually hidden within us. To quote Rumi once again, “ We seek outside the wonders we carry inside us.”

Hope each one of us can experience this fountain within us,
Anjali Bhatawdekar

27th feb 2023

Good morning friends

I was talking to a friend a few days ago, and she said to me, “I have not travelled by train in a long time. I think I have lost my stamina.“ We often use this word, don’t we? And most of the times we mean a physical stamina….. stamina to do some physical work or exercise. But when I looked up the definition of stamina, the dictionary says that stamina is the ability to do something that involves a lot of physical or mental effort for a long time. So stamina does not mean just physical efforts, but also mental efforts. We all know that we can improve our physical stamina gradually over a period of days if we continue to do the same kind of activity and slowly increase the duration or the intensity of the activity. For example, climbing stairs— if we are used to lifts and escalators, we may get breathless on climbing just one floor. But if we practise climbing one floor every day and gradually increase the number of stairs over a period of a month or two, we can easily climb 3 to 4 floors at one go. The same is true with any physical work. I am sure most of us experienced this during lock down when our household helps could not come for work. Though initially we found it a lot of hard work, over a period of 8 to 10 days, we could easily manage all the physical work and cooking, and still get some free time on hand, and more importantly, not get too tired in the process.
Just as we can improve our physical stamina, we can work on our mental stamina also. Just to take the simple example of children going to school….. In the early years of school, children are not expected to put in a lot of mental effort, but gradually, as they go to higher standards, the duration and intensity of mental efforts increase and most of them can easily manage this because it is a slow gradual process, at least in the initial few years. Even as adults we can improve our mental stamina, by gradually increasing the duration of the mental efforts and of course by exerting our will power.

Just as I was thinking about the physical and mental stamina, I heard a very interesting talk by BK Shivani Didi. She introduced the concept of “spiritual stamina “ ! Though I heard this word for the first time, I could very easily relate to this term, especially because I have experienced the truth of this spiritual stamina. But to go back to Shivani didi’s talk…..she said that many people find it very difficult to put into practise simple spiritual activities like meditation, letting go of anger, forgiveness, being kind and compassionate et cetera. This is because they are not used to practising these things and that’s why they not sure about their ability to do so. They also have doubts about their success. She then advised her audience that just as you can increase the physical stamina, you can improve upon your spiritual stamina too by persistently behaving in the right manner in small steps. Being sincere and regular in any spiritual practice can give us excellent results. For example, initially you may find it very hard to let go of your anger, but as you practise a spiritual practice like meditation or listening to spiritual discourses on a daily basis, the intensity of your anger, the way that you express your anger, the time that you take to let go of your anger, all these things can improve gradually. And my personal experience is that when you master some of these practices, the Joy that you derive out of your success is much more than the Joy of improving physical or mental stamina !

Just as I was writing this, I got very angry with someone and frustrated that I couldn’t express my anger to that person. And then it dawned upon me that I need to work a lot on building up my spiritual stamina !

What about you ? Are you ready to increase your spiritual stamina ?

Anjali Bhatawdekar

28th feb 2023

Good morning friends

Today morning, I received a good morning message from a dear friend which said, “When you really pay attention, everything is your teacher.” And how true this statement is ! Everything around you, every human being, every situation, even the inanimate objects have the potential to teach you something; but only if we are receptive ! Most of the times, we are so engrossed in our own world and our life with its inherent problems, that we don’t look around. Or even when we look around, we only see with our physical eyes, without paying any attention to the essence. And then we miss out on the important messages that life is giving us.
So many apparently simple things are happening around us all the time. On the surface, they seem to be ordinary. But if we look into their depths, they have the capacity to inspire us to achieve our highest potential. When we look around us with our spiritual eyes, we can grasp the real, deeper meaning which can nurture us on our spiritual journey. And if we get an awakening even once, it can set us on the right path ( the path which is right for us, individually ! ) and once we find the path that is the right one for us, there’s no looking back.
I remember writing an essay about “तेथे कर माझे जुळती” ( can be roughly translated as I bow down to them ) in 10th standard. I have forgotten most of the other stuff that I learned in school, but I still vividly recollect what I had written in this essay. And it portrayed the same feeling of ‘everything is your teacher’. I had expressed my admiration about ordinary people like my friends or acquaintances who showed exceptional qualities while going through difficult situations. After so many years, when I remembered that essay today, I realised that I had unconsciously grasped a profound truth at that young age; but had inadvertently let go of it as I was caught up with life and its challenges.

Today morning, when I opened this message, I was reminded of this profound truth. Everyone and everything can be our teacher, if we pay attention. I think many times, we miss out on the ‘paying attention’ part. So many teachers are available to us, but we are not available to them ! And unless we are receptive to the teachings that the Universe is sending our way, it will be impossible to learn them.

So, even though many years have passed, I have decided to look at life and everything that crosses my path with spiritual eyes and a deep and sincere desire in my heart to learn every day.
Would you also like to try this out ?
Anjali Bhatawdekar

1st jan 2023

Good morning friends
It’s the first of January, the beginning of a fresh new year
🔯Time to celebrate
🔯 Time to look at the days ahead with hope in our eyes
🔯Time to pursue our dreams with hard work and Joy
🔯Time to appreciate others and also appreciate ourselves
🔯Time to forgive others and also forgive ourselves
🔯Time to accept others as they are and also to accept ourselves with all our faults and virtues
🔯Time to let go of our frustrations
🔯Time to let go of our anger and sadness and hatred and all negative emotions
🔯And time to embrace Love and Peace and Joy and Hope
🔯Time to forget our differences and focus on our similarities
🔯Time to focus on how we are connected to each other
🔯Time to be joyful
🔯Time to sing and dance and enjoy
Wishing you a very happy, healthy and prosperous new year
Anjali, Manoj and Satyajit

2nd jan 2023

Good morning friends

The new year has begun with a lot of celebrations. We, in India, have a lot of festivals, apart from the new year, in which to celebrate life, to celebrate the very fact that we are alive, to celebrate new beginnings in our lives ( as well as new beginnings on our planet earth )
Osho has always been in favour of celebrations, of music and dance and colours. He has said on several occasions, “ Be sincere, but don’t be serious. Be playful “ and perhaps that’s why most of his discourses ended with jokes, jokes guaranteed to fill the auditorium with a hearty, belly laugh ! Almost all his meditations have also incorporated dance as part of the meditation, with heavenly music which facilitates dance and this dance can liberate us from the worries and stresses and anxieties of modern life. At the Osho meditation resort, even death is celebrated with dance and music. But before that, we must learn to celebrate Life ! Only when we are filled with Joy and Love and Gratitude, can we truly celebrate Life and life’s innumerable gifts.

Hoping that you can find many occasions to celebrate life in the coming year,

3rd jan 2023

Good morning friends !

At the beginning of a new year, we generally take stock of whatever happened in the last year…. Good or bad… and reflect on our own actions during the whole year.

These reflections are very useful as they can be a guide for future decisions and actions, so that we can stay on the right path and also progress on it, step by step. Just as it is important to reflect on our mistakes, it is essential to acknowledge the good things that we were able to achieve in the last year. Reflecting on our good points and actions and patting ourselves on our backs can encourage us to continue to improve and progress.

Hoping that you can find that you were able to do many good deeds in the last year that helped not only yourself but also others around you,



4th jan 2023

Good Morning friends

As I was writing about reflections yesterday, I remembered a different kind of reflection from my childhood. I had visited a fair and there was a stall with different kinds of mirrors. Normally, a mirror shows you a true image of yourself, though the image is laterally inverted. This stall had one mirror which showed you much thinner and taller than your normal self, another one in which you were fatter and shorter and yet another that showed a distorted view of yourself. Nevertheless, it was fun to see these funny images, basically because you knew that they were not real.

In real life too, we have many mirrors around us, in the form of people. You can see your image in the eyes of the people surrounding you. These reflections can talk about your physical aspects as well as your behaviour. The funny thing is that these reflections differ with different people, though you are the same! For example; someone tells you that you are looking very good today and a few minutes later, somebody else asks you whether you are unwell today !The same thing happens with our behaviour. Some people may praise our behaviour in a certain situation and some others may criticise the same behaviour in the same situation. All this is ok if we can remember that the others are just different kinds of mirrors… like those in a fair… the reflections that each of these mirrors show depends on their perspective, their understanding and maturity, their relationship with you, their own state of mind, their past experiences etc etc. Unfortunately, we often get swayed by these reflections… we can be in the seventh heaven when someone praises us; but we can be down in the dumps when others are critical of our actions. In short, we get unduly and unnecessarily affected by these mirrors around us because we believe that their reflections are the true reflections.

How can we prevent this from happening ? It’s easier said than done of course! But if we are aware of our own inherent strengths and limitations, if we are grounded in the reality of who we are and in which direction we are going, then, to a certain extent, we can avoid being unnecessarily influenced by other’s opinions. In short, we can realise which one is the true mirror ( showing a true, unbiased image) and which one is showing a distorted image. And the easiest way to realise this is through meditation. More about meditation some other time….

Hoping that all of us have at least one true mirror around us which shows us as we are in reality,



5th jan 2023

Good Morning
For the puzzle lovers, two words are hidden in today’s Mandala , a ten-letter word and a six-letter word. The alphabets are jumbled up. Have fun searching the letters and guessing the words.
Hint: these words appeared often in today’s and yesterday’s write-up 😊

Good morning friends

Yesterday I was talking about reflections and how other people are mirrors for us. While we are considering the fact that others can be a mirror for our behaviour, let us not forget that we ourselves are also acting as mirrors for others!
Whenever we interact with someone, the images that we project stem from our own thoughts and past experiences and our understanding and maturity and so on. If we are absolutely aware, we can project a true, unbiased image; but most of the times, this is not the case and the images that we project are biased images.
I remember learning Newton’s third law of motion in school. It says, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. But with respect to the reflections that we are talking about, I think every action has the same kind of reaction, which may at times be much stronger than the original action.
To give you an example: if I am interacting with someone, and that person retaliates with anger, then it is very likely that I too will get angry and react back in a similar way, or at times even violently. And this process can be repeated again and again as the other person reacts in a similar manner.
Do you remember visiting places which have many mirrors placed at angles, and you can see hundreds of images of yourself in those mirrors? A similar thing can happen with emotions reflected in the mirrors around us, especially with negative emotions. And so the negative feelings like anger or hatred or jealousy can get multiplied several times! I’m sure you can imagine the ultimate results of these reflections. … obviously, there will be dire consequences affecting our relationships, our lives as well as our health on a personal level.
To prevent this, once again, it is important to become aware of how we are mirroring the behaviour of others. And the best way to do this is to practise Meditation!
I hope that we can become more mindful and aware of the reflections that we are projecting from our own mirrors,

6th jan 2023

Good morning friends

When we talked about reflections in the eyes of the people around us, we talked mainly about negative emotions. But let us not forget the power of positive thoughts and emotions that can also be reflected through us. And just as the negative emotions can get multiplied when reflected, the positive thoughts and emotions can also multiply and influence those around us.
I am sure all of us have noticed that if someone smiles at you, your immediate response is to smile back. And a random smile or words of appreciation and encouragement can uplift our mood and we tend to spread these vibes to others around us.
If we become aware of our own responsibility as a mirror projecting reflections, maybe we would strive harder to send out positive images.
Many times in social gatherings, I find that we tend to complain about the inadequacies in our system or the corruption or the attitude of the new generation etc. And I start feeling depressed….But instead of complaining all the time, what if we decided to talk about the good things that are happening in our city or share information about individuals/ organisations doing good work for the society ? Wouldn’t that make us happier ?
Simple habits like smiling and greeting the people you meet can go a long way in creating a happier, peaceful environment.
If we decide to focus more on positive values like Joy and Peace and Love and Appreciation and try spreading them, we should be able to positively change the vibrations of those connected to us. And just as the negative reflections can multiply, the positive ones will also multiply and the world will become a better place to live in.
In this new year, let us strive to spread more positive reflections around us.

7th jan 2023

Good morning friends
Yesterday I was waiting to cross the busy main road near my house. A steady stream of vehicles was flowing through the road making it impossible to cross it. Just then there was a very loud, irritating noise which disrupted the relative peace of the busy road. And this sound was the persistent honking from a scooter whose owner wanted to get ahead quickly. Next to the scooter was an SUV, which was gliding smoothly and silently.
As I saw this , I noticed that the smaller vehicle was making much more noise than the bigger, stronger vehicle. And doesn’t that happen often in life too ? Those with only a partial understanding of things tend to show off a lot; while those with a deeper understanding of the world choose to remain silent and humble.
In marathi, there’s a saying, उथळ पाण्याला खळखळाट फार, which aptly describes this situation.
I hope we all can refrain from behaving like the noisy scooter,

8th jan 2023

Good morning friends

These days a डोंबारी family is moving around in Andheri east, exhibiting their show wherever they find some space on the crowded streets. These acrobats generally have the male member beating the drum and the females walking on the tight rope a few feet above the ground. It’s a risky business with no safety nets to protect them in case of a fall. The other day, I saw a young girl from the family balancing herself with the help of a long stick. She would first swing a little to the right side and almost immediately swing to the left. This tight- rope balancing continued smoothly until she reached the other end of the rope.

As I watched her, I thought that life is just like walking on the tight rope, isn’t it ? It is very important to maintain balance in any situation. If we move too much to one side, there’s a real danger of falling off the rope. So, we have to be aware and careful not to sway too much to any one side.
It holds true for all the opposites in life, especially for the work- life ( or call it the work-relaxation) balance. If we work too much, we get burnt out; and if we play too much, we waste our time and energy. So, we have to be creative about balancing our work and relaxation. Speaking for ourselves, taking small breaks on a regular basis has been tremendously beneficial in rejuvenating us and helped us come back to work with renewed energy.

The same balance is essential in medicine. As a practising doctor, it is important to keep a fine balance between conservative and aggressive approach of treatment. If you are too conservative, occasionally,the patient may end up in complications ; on the other hand, if you are too aggressive, the treatment itself may at times be harmful to the patient. Walking this tight rope is difficult at times. It is an art which every doctor has to learn eventually, and many times the art gets perfected only with many years of practice ( that’s probably why we say that doctors practise medicine! ).

And the same principle of balance holds true for most situations in life—- in dealing with children, in dealing with your juniors, in your relationships with your superiors, in holding on and letting go—- in fact, in everything that we do !

I hope that you are able to master this wonderful knack of ‘balancing’,

9th jan 2023

Good morning friends

Did you see today’s Mandala ?
Do you find any difference in this Mandala if you compare it with my other Mandalas ?

I am asking this because I have used a different method to draw this particular Mandala ( at the insistence of my son, Satyajit )

Generally, I have been quite an adamant person with respect to the way I do things. If I am happy or comfortable with a particular way of working, then it is not easy to persuade me to change my ways. But over the years, especially with coaxing from Satyajit, I have tried to be open to alternative methods of carrying out my work. I have realised that at times, a new approach can be better in terms of reducing my efforts and improving my efficiency. So, these days, I am more open to suggestions about embracing new ideas.

And that’s why I tried out this new method of drawing a Mandala. As I have used this technique for the first time, I am sure that I can do better as I practise this technique more often.

Please let me know if you find any significant difference/ improvement in this Mandala, as compared to my previous ones.
I would also like you to guess what method I have used to create this Mandala.

Wishing you a wonderful day,

10th jan 2023

Good morning friends

Thank you friends for your interest in my Mandalas and your response to my question about yesterday’s Mandala. Though I received many responses, only two people got it right !

And the answer is: yesterday’s Mandala was a virtual or a digital Mandala, drawn on an iPad with its special pencil. I don’t have a physical copy of this Mandala, only soft copies. 😊😊

As I mentioned yesterday, I am quite set in my ways most of the times, so I was not very enthusiastic about trying out this new technique. But now that I have tried it, I will use it occasionally, especially when I can’t carry my sketchbook and pens around. Having said that, I still prefer drawing with real paper with real pens because of the sheer pleasure I get in the process. The same thing applies for books. I know that many good books are available online/ on kindle etc, but the pleasure I get in holding the physical copy of a book in my hand is incomparable. A digital copy cannot match this by any stretch of imagination.

So, though I have drawn today’s Mandala also digitally ( and I think it is better than yesterday’s! ), I don’t think I will continue to use this technique on a regular basis.

The only reason I tried this new method is because these days ( especially since I have joined the senior citizens’ club ) I don’t miss out on any opportunities to try to learn something new. And that’s why, I will use this technique until I have learnt all the new skills with the iPad.

Scientific research has shown that new learning is invaluable for the prevention of Alzheimer’s. These days, we are finding that the incidence of Alzheimer’s is increasing rapidly; so it’s best to start preventive measures as early as possible, maybe in your fifties.
More about this some other time ….

Wishing that you get many opportunities to learn new skills in this new year,

11th jan 2023

Good morning friends

As I was reminiscing about Rumi’s quote on ‘seeking’, I remembered another quote by Rumi himself. He says,“We seek outside the wonders that we carry inside us “
And I think every saint and guru ( guru in the true sense, not the so-called gurus advertising themselves! ) has said the same, just that the words are different.

Osho has always talked about this inner treasure that we are unaware of. In the hustle bustle of modern life, man has drifted away from this treasure, but luckily meditation can give us a glimpse of it.
Those who have never practised meditation can experience it in quiet moments, in the company of nature, while gazing at the countless stars in the sky from a mountain top, in the innocent smile of a small baby. We can also get a taste of the divine within us when we see someone helping others without any expectations or in the presence of unconditional love. Whenever thoughts stop, even momentarily, we can experience this fragrance. So, as Osho says, if you do any work with totality, you can get a glimpse of this wonder that we carry inside us, and especially with arts like drawing or painting or music or dance. The divine is always available to us; the question is whether we are available to the divine !

Hoping that we can find these wonders within ourselves, at least get a glimpse so that we are encouraged to seek them out,

12th jan 2023

Good morning friends

I just came across a Rumi quote, ” What you seek is seeking you “
Rumi was a great philosopher, but more importantly, he was a poet at heart. So all his writings are poetic and they are straight from his heart or should I say, straight from his soul….

Whenever I come across a Rumi quote, I can recognise it as his because of this poetic quality. And that’s why, even though I have read only a few of his poems, I am in love with his writing.

All of his quotes have such a profound depth….there are layers and layers of meaning hidden in the depths of his poems and it’s so satisfying to find the deepest meaning.

What you seek is seeking you—- when I read this, it gave me goosebumps !
If what I am seeking is also seeking me, then what should I be seeking? Money, fame, prestige, a bigger house, material wealth or wealth far beyond all that… ? If it’s certain that we get what we seek, should I seek just worldly pleasures or pleasures on another scale altogether?
The question and its obvious answer brought tears to my eyes, so now I know what I am seeking. As Rumi promises, the same treasure will be seeking me too, if my desire is strong enough…. I only need to wait patiently till it finds me.

Hope that we all focus on seeking everlasting treasures,

13th jan 2023

Good morning friends

A few days ago, I somehow stained my right wrist. Normally, I don’t pay much attention to my wrists because compared to the whole body, they are such a small part. But that’s when everything is going smoothly. The moment I sprained it, I realised what an important part it plays in my day-to-day activities. As the movement of the wrist was painful, I found myself handicapped. It affected so many seemingly simple tasks… brushing my teeth, combing my hair, tying my hair , lifting up utensils, cooking, lifting the water-filled mug while bathing, and so on. Even getting up from the floor was tough as I could not take the support of my right hand. But more than anything, I started thinking about how I was going to draw my daily Mandala. Luckily, I immediately realised that this kind of thinking was not what I needed. From my past experiences, I knew where this would lead me… first worrying, then complaining, then thinking’ why did this have to happen just now’… and this line of negative thinking can just continue indefinitely.

So I consciously took a decision to change tracks, and focused on this exceptional entity called ‘body’. Not only are our bodies supercomputers in terms of intellectual functioning, they are also superior to machines in the amazing way they function. They are better than most machines and more importantly, they are intelligent machines. Add to this the incredible fact that our bodies have an inherent capacity to heal themselves, and of course, we cannot exist without our bodies. So, how grateful should we be to our bodies ? Immensely grateful, right ? But in reality, what do we do ? We take our bodies for granted, we use them excessively, and many times, without giving them adequate rest but nevertheless, expect them to work smoothly. Hardly any of us appreciates our bodies, leave alone be grateful to them. Still, our bodies are faithful to us and obedient; but obviously, they work far better when we are grateful to them and also when we take care of them.
Talking about my wrist, as I focused on the importance of my wrist in my daily life and started thanking it and caressing it and giving it rest, miraculously it healed on its own in two days. I was amazed by the speed of recovery; I had thought that it would take at least one week to be fully functional again. But that’s how our bodies can surprise us if we show them love and care and gratitude.

Hope that all of us can take up the practice of thanking our bodies daily,

14th jan 2023

Good morning friends

Yesterday as I was writing about the sprain in my wrist and its effects on me, a new realisation dawned upon me. Before I sprained my wrist, I had hardly ever given any particular thought to my wrist, taking it for granted. Only after the sprain, did I become aware of the importance of this seemingly insignificant part of my body. This incident got me thinking. Just like the wrist, which made its presence felt only when it was injured, there are many people in our lives who work hard to make our lives easier and more comfortable. But when everything is running smoothly, we don’t give a thought to them , we take them for granted. Only when they are not around do we understand their significance and their contribution in our lives. An example which all ladies would certainly connect with is the part played by our household helps. When they are around, the house runs smoothly even in the absence of the lady of the house; but in their absence, the entire machinery can break down. In spite of this well known fact, we take them for granted ( as we feel that as they are being paid for this, what’s so great if they do their job well )and complain when they take leave. But how often do we genuinely thank them for their service? How often do we remember to be grateful to them for their efforts ? I know that in my youth, I have often been guilty of this ungrateful behaviour.
The same is true for the majority of the so-called insignificant people who take care of the various aspects of our lives, so that we can pursue our careers or our hobbies. Only when we have the backup of this network can we aspire to reach for higher goals. Our lives are supported by so many people, very few of them are visible to us; the majority remain invisible to us. If we start thinking about it, we can bring to our mind the names of a few of them, like our driver, security guards, sanitation workers, gardeners working in our society etc. But the vast majority of them are unknown to us like the bankers or the postmen ( courier people these days! ), transportation workers, municipal or government workers and officials etc. We are vociferous in our complaints when something goes wrong, but how often do we go back and thank the concerned people when our work is done smoothly?

So, just as it is essential to thank our body daily, it is important to remember and appreciate the efforts of each individual who makes our life easier and better. We can do this on a personal basis when we know them. And for the unknown ones, we can at least thank them in our hearts.

Hoping that all of us remember to acknowledge the help of all the visible and invisible people making our lives better and thank them,

15th jan 2023

Good morning friends

I remember reading “Everything that happens to you happens for a reason.” In fact, every situation has the potential to teach you something new, if only you are open and receptive to it and this was confirmed by my wrist sprain. I hope you are not bored with my wrist

पुराण ! ( पुराण  generally means mythology , but in this case it can be loosely translated as harping on a particular topic…. 😊)

Coming back to my wrist, it has taught me quite a few things…actually taught may not be the right word, because I knew about these facts but they had receded into the background as time passed and the wrist incident reminded me of their importance in my life. So,what is it that I have relearned?

Firstly, I have been reminded about the importance of thanking my body, not just my whole body but also the individual components which make up the whole. I have also understood that this offering of gratitude should not be just a ritual, but it is something you feel deep within yourself. So, now I practise thanking my body in the morning for the fact that I am alive and at night once again that I could do so much throughout the day with the help of my amazing body, with special emphasis on the body parts which may have aches or pain ….. and of course, meaning every single word of this gratitude prayer.

Secondly, I have realised the importance of the people who beautify my life, visible or otherwise. So, thanking everyone who helps me ( even if they do it for a salary ) is crucial.

Thirdly, I have actually experienced the truth of the statement “ Everything that happens in life, happens for a reason “. So, my wrist sprain has actually jolted me back into practising gratitude more sincerely and not just as a ritual.

I hope that you too can perceive each situation in life as a blessing in disguise, a lesson that can teach ( or remind) you of certain important truths of life,



16th jan 2023

Good morning friends

These days the weather in Mumbai is lovely, at least by Mumbai standards ! For true Mumbaikars ( i.e. those born and brought up in Mumbai like me ), this is the only time in the whole year when we can take out our sweaters and shawls from the cupboards. This week or two, whenever we Mumbaikars meet, we say to each other, “Mumbai is like a hill station now “. And we try our best to make the most of this season.

One festival which is celebrated in this month is Makarsankrant. It’s called by different names in different states. Maharashtra has the tradition of exchanging Tilgul ( sesame and jaggery laddoos) on this day. We give these sweets to everyone we meet and say, “ तिळगूळ घ्या, गोड बोला” ( meaning accept the sweet laddoos and speak sweetly). I have never really understood the logic of this greeting. I mean, aren’t we supposed to speak sweetly with everyone? Then why do you have to tell this in so many words? And the other question is,” Do people change their ways and actually talk sweetly just because they are told to do so?” But traditions are traditions and we often follow them out of habit, because we have been doing so from our childhood. And then, we revert back to our old ways once the tilgul festival is over.

For the last 10 years or more, I have become the member of a Japanese spiritual organisation. And one practice that we members follow diligently is greeting everyone cheerfully when we visit the centre or meet each other. Since I started following this practice, I have noticed that cheerful greetings go a long way in brightening up the atmosphere. When you greet everyone with a smile, you too, feel more cheerful. In fact, when we visited Japan, we found out that this practice is very common in Japan. Wherever we went, we were greeted in the morning by ‘Ohayo gozaimasu’ ( good morning ) or ’Arigato gozaimasu’ ( thank you ) when we left the place. We were impressed by this simple but powerful practice. And while in Japan, we started greeting them back with Ohayo or Arigato. When you greet people this way with a smile on your face, you naturally feel connected to them and feel comfortable even in a foreign country. After coming back, I have tried to follow the practice of greeting people cheerfully with a smile whenever possible and it does improve the atmosphere.

Do try this practice of cheerful greetings ( if you are not already doing it) and you will notice the positive change at home or in the workplace in a few days.

17th jan 2023

Good morning friends

A few days ago, I was very angry with someone. As usual, when you get angry with somebody, you think that you are perfectly right and the other person is absolutely wrong. And that’s what happened to me too. I felt that the other person’s behaviour was irrational and hurtful. As I was going through this phase of anger, some philosophical sayings which I had read earlier flashed in front of my eyes. I remembered Buddha’s words, “ Anger is like holding a burning coal in your hands. You harm yourself more than the other person with your anger ” I also remembered reading,” Your anger belongs to you. The other person is just a trigger.“
But just knowing the philosophical sayings does not mean that you have imbibed them. At that moment, the fact was that I was very angry and these sayings were doing nothing to help me let go of that anger.
And as I could not let go of the anger, the judge which resides inside all of us was galvanised into action. This judge started blaming me and inducing guilt in me. I was about to get into the guilt mode, when I was reminded of Rumi’s poem guesthouse.
Rumi says,
“ This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all !
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture.
Still, treat each guest honourably.
He may be clearing you out for some new delight.
The dark thoughts, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever comes,
Because each has been sent as a guide from beyond. “

Remembering this poem brought a smile to my face and solace to my soul. I realised that it’s ok to have negative feelings at times. It’s a part of being human ! Though you are trying various methods to better yourself, you are not yet enlightened, not yet a saint. So, though you may continue to expect the highest level of behaviour from yourself, accept your faults when you stray away. There’s no need to feel guilty when you make mistakes. Go easy on yourself in such situations. Also try to remember that at times these situations can teach you important lessons.

This awakening put my mind at ease and that also helped me let go of my anger a few hours later.

Hoping that all of us are not too harsh with ourselves when we make mistakes,

18th jan 2023

Good morning friends

Yesterday I was talking about the inner judge who resides in us. This inner judge has very high standards and is very critical. He is always ready to criticise us whenever our behaviour is not right. He helps us walk on the righteous path, pointing out our mistakes when we stray away from the path. While this judge plays an important role in keeping us on track, at times he can also cause harm if he is too critical. I know people close to me who are outwardly extremely successful in their lives…not just in their profession but also in their hobbies or social work, but not happy because of this strict judge that resides in them.
This judge is an expert at comparing us with others, especially with those who have achieved much more than us or those who are doing very good work. While it is important to work hard and do your best, it is not always right to compare ourselves with others. When that happens we expect too much from ourselves , things beyond our capabilities. We must remember that each one of us is unique, एकमेव अद्वितीय ! No two persons are alike, even twins have differences. Each one of us has different strengths and weaknesses, each one has faced different challenges and each one has responded differently to life according to his/ her personality.

So, like everything else, balance is important with respect to our judge…. If he is lax, we can stray from the righteous path and if he is too strict, he can harm us.
That’s why, it is important to keep the inner judge in check and appreciate our own achievements from time to time. There is one very simple and effective way of doing this. Before sleeping, look at yourself in the mirror, remember all the wonderful things that you did during the day and congratulate yourself. You can appreciate even minor accomplishments like exercising or reducing your screen time. This practice focuses on your strengths and can improve your self esteem and confidence. And more importantly, it increases your happiness index. I have experienced this since I started this practice a few years ago.

Do try this out and experience firsthand the benefits of appreciating yourself,

19th jan 2023

Good morning friends

On Sunday, we were travelling back from Pune via the expressway. There was a long tunnel which the car entered. And I felt that the tunnel was very dark. It was difficult to see anything clearly. I was wondering how the driver would be able to drive in this situation and was about to vocalise my thoughts when I realised that I was wearing my dark glasses! It had been quite bright and sunny when we began our journey home, so I was wearing my goggles. The moment I became aware of this fact, I took them off and then it was obvious to me that the tunnel was in fact, very well lit.
I was laughing at myself for my lack of awareness when something else struck me. I started thinking, isn’t this what happens when you look at the world through your glasses… glasses of judgement, of prejudices, of preconceived ideas….and so on. If you are wearing dark glasses, then the whole world looks dark and gloomy to you, with no signs of hope anywhere. On the other hand, if you are looking at the world through brightly coloured glasses, the world may look more promising than it really is. It’s just a matter of which glasses you are wearing.
And most of the time, we are not even aware that we are wearing these glasses !
Generally, there’s a sign board before you enter a tunnel which tells you to take off your dark glasses. Just like this sign, won’t it be good to have some warning sign which reminds you that you are looking at things through your coloured glasses? I am sure if we are aware of the glasses, we will not jump to wrong conclusions.

Hoping that all of us are aware of the glasses though which we look at the world,

20th jan 2023

Good morning friends

At the moment of writing this, I am sitting outside the operation theatre waiting for my sister-in-law’s knee surgery to get over. The waiting lounge is common for the operation theatre as well as the ICU. So, many people are anxiously waiting in the lounge. Most of the relatives are either talking on the phone or amongst themselves or engaged in reading from their phones. Still, they cannot hide their anxiety. It reveals itself in the way they look up when a name or bed number is called out, in the way they cannot really concentrate on reading, in the way they fidget….
This anxiety and worrying is of course, quite normal in these circumstances, but beyond a certain point, it can be detrimental not only for the relatives, but also for the patients, especially when you are in close proximity to the patient. This is because the anxiety vibrations attract similar negative vibrations. That’s why it is recommended in the medical profession that a doctor should not operate upon a close family member. The reason behind this is very simple: If the operating doctor is very anxious ( because of his close relationship), then there are more chances that mistakes may occur.
Even while treating someone, it’s my experience that if the patient is very dear to you, outwardly you may be reassuring, but in your mind you start thinking of all sorts of rare complications and that is actually absolutely irrational…. And the funny thing is that this doesn’t happen when you are treating a patient with a similar condition but he/ she is not related to you. It means that close relationship with a patient may increase the doctor’s anxiety level.
I have heard Osho talk about this excessive anxiety in close relatives of patients. He says that if a child is seriously ill and the mother is very anxious, it is better for someone else to take care of her child. Because if the mother is sending out anxious vibrations all the time, if she has irrational fears, the child also unconsciously absorbs these vibrations, which in turn will attract more negative vibrations. Obviously, this will adversely affect the recovery process.
And the same is true for adult patients too. Persons looking after a very sick person should be caring but preferably unrelated to the patient as they will not worry too much about the patient and his condition. That’s probably why relatives are not permitted in the ICUs of hospitals. Of course, the relatives should be allowed to see the patient for at least a few minutes during the day to reassure both the patients and their families or friends.
And when you actually see a sick patient, it is better if you can smile and send out positive vibrations rather than breaking down in tears. This is easier said than done of course, but one thing which can help anyone in this situation is to offer prayers. Sincere prayers can significantly reduce your anxiety and stress because you can transfer all your worries to the God or the supreme power in which you believe …परमेश्वरावर भार टाकून मोकळं होता येतं…I think prayers can also help you trust that whatever happens will be the best outcome. 
Speaking for myself, I carried my Mandala gear with me and while waiting for the operation to get over… it took close to 6 hours…. I reduced my stress by meditatively drawing 3 Mandalas. 

More about what to do and what not to do in the presence of a serious patient some other time.
Anjali Bhatawdekar

21st jan 2023

Good morning friends

Recently one particular video is making the rounds of almost all the groups on WhatsApp. This video depicts how musical notes can arrange rangoli powder into beautiful designs. And if inanimate elements like powders can take the shape of beautiful forms with the influence of music, what sort of effect would music have on living beings?

Yesterday, I wrote about the anxiety vibrations of relatives in hospitals. But just as there are negative vibrations, there are positive vibrations too. Obviously, just as negative vibrations negatively impact the recovery of a person, positive vibrations will positively affect the mindset of any patient.

As paediatricians, we often observe the effects of the parents’ emotions on their child’s behaviour. This phenomenon is particularly noticeable in babies with evening colic. These babies have crying spells, mostly in the evening, apparently due to pain in their tummies. We find that the baby cries more if the person holding the baby is very anxious, worried. But if a calm,peaceful person picks up the baby, the baby quietens down almost immediately. It is almost as if the peaceful vibrations are being transmitted to the baby either through touch or through close proximity. Not surprisingly, the baby resumes its crying with gusto as soon as the anxious parent picks it up.
We regularly advise the playing of soft music for babies with evening colic. Soft music can also be useful in putting fussy babies to sleep.
Generally, babies and young children are more sensitive to vibrations, either positive or negative. And exposing children to soothing, relaxing music can have long lasting positive effects on children.
Music is also extremely useful in meditation. Osho has utilised music in almost all of his meditations and listening to that music can help you enter a meditative state smoothly. But more about music in Osho meditations some other time.
I hope that all of us are able to find the magic in music,
Anjali Bhatawdekar

22nd jan 2023


Good morning friends

Have you seen the video about the 3 plants experiment which is doing the rounds of WhatsApp these days ? I have received this video from many sources and I am glad that it is going viral because it emphasises the importance of good words.
The video shows the difference in the growth of the plants subjected to different conditions. One plant was given just water. To the second one, they spoke positively, words of encouragement and praise and gratitude. The third one was subjected to negative comments and criticism. And they found significant differences in the growth of these 3 plants. The plant which received positive vibrations, was the healthiest. The plant that was criticised was stunted.

This experiment just confirms the fact that spoken words have great power. And we can use this power either positively or negatively.
The spiritual organisation that I belong to has used this power very effectively in farming and has got excellent results.

If even plants respond to the vibrations of the spoken word, we can imagine what would happen to human beings when they are subjected to either positive or negative words. So, shouldn’t we be very careful when we talk to people, especially children who are extremely sensitive and vulnerable? If we watch our speech, resolve to use only good words along with positive vibrations while dealing with children, I am sure that half the problems of communication between parents and their children will be solved.
And this applies not only in the home environment, but also in the workplace, in the society and every place where human beings interact with each other.

Hoping that all of us resolve to use positive words whenever possible,
Anjali Bhatawdekar

23rd jan 2023

Good morning friends

I was reading a quote, ”As you start to walk on the way, the way appears”. Needless to say, this is a Rumi quote !

As I was reading this, I thought to myself that Rumi’s poetry is not something you try to understand; it has to be experienced, you have to allow his words and their hidden meanings seep into your heart and soul. You just have to feel the words and the world it opens up, you have to close your eyes and feel the love emanating from his words. You have to allow yourself to be drawn into the joys that the lines portray, let them surround you and engulf you and drown you so that when you come up for a breath, you are no longer the old, tired you but a rejuvenated version of yourself. And this happens to me every time I read Rumi. I am unable to analyse it but I can experience it with my body, mind and soul. That’s why I love Rumi !

Hope that you too can have a taste of poets like Rumi who can touch your heart and soul,
Anjali Bhatawdekar

24 jan 2023

Good morning friends

A few days ago, we visited Manoj’s uncle and aunt (Kaka kaku as we call them )in Mulund. For all three of us, it’s always a pleasure to visit them and spend some leisurely time with them, as we have a special bond with them. Kaka is now in his 90s and Kaku in her 80s. But looking at their enthusiasm for life , it is hard to believe their age.

Every time we visit them, I am amazed by some new facet of their personality. They are always trying out something new, something different. The last time I visited them, kaku told me that she had adopted a new method to prepare tea ! And the tea certainly tasted great. Another time, she showed me a simpler and less time consuming way to cook dal. Both of them are experimenting all the time even at this age, when their contemporaries are set and rigid in their ways. We always get to taste seasonal recipes, especially different kinds of homemade pickles in their home. It’s heartening to see their enthusiasm for life in spite of the various physical challenges that age has brought them.

This time during our visit, I found that they had changed the brand of their tea. I asked kaka the reason for this change and he said with a smile,” We can’t go out for shopping now, so we have to depend on someone to get things for us. “, but as he said this, there was no complaint in his voice… it was a total acceptance of his situation. He added,” But this brand is also very good!” How many of us can accept change so readily, without a single complaint ?

During the second wave of Covid, both of them caught the virus and were admitted for almost 6 weeks in the hospital. Kaka was in ICU for 3 weeks. But this did not dampen his enthusiasm in any way. Every time we talked to him on a video call, he would say, “ Everything is absolutely fine “ (मस्त आहे ….with a lot of emphasis onमस्त ! )

… and this was happening in an ICU setting, with oxygen mask and IVs and monitors attached to him. I really understood the meaning of “acceptance “…. accepting any situation with total gratitude… from him during these times. Covid hospitalisation didn’t dampen kaka-kaku’s spirits; if at all, they are stronger and more resilient and more cheerful now.

We find many senior citizens set in their ways and not willing to change. Some senior citizens are either bored with life or complaining about their lives all the time. This amazing couple is just the opposite. Kaku talked about their life once and said, “It has been a beautiful life”; though I know for a fact that they have faced many challenges and difficulties in their life. They are my role models in more ways than one and I hope to emulate at least a few of their qualities as I grow older. They are curious, full of wonder, ready to try out something new, contented, satisfied and probably that’s why they are very happy. When I return home after visiting them , my bag is full, not just with homemade pickles and masalas and laddoos, but with many more qualities like zest towards life and satisfaction and acceptance and also a more positive attitude . As I write this, I have tears of gratitude in my eyes that I am privileged to be close to this wonderful couple.

I hope that as I grow older, I can imbibe at least a few of their wonderful qualities,


Anjali Bhatawdekar

25th jan 2023

Good morning friends

Last month, we were expecting a very important guest’s visit to our home. And as this guest was visiting us for the first time, we wanted our home to look clean and beautiful. And so started a frenzy of cleaning the house. I am sure most of you have gone through this sort of experience many times. We are galvanised into the cleaning activity whenever we expect someone to come over. Otherwise, we are comfortable in the homely untidiness! ( except for the few souls who are obsessive about cleanliness and tidiness ! ). This time, we initially thought that we would really give this business our best shot and get rid of the unnecessary garbage that we keep collecting as time passes. But as always happens, we were also caught up in many other things and didn’t have time enough to do this. So, in the last 2-3 days, we decided to focus only on the external appearance and take up the root cleaning some other time. Obviously, as everyone knows, this means that we pushed things into cupboards and drawers and also on the attic. And by the time the guests arrived, our house looked clean and beautiful !

As I was going through this entire process, something struck me. Just as we had pushed unwanted stuff in places where it was not visible, don’t we do the same with our emotions and feelings ? Many times, we cannot openly express what we truly feel due to various reasons, and we push these feelings under the carpet…. And there they stay for a long time. Outwardly, we may put up a facade which is happy and beautiful but there are a lot of suppressed negative emotions like anger or hatred or jealousy or sadness lurking inside. Obviously, when we suppress anything too much, it’s bound to come out some time or the other and more often than not, when it comes out, it’s like a volcano erupting! This can create a lot of problems, harming our relationships with those who are the recipients of this volcanic eruption.

Just as we need to periodically clean our house and get rid of all the garbage and unnecessary stuff, shouldn’t we also clear the attic of our minds of these suppressed emotions? And it’s best if we can do this on a regular basis. The most effective method of getting this done is, of course, meditation. Some Osho meditations like the Dynamic Meditation can help catharsis and release of suppressed negative emotions. Meditation can also help us get in touch with our deepest fears and feelings. It’s easier to deal with this negativity once we are aware that we are harbouring so much negativity inside ourselves.


Hope that all of us can regularly clean out not only our homes but also our inner selves,


Anjali Bhatawdekar

26th jan 2023

Good morning friends

“So many years of education, and yet no one taught us how to love ourselves and why it is so important.” When I read these words, I was transported back in time to a very sad moment almost 40 years ago. The occasion was the prayer meeting for a classmate, a young, dynamic, highly intelligent and gifted person who had died at a very early age, he was just 21 years old when he died. The death of anyone in his prime is always extremely saddening, but this particular death was all the more tragic because it was a suicide. Everyone who heard about it was shocked.
At the prayer meeting, the Principal of our school spoke a few words. He too, was devastated by this tragedy. He said,” We have been teaching our students many lessons in school. But we have failed miserably because we have not taught them important lessons about life !”
His words are true even today, because though we have excellent schools imparting education, they are still not teaching the students how to live. Many students are high achievers in terms of academic success but when it comes to dealing with life’s challenges, they are sadly lacking. These days, Psychiatrists and other mental health professionals are finding that though these youngsters are highly intelligent, when it comes to managing their emotions, they are not up to the mark. These high achievers ( in academics ) find it difficult to face failures, they cannot handle their frustrations well, their anxiety levels are high, many of them are not just depressed but indulge in self-harm and are suicidal too.
All the educational institutions, while focusing on studies, have totally neglected the emotional aspects of their students. And that’s why, some of them fail miserably in life in spite of their sharp intellect. A good IQ or intelligence quotient is of course essential for success in life. But if a good IQ is not accompanied by a good EQ or emotional quotient, it is difficult to achieve success.
That’s why, all the educational institutions as well as parents need to be paying more attention to the emotional development of children and adolescents and not just focus on scholastic achievements. And actually, the seeds of emotional training need to be sown in early childhood. More about this some other time.

Hoping that all educational institutions grasp the importance of emotional intelligence and take steps towards this goal,
Anjali Bhatawdekar

P. S. Our youtube channel Bhatawdekars’ clinic has created various videos on how to nurture the emotional intelligence of preschoolers. Though these videos are primarily meant for parents and teachers of preschoolers, the principles hold true at any age.
The links for these videos are as follows:

English videos-

Marathi videos-

Do go through these videos, especially the ones talking about emotional development.

27th jan 2023

Good morning friends

My son Satyajit is always encouraging me to use the new gadgets for various tasks. Some of them are, no doubt, extremely useful and time saving. A few days ago, I had drawn my daily Mandala on iPad. Once he realised that I am comfortable with using the iPad, he introduced me to photoshop. Now, photoshop has so many features that it is impossible to utilise it to its maximum capacity with just a few hours’ practice. I loved the way I could use brushes of different sizes and a wide range of colours that were available. I also liked the option of using various layers which allows you to make changes in only one particular layer. I could also correct my mistakes easily, there was no danger of a particular coloured pen getting over, there was no smudging. So, all in all, it looks like the ideal method for drawing and painting. And yet….

And yet, I prefer the age old method of using a pen and paper to create a Mandala. No doubt that the photoshop is exciting and interesting, but it doesn’t have the same feel as holding a real pen in your hands and converting a plain paper into a masterpiece. While using a digital medium, I miss the feel of the pen on the paper, I miss the almost inaudible sound of the pen scratching the paper, I miss the wonderful feeling of creating something unique, something personal. I prefer the stains of colours on my fingers while using actual pens rather than having clean fingers while using a digital medium.

The photoshop gives me the option of erasing every mistake and drawing a perfect picture. But at times, to me, imperfection is preferred to absolute perfection. I have been drawing Mandalas for more than 4 years now and I have drawn almost 200 Mandalas so far. But I have never rejected or torn a Mandala because something was not quite up to the mark. Whenever I make a mistake, I always try to rectify it by making changes in the design or the shape. And in fact, that makes me happier. I think this is because If something is very easy to accomplish, it doesn’t give the same kind of satisfaction as overcoming a challenge. Anything that you achieve after going through difficulties is more precious to you. When you meet a challenge, and excel, it is more satisfying. So, I have decided to stick to paper and pen and reserve the use of the iPad for travel. It’s more challenging and more satisfying !

I do hope that each of us can experience the Joy of creation in some way or the other, and also enjoy overcoming challenges,


Anjali Bhatawdekar

28th jan 2023

Good morning friends

As I was writing about the feel of the pen on paper yesterday, I remembered other memorable sensations associated with arts. Satyajit studied in a Steiner school. ( also called Waldorf school ). Unlike normal schools which focus primarily on the intellectual development of a child, Steiner schools focus on the development of head, heart and limbs. So there was a lot of emphasis on arts in his school. As he dabbled in the various forms of arts, we too, were introduced to some new arts forms like formdrawing. The school held special classes for parents to participate in the numerous arts activities that the students were exposed to. I remember attending classes for formdrawing and pottery and hand puppet making and I enjoyed them thoroughly. I still remember the feel of the mud on my hands and fingers in the pottery class and the wonderful sense of accomplishment that I had when I created and baked a diya on the back of an elephant.
Formdrawing involves repetitive drawing of simple forms like half circles or triangles initially and goes on to become more and more complex in higher grades. I had a lovely time in this class too. I was totally engrossed in this art form and practised it often.
I also enjoyed the eurhythmy workshop in which we were taught slow rhythmic movements ,it was a meditative experience for me.
The painting class was also a very special one. I remember that kindergarten students were taught to wet the paper first and then colour it. Later, they were taught finger painting by dipping their fingers in paint. All these activities were wonderful for the sensory development of young children. The children were also encouraged to play with various textures which again aided the sensory processing. Hand puppets, finger exercises, and in later years stitching and crochet helped in hand-eye coordination. Beeswax was another technique frequently used in kindergarten. In fact,all these activities resembled techniques in occupational therapy which is used for children with problems like ADHD.

All these lovely memories were rekindled when I talked about the feel of the pen on the paper yesterday and I relived the wonderful days of my son’s childhood.

Arts can play such a major role in a child’s and also a parent’s development, I do hope that every child gets an opportunity to create wonders in the art form of his / her liking.
Anjali Bhatawdekar

29th jan 2023

Good morning friends

Don’t you think that life has turned extremely hectic and stressful these days? As compared to 35 years ago, when we started our medical practice, the number of patients with anxiety, stress and tensions has increased manyfold over the past few years. And these ongoing stresses have deleterious effects on our health leading to ever increasing health problems like hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, ulcers and acidity, chronic back pain and so on.

Meditation can tremendously help reduce the impact of life’s stresses on our health.

When we think about meditation, we visualise someone sitting quietly with eyes closed. But this kind of meditation, though it worked wonders 3000 years ago in Buddha’s time, is not so helpful for the modern man, simply because the pace of life is very fast in modern times. That’s why, Osho designed many different techniques of meditation which are tailor-made for the modern man. Osho created these techniques keeping in mind the challenges of the modern world. And they involve a lot of physical activity like dancing or humming after which it’s easier to sit quietly in Vipassana.

Before the pandemic, we used to regularly conduct meditation sessions in our clinic every week. Now, as we are resuming normal life once again, we are planning to restart these sessions every week, tentatively on Tuesday afternoon and/or Saturday morning. We will conduct these sessions at our clinic only by appointment. If any of you or your friends are interested in participating in these sessions, please message me. Alternatively, you can call/ send a message on WhatsApp on our clinic number 9769434603.

Osho has said that we need to spread the message of meditation like wildfire !

I do hope that everyone can get a taste of the wonderful experiences that meditation can bring in our lives,


Anjali Bhatawdekar

30th jan 2023

Good morning friends

A few days ago, I had planned to meet some girlfriends for lunch at a restaurant near my place. Just as I was getting out of the house to reach the restaurant, I got a call for an emergency visit which I could not refuse. It was from a family friend living in our society, so I immediately went there. It took me about 20 minutes to examine the patient and give advice. By the time I finished this visit, I was getting late for the lunch get together. As the restaurant was quite near my place , it would have been difficult to get an auto to take me to the restaurant and it would take me at least 10 minutes to walk there. Just then, I saw a friend near the gate of our society with his scooter. This was a Godsent opportunity and I grabbed it with both my hands. I requested my friend to drop me near the restaurant and he readily agreed. That is how I could reach the restaurant just a few minutes later than the decided time. We had a wonderful time together, chitchatting, exchanging the happenings during the lock down and enjoying the lovely food. The soup was very good, the starters were excellent and the dal rice, which followed was delicious. I have a sweet tooth, so I had kept some place for the dessert. But when the dessert arrived, it was a great disappointment. It did not match the quality of the food we had had earlier. In fact it left a very bad after taste in my mouth. We left the place soon afterwards and I came home. In the evening my family asked me about the get together and unconsciously I was about to start complaining about the dessert. However, luckily, I caught myself just in time. I realised with a jerk that I was complaining about something which occupied only 10 to 15% of the entire time we had spent together. The rest 85 to 90% of the time was spent very happily, enjoying the company of my friends, relishing the sumptuous meal. Why then, was I focusing on the 10 or 15% which was not to my liking ?

Don’t we do this very often in life? After a bad experience, we label that particular situation (or the place or the person ) as very bad. In fact, if we were to analyse the situation we would realise that these experiences are similar to this lunch get together that I had. The pleasant portion of the experience is much more than the unpleasant one. What if I decided to focus on the enjoyable time that I had at the get together ( including the unexpected lift to the restaurant ) and ignore the dessert ? I decided to give it a try and talked more about the good time that I had and just made a passing mention of the not-so-good dessert.

Can we do this with life situations too ? We generally tend to remember the bad moments, failures, hurts and insults more than the good moments,successes and appreciations. I am sure that if we decide to focus on the positive aspects of any situation and try and ignore or play down the negative aspects, we would be much happier. ( Of course, it doesn’t mean that you take things lying down. You should make every effort to rectify the situation whenever it is possible )

After this wonderful awakening, I have resolved to focus on the positives in any situation and not harp too much on the negatives,


Anjali Bhatawdekar

31st jan 2023

Good morning friends

On Friday, we were privileged to attend the prestigious Dr. Nitu Mandke Oration. The speaker was eminent cardiac surgeon Dr. Anvay Mulay, famous for his heart transplant surgeries. Manoj and Anvay are classmates, so we know firsthand that Anvay is not only an excellent cardiac surgeon but also a wonderful human being. Anvay was talking on “ New frontiers impacting cardiac surgery “. Obviously, he talked a lot about the recent advances in the techniques of cardiac surgery but he also touched upon some basic concepts. While talking about cardiac valve surgeries, he made a profound statement. He said, “We still cannot match God given valves in spite of the advances in technology” …. And is this not true for many other parts of our body ?We don’t realise or value the wonderful, super computers that our bodies are, until something goes wrong with them. We take our bodies for granted, we are ready to complain when some body part is not working well but we hardly ever stop to thank our bodies. Our body is such a complex machinery, with so many organs and systems working smoothly and efficiently 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, with no holidays !
Anvay’s statement once again reminded me that I need to thank the Creator of this beautiful but complex system that we are endowed with.
Let us take a few moments every day to thank the creator for this incredible and inimitable creation called body,
Anjali Bhatawdekar

Recent News – Dr Manoj Bhatawdekar

Who says, “Weed is safe?” Teenagers, beware!

Here is a study which was carried out using magnetic resonance imaging on 799 adolescents who used cannabis (weed).  It shows that cannabis use was associated with accelerated age- related cortical thinning form 14 to 19 years of age in predominantly prefrontal regions.  This means that cannabis use adversely affects brain development during adolescece.  So everything that is legalized is not safe!!

Association of Cannabis Use During Adolescence With Neurodevelopment

Matthew D. Albaugh, PhD1Jonatan Ottino-Gonzalez, PhD1Amanda Sidwell, BS1; et al

“To our knowledge, the present investigation represents the largest longitudinal neuroimaging study of adolescent cannabis use to date. We report evidence of an association between adolescent cannabis use and altered cortical thickness development in a longitudinal sample of youths. The spatial pattern of cannabis-related thinning was associated with a PET-derived map of CB1 receptor availability as well as a map of age-related thickness change. The findings underscore the importance of further longitudinal studies of adolescent cannabis use, particularly given increasing trends in the legalization of recreational cannabis use.”

Being a pillar of strength: A guide to supporting your loved ones in therapy – Satori Pansare

It is certainly difficult to see a loved one go through difficult times, mentally and physically.


What can make the situation even more challenging?

Supporting a loved one through something you have never experienced before or know little to nothing about.


So here are 8 things you can keep in mind when caring for or supporting a loved one going for counselling/therapy:


  1. It’s okay to check-in after a session.

It is perfectly alright to ask how their counselling session went. It just means that you care. This however does not mean that the person will always feel comfortable or want to share all that transpired in the session, and that should be respected. 

Should your loved one choose to share what happened, be completely present, listen and be open to the possibility of them being vulnerable. 

Should they choose not to divulge details, don’t push or force them to discuss. Pushing them to talk about the sessions when they are not comfortable might eventually interfere with the therapeutic process.


2. There could be some distress.

While counselling eventually leads to healthier coping mechanisms and overall growth, it may not be a smooth sailing ride all the time. During the course of counselling, one might have to deal with uncomfortable feelings and unpleasant memories. This can be tiring as well as distressing. Each person deals with this differently. While some might ask for space post a session, some others might want company.


3. Commend their decision to prioritise mental health

Confronting one’s unpleasant emotions and breaking maladaptive coping mechanisms week on week can get upsetting. Commending their decision to seek counselling from time to time might help your loved one feel supported and choose to continue with the process even if it gets uncomfortable sometimes.


4. Changes don’t occur overnight.

Working on any kind of issue takes time. The timeline differs for each person depending on the problem at hand, their circumstances, etc. Moreover the counselling process involves going through various stages such as trusting one’s counsellor, learning about yourself before you can actually start making changes. Hence, restraining your expectations and being patient with the process can help a great deal.


5. Help out with homework.

Sometimes counsellors may give tasks or activities to do between sessions as means to continue self work. Offering to help with these tasks (within limits) or simply being there for them while they carry them out can make a lot of difference. Although, forcing them or constantly monitoring their homework is not advisable.


6. Be open to interaction.

At times some counsellors may invite you to join a counselling session. It would be nice to take up such opportunities and participate. Such interactions may prove beneficial and help your loved one bring about the changes they desire to make.


7. Acknowledge the positive changes.

Speaking of changes, acknowledging positive changes during the course of the therapeutic journey can help a lot. Not only does it help your loved one notice the changes that they may not have realised, it is also an indication that you are looking out for them and encourages them to carry on working on themselves.


8. Read up.

It is always a good idea to educate yourself about your loved one’s mental health condition(s). 

Chances are your loved one’s counsellor may take an entire session on this matter. If not, you can always ask for resources or do your research. Doing this will definitely help empathise better and aid in navigating through your caregiving journey.


Bonus: Consider getting support yourself

While it is really good that your loved one is getting professional help, it can sometimes put pressure on those in their support system to be present all the time without receiving any help themselves. Build a support system for yourself or you can try going to therapy yourself. Make sure you are getting adequate physical and emotional nourishment. Remember, you can’t pour out of an empty jug!

When in doubt, do not answer…….. – Dr. Vani Kulhalli

“Aaaeeeee…..” , the child screamed and then there was a loud bang followed by sobs then “please…please….do it na- only once….makes me feel better. Don’t you love me to even do this much”……more sobs. This child sounded very very disturbed. And as this recorded voice clip played on the mother’s phone, she was crying while the father stared stoically out of the window. This voice clip was recorded at home when Milesh (not his real name) 10 years old had spent about 2 hours scrubbing his feet, followed by both parents having scrubbed his feet a few times. But Milesh was not sure the ‘germy germs’ had gone and wanted Mother to scrub a bit more, just to be sure. Milesh had obsessive compulsive disorder.


Obsessive Compulsive disorder typically begins in childhood or late adolescence. The sufferer begins to experience repeated unwanted thoughts, images, impulses or doubts. The themes evoke shame and secrecy- sex, blasphemy (religious), harm to loved people, dirt and contamination. The person very well knows that the thoughts are irrational but can’t understand what is causing them- and feels guilty or abnormal. The person tries to reduce the discomfort by doing some rituals- but their intensity progressively increases causing more trouble. At such time the quality of the thoughts or intensity of distress causes the person to become extremely unhappy, to the extent of provoking suicide. 

How o family members get caught in the symptoms

Family members are the first to know the problem. It seems to them that just reassuring the person or doing some rituals takes a few minutes of their time, but makes their loved one feel better. So out of love they do it. Soon enough they are spending more and more time just doing things or saying things (that are basically unnecessary) just to keep the peace and harmony at home. They have become involved in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. At this stage, family members realize something is wrong and is not going away- they need help.

What can family members do to help?

As a family member living with a person with OCD (Caregiver), it is important to first dis-entangle oneself from the symptoms first. Gently but firmly one refuses to engage in the rituals (compulsions) demanded by the sufferer. So if a patient is seeking reassurance for a doubt….do not answer it; because that makes the symptoms worse. Show your love by being gentle, being there, using comforting words and being patient while the sufferer deals with their emotions in the form of an outburst or a heartrending wail or even suicidal or violent threats. Sometimes one may have to function as a co-therapist and supervise OCD therapy at home. OCD therapy provokes much distress and patient tends to avoid it. So as a caregiver, again one has to learn to be gently assertive and motivate the patient on a daily basis with your words and actions- that ‘this is required for you to heal’. 

Keeping a record of a patient’s behaviors and reporting them to the treating team is important. Among all mental health issues, OCD is one disorder that takes a lot of time and effort for recovery. It also requires higher doses of medications; almost to the edge of tolerance. Hence the caregiver of a person with OCD has to have extra hope and fortitude- sometimes for several weeks there is no change; plus the patient has to be constantly kept engaged in therapy by keeping the spirits up (whew!). 

Your take home message

 OCD is treatable and the period after recovery is surely worth the trouble. Make sure you remain fit to enjoy the lovely days that await you after the patient improves- don’t let the stress of the disease and caregiving wear you down. It is useful to maintain a calm and watchful countenance. Coordinate closely with the treatment team and follow their advice. Give them feedback if something is not working. Seek help for your own emotional turmoil as it is very difficult to witness the suffering of a loved one. Treatment of OCD is difficult, not impossible.


Realigning Marital Harmony – Darshana Mehta

Asha and Avinash took a seat, saying ,”we are advised by the doctor to take counseling.” Both aged around fifty five years, were married for about 30 years. 

Avinash presented the problem as, “she is feeling depressed. She has started prescribed medications.Nothing is helping her. ” He added, “I was in a relationship, I am out of it, I have accepted my mistake.I have promised to not repeat it. She remains sad all the time. How to assure her? “

Asha took over, “this is the fourth time, and I can’t believe in his promise anymore”.

Both were feeling hurt, helpless and desperate. Years of energy and emotions were invested in their marriage and both wanted a solution to this interference. 

I decided to understand each one’s perspective by talking individually before having a joint session. 

Asha unburdening 

Asha spoke details of his four affairs. She described how accidentally she discovered them.On confronting him he had accepted his mistake and she restored her trust in him. She said, “this time I cannot trust him. What if he does it again? “

Asha had been too kind in the past and now was feeling sad, helpless and had suppressed anger. 

“Do you feel like you’re being taken for granted? ” I asked. 


Her self respect and dignity were at stake. She had crossed all her limits of being considerate. She did not know how to restore them without breaking the marriage.In order to not disturb her son and daughter, who were around age 25/27, She maintained outward calmness regarding her husband’s extra marital relationship. 

Avinash starting to know himself

Avinash said, ” I am feeling very bad and guilty since she doesn’t believe in my promise and she is so sad and depressed” He looked down upon himself. 

I said, ” You have been four times into such relationships. Every time you didn’t want it and yet it happened”.

” Yes, I am very regretful and guilty about it. “

” Maybe you are aware of your thoughts and not in touch with your feelings and sensations. This is similar to a person with diabetes who overeats sweets in spite of the knowledge of its harmfulness. “

“Yes.I see such a possibility. And what can I do? “

I suggested a process through which he could get in touch with his emotions at the onset of each relationship. He accepted the homework. 

Asha anchoring into personal strength

Asha complained, ” In spite of taking medicines given by the doctor ( psychiatrist) I continue to feel disinterested in everything. I don’t cry but neither can I smile.” She looked unable to overcome her grief. 

Asha could be helped with” the  Journey ” technique in which she journeyed through her deeper layers of  feeling states. Diving deeper she touched an unshakable calm state. With this calmness she floated up wiping clean all her disturbing feelings of hopelessness, anger, distress. At the end of the process Asha had collected her inner strength and clarity. 

After two more such sessions Asha regained her smile and interest in general. 

Avinash developed insight into his driving emotions

Avinash could identify the emotion that pushed him into a relationship.He shared, “my work involves interacting with people in need. When a woman during such interaction shares her intimate experience, I feel highly regarded and I get involved with her. This has happened all four times that I got involved. “

This indicated his low self-esteem causing him to make a choice he regretted. 

I said, ” maybe you feel small in general. You may observe your thoughts about yourself for a week, and we shall review it”

Avinash agreed to it and returned the following week. 

Transformation to self acceptance. 

Avinash looked very sad and disturbed. He said, ” I am shocked to see how always I try to hide my smallness and try to project my superior abilities. It is disturbing me. This whole week I was restless and unhappy. ” He pointed out his defensive behavior hiding his feelings of inferiority. 

Avinash needed to accept himself without comparing himself to others. To help him do so ‘ the journey ‘ technique helped him too. 

Through the journey technique he could get in touch with his intense feelings of inferiority, below it the layers of anxiety, fear, sadness, unhappiness. Just when he went further deep into his feelings he got in touch with serenity and self acceptance. He could wipe off and replace the upper layers of discomforting feelings with peace and self acceptance. 

Avinash experienced great relief, stopped judging himself, and could concentrate better.

Asha getting ready to act

After undergoing two sessions of ‘journey’ Asha felt strong enough to plan her future approach. Asha identified her concern regarding Avinash getting into another relationship in future. 

I helped Asha to consider informing Avinash that she could leave him if he gets into a relationship again. 

Asha pondered and said, “although it is difficult, I am capable of managing it. I would get my daughter married before taking such a step to protect her future. “

Asha felt her self respect and dignity restored with this thought. Then Asha prepared a kindly worded letter informing Avinash about her present forgiveness and future condition.Letter was safer than talking so that she could convey precisely. 

Now both Asha and Avinash were ready for communication in a joint session. 

Joint session. Realignment. 

Asha read out the letter prepared in advance to Avinash. Both had tears rolling down. Avinash conveyed apologies to Asha for the pain he gave her through previous years. He wholeheartedly accepted her future condition. 


Lower self esteem, undue compromising, suppressed anxiety and fear left unresolved can have such devastating effects in marital relationship.


The epidemic of suicides

The last few academic years would be remembered for the alarming number of reported suicides among school- going children. It almost appeared like the outbreak of an epidemic.  There was a flurry of programmes on TV channels, in the community and in schools and colleges immediately following this outbreak. Theories were postulated.  Blame games were played. Helplessness was voiced on different levels. Mental health authorities were interviewed by the media.Tall claims were made by school authorities regarding the status of mental health of their schools. Concern was showered on children. The media glorified the issue as usual.   The wave seems to be over now. The same indifferent silence will prevail among people until some other disaster gets reported in the media. 

Cause, or just a precipitating factor?

Most of these suicides, though seemingly a result of some incident in the child’s life, were not “because of” that incident.  Not getting to participate in a competition, failure in an examination, being denied some materialistic thing such as a cell phone, being scolded by a parent or a teacher cannot be “causes” of successful suicides in a child.  They can, at the most,  precipitate the disaster in a child who is predisposed.  The crux of the issue is how to identify these children who are prone to suicidal attempts so that they can be helped in time.  

Some facts and figures

It is widely believed that childhood is a time which confers a relative immunity from the risk of suicidal behaviours.  This belief is based on two notions: childhood is largely free of problems, and that children lack the developmental maturity to think of  or act upon suicidal thoughts.  However, recent research has shown that by std III (age 8-9) children have a good understanding of suicide.  A Canadian study indicates that 229 children between ages 5- 14 committed suicide during the period 1993-1997. Two of these suicides were by boys under 10.  Of the remaining 227 children, 155 were boys and 72 were girls.  Highly lethal methods like hanging and firearms were used by 90% of children.  There are no adequate Indian studies regarding suicides among children.  However, the typical Indian scenario reveals an increasing competition among students, undue importance laid on examinations, a rise in the number of overanxious parents and unempathetic teachers, increasing commercialisation in the field of education, devastating influence of media on children and thoroughly inadequate facilities for help towards children in distress.  

Who is at a high risk of suicide?

Factors which may place children at increased risk of suicidal behaviours are psychiatric disorders such as depression, poor social adjustment, emotional, sexual and/ or physical abuse, problems in the family, chronic health problems and poor coping strategies in general.  The basic difference between adults and children with respect to their emotional problems is their ability to express them.  Children cannot express their emotions in words, unlike adults.  Very often they get expressed through their behaviours which can be picked up by sensitive adults who deal with children.  

Case 1–  

Asha (name changed for the purpose of confidentiality), a 12 year old girl, basically a chirpy, talkative child, was remaining quiet for the past one month.  She had stopped answering questions in the class, had stopped mixing with her friends and would be found to be lost in her own thoughts.  She would keep drawing black clouds in her books.  One fine day she did not report to school.  The school received a news that she was hopitalised in a nursing home because she tried to kill herself by consuming some sleeping tablets (which her mother used to take).  A note was found on her bed which said, “ If I am the cause of problems in my mother’s life let me leave this world.”  Further probing into her family background revealed that there was severe disharmony between her parents.  Her father was an alcoholic and used to beat up his wife when drunk.  Her mother had left the house with Asha twice before but had returned after a few days “for the sake of Asha”.  The mother would often remark that  she was staying with her husband just because Asha needed “a family” to stay in. Asha would often wonder how she could help the situation.  That day the father assaulted his wife once again.  Asha could not see her mother in a distressed state any longer.  She persuaded her mother to leave the house and go to her parents’ house.  But the mother kept saying, “I don’t want to do it just because you will be in trouble.”  Asha took the blame on to herself which finally resulted into a suicidal attempt.  

Case 2–  

Anmol (name changed for the purpose of confidentiality), an eleven year old boy was found missing from home after his father refused to give him a mobile phone.  After about 20 hours he was found sleeping on a railway platform.  He was reluctant to come home and had to be coaxed into coming back. When he came into treatment some details of his background became evident.  He was average in studies.  However, both his parents were highly educated and would expect a higher percentage of marks, a target which he was not able to achieve.  His parents would pressurise him for studies, would criticise him for his low marks, would keep demanding a good performance from him.  They had drastically cut down his hours of play.  They showed no appreciation for his talent in music.  He had lost interest in studies.  His work in school would remain incomplete for which he would get punished by teachers.  His parents used to be called to school very often for the same complaint.  Anmol was feeling sad and he had lost interest even in activities he liked, such as music and sports.  He did voice his  feelings to his elder sister but she also could not help him much.  He was contemplating for a long time to run away from home and end his life.  One day he asked for a mobile phone from his father. His father not only scolded him but also beat him mercilessly.  In a frustrated state of mind Anmol left home. 

Early detection is the key

It is very clear from the above cases that children who have suicidal ideas are generally depressed for a long time and see no hope for further improvement in their condition and resort to a suicidal attempt as a way to escape from their suffering.  If their depression is detected early and if help is provided they come out of their depressive state. 

How to detect depression in a child?

Persistent sadness of mood, loss of sleep at night leading to daytime drowsiness, lack of interest in work and play, loss of appetite with loss of weight, deterioration in scholastic performance, lethargy, retardation of the child’s physical and mental functioning are observable signs of depression in a child. Sometimes, there can be vague physical symptoms off and on, such as headache, abdominal pain, bodyache etc. for which there is no physical basis.  A change in a child’s mood which is persistent for more than two weeks is an alerting signal and may indicate depression.  If such symptoms are present the teacher should communicate with the child and find out what is wrong and what the child attributes it to.  If there is a definite likelihood of  depression, the school counsellor needs to be informed, who can take up the case and follow up the matter with the child’s parents and refer the child to a psychiatrist.  In case there is no counsellor available the teacher needs to get in touch with the child’s parents and suggest a referral to a psychiatrist and follow up the matter further.  

Communicate with children

It is important for teachers to communicate with their students as a group about difficulties in life and healthy strategies to deal with them.  It is helpful to discuss with children  about various aspects of life. Children can express themselves beautifully when given an opportunity.   A sensitive, empathetic teacher can effectively communicate about almost anything with his or her students.  I can say this with confidence because I have seen such teachers.  

Teachers, it is high time..!

Teachers, it is high time you take a pause to find honest answers to some of these questions for yourselves….How often do I talk to my students apart from the subject that I teach? Do I know my students well? Do I have a good rapport with them? Do my students ever approach me with their difficulties?  Do I understand the “child’s point of view” in a given situation? Do I consider referring a child to a mental health professional important?  Do I feel that my students are a burdensome responsibility on me? Do I lack time…. or the inclination…..or the understanding…. or the sensitivity….or something else?  



Blog on Dopamine – Dr. Sujay Prabhugaonkar

How Dopamine drives behaviour 

A) Dopamine and pleasure

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter responsible for pleasure. Not pleasure after receiving a reward but anticipatory pleasure. When we anticipate something exciting, dopamine is released which makes the chase more fun than the satisfaction of getting what we want 

But why did evolution design us to seek pleasure ? During evolution, resources were scarce and survival was important. Thus whatever helped us survive, made us feel pleasurable so that we end up doing things again and again. Example, carbohydrates, fats and salts were scarce during evolution. Thus whenever we would come across a sweet, salty or fat laden source of food like honey or berries we would experience a spike of dopamine and that would motivate us to repeat this behaviour again and again. Same thing would happen with drugs or sex. 

But if we chase those dopamine highs through food or drinks or drugs or sex, we eventually limit our behaviours to that activity. Our pleasure seeking becomes narrower and restricted to those activities. Eventually those activities also don’t give us the expected pleasure. Thus detoxification or fasting or deprivation helps to restore the dopamine levels back to baseline. Similar effect is observed during delayed gratification. If we delay our pleasures, we can savour them and save the best for the last 

B) Dopamine and novelty seeking 

Dopamine also spikes up during novelty seeking behaviours. Why does it happen? Again coming back to our evolutionary past, activities like hunting and foraging for food would spike dopamine levels. But after we get what we want, dopamine doesn’t stay high. Since otherwise we wouldn’t venture out to hunt or forage. Thus dopamine eventually goes back to the baseline. Sometimes it drops even further from the baseline, which further motivates us to eventually seek out more. 

Thus anything that we achieve in our life, motivates us to further achieve more to get more and more of those dopamine spikes. 

Example, once an athlete who wins a gold medal or a student who comes first in class is driven to achieve further to get more and more of the dopamine spikes. 

But there’s a flip side to it. After an achievement there’s a period of low which is associated with the drop in dopamine. This phenomena is seen in holiday blues or postpartum depression where after we endure a much awaited event, we experience sudden low mood giving rise to a sense of loss of purpose 

So in order to sustain this dopamine high which can also be pursued through real life achievements, we should have goals and pursue them and set bigger goals eventually. Thus positive addictions can be pursued which can lead to a natural high


C) Dopamine and rewards 

But pleasure and novelty are not enough to drive behaviour. Dopamine stimulates the reward pathway. If we reward ourselves with money when we do a particular behaviour, we become motivated to do more of that behaviour. But eventually rewards become predictable and expected after a certain interval. Thus they lose novelty and we start craving for more. 

Some of the most addictive behaviours like gambling become addictive because the rewards are variable and come at unexpected intervals. Similar thing happens with social media. When we access social media, there may be a notification or a like or there maybe nothing or suddenly there may be a bunch of pleasing comments. Thus when we’re rewarded intermittently, unexpectedly or with a variable quantity, we get addicted to that behaviour. Thus intermittent variable rewards actually boost dopamine which drives behaviour. 

Thus if we reward a child for studying with a bike or gifts, eventually he/ she will crave for more rewards and won’t be interested in studying or studying for the sake of those gifts. Thus gifts may drive his behaviour and not the interest in learning. When we give intermittent unexpected rewards like a praise or a drive or day spent outdoors which happens as a way of appreciating his efforts instead of the outcome of marks, rewards would be eventually sought in the activity itself. Thus the joy of studying and learning motivates a student which becomes a reward in itself 

Thus we see how a naturally occurring chemical neurotransmitter drives pleasure, motivation and drive and what we can do to stimulate it naturally.


 A JOURNEY FULL OF PAIN AND REWARDS   –  Dr. Manoj Bhatawdekar

“Who will give him a girl?” – A story from my early days of private practice as a    Psychiatrist

At the beginning of my practice in 1988-89, I used to consult in a small polyclinic in the evenings for 2 hours. I hardly had any patients those days. There were no mobile phones or computers.  It was a small cabin without any air-conditioning.  It just had the minimum essential things a doctor’s cabin needs to have- a table,  three chairs- one for the doctor and two for patients and relatives; and a bed for examining patients. The room used to feel congested when closed.  There was an exhaust fan which was supposed to bring some ventilation. Mostly I would keep the door open and sit there reading a book, hoping that one day some needy patient lands up.  

One day,  an elderly man entered my clinic and asked me, “Dr., what time is your last appointment in the evening ? I want to  come and see you with my son. He is twenty five.  I think he is under some stress and I want you to see him.”  Making a feeble attempt to hide my enthusiasm, I replied, “Oh, you can come any time between 7 and 9 pm.”  He shook his head.  “ Not at 7 doctor. I would prefer to come when it is absolutely dark outside.  I don’t want to be noticed by anyone walking into your clinic.  I have 2 requests to make.  First, please allow me in immediately as soon as I arrive into your clinic, and, second, please cover this board of yours which reads- CONSULTING PSYCHIATRIST- so that by chance if someone notices me here, they won’t realise that I have brought my son to a psychiatrist.  My son is still young. We want to get him married some time in 2 years.  If people come to know that he needs to consult a psychiatrist, who will give him a girl?”  

The stigma that has always existed

Psychiatry has always been an enigma in the eyes of people- interesting to look at from outside but worth evading and even condemning when one looks at it closely.   Society has looked down upon people with psychiatric disorders as crazy, insane and incapable of living a normal life.  Psychiatrists have been labelled “doctors of the insane”, “loony doctors”, “shrinks”and what not.  

The early years

The pre-1950 decades were far- from- happy for Psychiatry. Erwin Ackernecht, a historian, wrote in 1959, in his Short History of Psychiatry, “The position of the psychiatrist around 1900 was not a particularly happy one.  Although he was better able to classify the psychoses and predict their outcome than his predecessors a century before, he still suffered from the same ignorance of the causes of mental illness and he still had to be content with the same miserable methods of treatment.” Indeed, the understanding about causes of mental illness then was very poor.  Supernatural explanations prevailed in abundance.  Even the knowledge of anatomy and physiology which was so useful for understanding medical illnesses was futile when it came to mental illnesses.  Brutal methods of treatment such as bloodletting, purging, vomiting, digging holes in the skull, throwing people in ice- cold water were rampant.  Obviously none of the people suffering from severe mental disorders got better.  None of them were capable of living a productive life.  They invariably deteriorated over a period of time.  They were a huge burden to the family and society at large.  They were dumped in asylums which were more like prisons and the psychiatrist treating them was “a prisoner caught up in the difficulties of the field in which he had chosen to work”, in the words of Ackernecht.  

Revolutions in Psychiatry

However, the picture changed slowly over the years.  ‘Moral treatments’ of psychiatric patients followed by psychoanalysis followed by electroconvulsive therapy brought about some change in the treatment of psychiatric patients.  The discovery of an antipsychotic medicine Chlorpromazine in 1952 was a game changer.  It worked like a magic bullet in the head and many of the institutionalised chronic patients who were tied to hospital beds started getting better.  It is said that their chains were broken. Today we have several effective and selective medicines for different psychiatric conditions.  There are newer brief and effective methods of psychotherapy which have been designed for psychiatric disorders.  This has remarkably improved the outcome of mental disorders.  Even people with severe psychiatric conditions like schizophrenia can now be managed on an outpatient basis and can live a productive life in the community with the help of their families.     

“Will you please treat him/her?” ….. Today’s story 

 And, today in 2021, I get phone calls from people-  “Dr., do you remember me?  You treated me in 2018 and I am doing well.  I am referring a friend to you. I think he is depressed.  He wasn’t willing to see you but I gave him my own example. I would be obliged if you treat him  .”  Or, “I think my wife’s low backache is related to her stress.  Will you please see her?”  Or,” I got your referral from a friend of mine whose child you had treated. I want to consult you for my child. ”  It is heartening to see de-stigmatisation happening all around.  People have openly started talking about mental illnesses and their treatment, thanks to the awareness that exists today.  

Is it all rosy rosy?

No way.  The age- old social perception of “What will people say?” still continues to haunt people.  Supernatural explanations continue to dominate the minds of the illiterate ( and even some educated ones).  More people are deprived of mental health care than those who seek it.  There is a gross dearth of mental health professionals in India, compared to the population.   The ratio of psychiatrists to population in India is 0.75 to 100,000 residents.  Nearly 197 million Indians suffer from mental disorders, including 45.7 million with depressive disorders and 44.9 million with anxiety disorders, according to a study in Lancet published in 2020.  India still ranks very high in suicides.  There are several psycho- social- political- economic factors which modify the course and outcome of mental disorders.  

FutureFrom ‘demons’ to ‘molecules’-

Modern medicine is the highest evolved scientific form of medicine because it keeps evolving!  The journey of Medicine started from shamanistic medicine; and has progressed through herbal medicine, to pharmacological medicine to the future molecular medicine.  Genetics, epigenetics, connectomics seem to be some fascinating words that will often be heard in relation to Psychiatry  in years to come.  Neuroimaging techniques have revolutionised our understanding of the micro circuits in the brain.  

The real challenge is to bridge the gap between the ever- lingering stigma around Psychiatry and the rapidly progressing scientific developments in the field.  It has always been a journey full of pain and rewards, and so will it be. There are no rewards without pain!    


एका पुनर्जन्माची कथा

एका पुनर्जन्माची कथा

हे प्रांजळ कथन आहे स्वानुभवातून आलेलं. डॅा. मनोज भाटवडेकर यांना ऱ्हुमॅटॅाइड आर्थ्रायटिस नावाचा अत्यंत वेदनादायी आजार झाला. या आजाराशी झगडता झगडता त्यांचं मानसिक बळ संपुष्टात येऊ पाहत होतं. अचानक त्यांना ध्यानमार्गाची ओळख झाली. या नवीन पथावर चालता चालता ते स्वत:च्या संपर्कात आले. त्यांच्या शारीरिक- मानसिक प्रक्रियांमध्ये आमूलाग्र बदल घडू लागला. त्यातून ते वेदनामुक्त आणि औषधमुक्त झाले. हे पुस्तक याच प्रवासाचा वेध घेतं. या पुस्तकाने अनेकजणांना ध्यानाला उद्युक्त करण्याची आणि जगण्याची उभारी देण्याची बहुमोल कामगिरी केली आहे.



डॅा. अंजली भाटवडेकर यांचं हे पुस्तक ‘आपलं महानगर’ या वृत्तपत्रातल्या ‘ संगोपन’ या सदरातील काही लेखांचं संकलन आहे. लहान बाळांचा शारीरिक विकास अनेक गोष्टींवर अवलंबून असतो. त्यांच्या आहाराबद्दल पालकांच्या मनात अनेक  शंका, गैरसमज असतात. एक वर्षाच्या आतील बाळांच्या विकासाबद्दल थोडीशी धास्तीही असते. याच वयोगटातल्या मुलांच्या पालकांना स्तनपान व इतर आहारविषयक मार्गदर्शन या पुस्तकातून केलं आहे. याशिवाय या वयोगटातल्या मुलांच्या काही नेहमीच्या किरकोळ आजारांबद्दलही माहिती यात सापडेल. उदाहरणांच्या आधारे सोप्या भाषेत केलेलं विवेचन पालकांना उपयोगी ठरावं. 

આપણું બાળક તો આમાં નથી ને ?

“કહેવા જેવું ઘણું છે, કહ્યા જ કરું છતાંય ખૂટે નહીં એટલું! મારું સઘળું કહેતા રહેવું પર્યાપ્ત પણ નથી. ખાસ કરીને એટલા માટે, કે ગમે તેટલું કહ્યા પછી, સાંભળીને સમજવા અને પચાવવાની જે પ્રક્રિયા છે તે સૌથી મહત્વની છે. જાગૃતિ લાવનારી અને ક્રાંતિકારી ઘટના ભલે સામૂહિક સ્તરે જોવા મળે, પણ મૂળભૂત તે વ્યક્તિગત ઘટના છે. કોઈ પણ બદલાવ લાવવા માટે આપણા પોતાનામાં બદલાવાની તૈયારી હોવી જોઈએ. આપણે બે હાથે ખોબો ધરવો છે કે મુઠ્ઠી વાળી રાખવી છે, એ ઉપર સઘળું નિર્ભર છે. માટે જ, આ લખાણ દ્વારા કોઈ દાવો કરવાનો મારો ઇરાદો નથી. માત્ર એક અરીસો સામે ધરવો છે, કે જેમાં પોતાનું પ્રતિબિંબ સૌએ જોઈને, જે તારવવું હોય એ તારવવું, અને જો ગાંઠે બાંધવા જેવું લાગે તો બાંધવું.”

– ડૉ. મનોજ ભાટવડેકર

आपलं मूल यात नाही ना ?

आपलं मूल यात नाही ना?

या पुस्तकाच्या प्रस्तावनेत डॅा. मनोज भाटवडेकर म्हणतात,”सांगण्यासारखं बरंच आहे! कितीही सांगितलं तरी ते संपेल असं नाही. कारण सांगितलं कितीही, तरी ऐकण्याची समजण्या- उमजण्याची प्रक्रिया ही त्याहूनही जास्त महत्त्वाची असते. जागृती, क्रांती या घटना सामूहिक पातळीवर घडताना जरी दिसल्या तरी त्या मुळात वैयक्तिक आहेत. कुठल्याही बदलासाठी आपल्याकडे मुळात बदलण्याची तयारी लागते. आपण हातांची ओंजळ केलीय की मुठी आवळल्या आहेत यांवर सर्व अवलंबून असतं. म्हणूनच मला या लिखाणातून कसलाही दावा करायचा नाही, कुठलाही पवित्रा घ्यायचा नाही. फक्त एक आरसा आपल्यापुढे ठेवायचा आहे, ज्यात आपणच आपलं प्रतिबिंब बघता आलं तर बघावं आणि मनाशी खूणगाठ बांधता आली तर बांधावी.”

आपली मुलं आणि आपण

आपली मुलं आणि आपण

या पुस्तकाच्या प्रस्तावनेत डॅा. मनोज भाटवडेकर म्हणतात,” पालकत्व ही अशीच हळूहळू अनुभवानं कौशल्यपूर्ण होत जाणारी प्रक्रिया आहे. त्यातली सर्वसाधारण ठळक तत्त्वं या पुस्तकात सापडतील. ती आपल्या बाबतीत कितपत आणि कशी लागू होतात हे ज्याचं त्याने ठरवायचं आहे. ( जसं- भज्यांची पाककृती वाचून भजी करताना पीठ किती उंचीवरून गरम तेलात टाकावं म्हणजे हातावर तेल उडणार नाही हे ज्याचं त्याने ठरवायचं ). तेव्हा हे पुस्तक वाचणाऱ्या पालकांना माझं कळकळीचं सांगणं एकच- या कहाण्यांमध्ये गुंतून राहू नका, त्याबरोबर वाहवत जाऊ नका. वस्तुनिष्ठ आणि शोधक नजरेने या लेखांचं वाचन- मनन- चिंतन केलंत, तर कदाचित त्यात दडलेली समस्यांची ‘उत्तरं’ सापडतीलही!”

Foreword by Mr. Sadanand Date

A Lock Down is a once in a lifetime event. Due to the threat of Covid19, the lockdown has descended on us without much prior warning and obviously most of us were not ready for the experience. But some of us were better prepared to face the lock down than others; Dr Anjali is one of them. Her preparation for this unexpected crisis, and the hidden opportunity therein, must have been taking place for a long time. She was certified fit to face a crisis of this sort, when she walked out of cancer with a smile on her face. 

‘Anjali’ literally means a divine offering, a gift carried in both hands. This book is Dr Anjali’s gift to all of us. She has brought for us, thoughts of great souls like Osho, O Henry, Martin Luther King Jr, Arthur Ashe, Buddha, Rumi, Thich Nhat Hanh and Nelson Mandela along with her unique Manadalas and equally beautiful reflections. 

I was amongst the lucky recipients of these thoughts and Mandalas each morning. Many a times her sentences would force one to take a pause and reflect further on what has been written. As an example onsider this one sentence, ‘We cannot run the world on efficiency alone’ which she wrote while she was writing on the theme Love. Nothing more is required to be said to underline the need and importance of love in human life.

Through out the book, Dr Anjali comes across as an intelligent and sensitive person; who is infused with an unshakable confidence and a remarkably positive attitude. Her spiritual quest and gratitude towards life is reflected on almost every page. And she retains a sense of complete dignity and detachment when she describes her experiences which almost appear like miracles. To an agnostic reader like me, if the author were not Dr Anjali, such experiences would come across as unsound and untrustworthy. But herein lies her great strength. Like most of us, she has come across challenges and faced contradictions in life- but in her unique way she has overcome her challenges, retained her humility and in the course has attained complete credibility. Having achieved these feats, her reflections carry an immeasurable capacity to enrich and inspire the reader. I am sure the readers would find this reading insightful and thought provoking. 

I wish Dr Anjali well for her continued Conquest of Happiness; and am eagerly looking forward to reading her thoughts and seeing her ever colourful mandalas in the years to come!

Short Biodata of Mr Sadanand Date

Mr. Sadanand Date is an IPS officer of 1990 batch Maharashtra Cadre.

He has done M.Com and he is a qualified Cost and Management Accountant. He was awarded Ph. D. by Pune University in 2003 for his research on theme ‘Monitoring of Economic Offences: A Management Control Systems Perspective’. As a Fulbright scholar,in 2005-06, he visited the USA to study investigation and prosecution of White-collar and Organised Crime cases.

Mr. Date has worked in different capacities in Maharashtra and Mumbai Police, CBI, CRPF and Department of Justice, GoI. He is currently the Commissioner of Police
Mira-Bhayandar, Vasai-Virar

He has received several commendations for his work from DGP Maharashtra, Director CBI, DG CRPF and got a number of medals including Presidents Police Medal for Gallantry.

Effective delivery of police services, Organizational Development, Community Policing and Police Welfare are the themes on which Mr. Date has continuously worked.


Day 1 of lockdown – Mandala 1

सुप्रभात ! आपणा सर्वांना गुढीपाडव्याच्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा. नववर्षाच्या सुरूवातीलाच आपल्याला कठीण परिस्थितीतून जावं लागत असलंतरीही लवकरात लवकर आपण यातून सुखरूपपणे बाहेर पडू असा माझा विश्वास आहे. या कठीण काळाचा सामना करण्यासाठी आणि यापरिस्थितीचा *बिनशर्तपणे स्वीकार* करण्यासाठी आपणा सर्वांना धैर्य आणि शक्ती लाभो अशी परमेश्वर चरणी प्रार्थना 🙏🙏.

Day 2 of lockdown – Mandala 2

Today’s Mandala has Blessings in its centre. In these difficult times, I am extremely grateful for the countless Blessings that we are receiving from God / Existence every single day, right from the house that we are staying in, our family, friends, our household helps, our good health….and many more….. Times like these can be good reminders of how lucky we normally are! I pray that all of us can continue to appreciate these blessings even after this crisis is over. Immense Gratitude and Prayers for all the workers working ceaselessly to make our lives comfortable during this Lock down.


Day 3 of lockdown – Mandala 3

The centre of today’s Mandala is CHEERFULNESS! In the present situation, when we are bombarded with unnecessary ( and often wrong ) information as also videos depicting the irresponsible behaviour of people, it is natural to feel sad or angry or frustrated. But sending out these negative vibrations into the world can worsen our state of mind by attracting more negativity towards us. To break this chain of negativity, we can make a CONSCIOUS CHOICE TO REMAIN CHEERFUL even in these tough times by focusing on Positive vibrations like Gratitude and Prayers. Let us all pledge to remain Positive and Cheerful throughout this period of Lockdown. I know that I may not be able to achieve this 100% of times, but I have decided to give it my best shot. What about you?

Day 4 of lockdown – Mandala 4

This Mandala is a salute to the DEDICATION AND DETERMINATION of each and every citizen of India, who is helping to ensure that the Lock down is successful. I salute the thousands and thousands of workers , working across India in various fields, putting their lives at risk so that we can emerge Victorious ….Police, Government servants, All Healthcare workers including doctors and nurses, Ambulance drivers, Sanitation workers,  Banking officials, People providing daily needs of life…….the list is endless….. And along with these workers, I salute all the Responsible Citizens , who are following the rules and regulations, despite many hardships that they have to face, including those who are in quarantine. I pray that All of us can work in Love, Unity and Harmony and at the end of this crisis, all of us will have learnt something Useful and Life-changing!!

Day 5 of lockdown – Mandala 5

Today’s Mandala focusses on Exercise. As we are nearing the end of the first week of Lock out, it is very important to take good care of your Health. We all can prevent infections if our Body and Mind is Healthy as this boosts up our Immunity. And to keep the body healthy, apart from nutritious food, we need regular exercise. As most of us are confined to our homes and the Gyms are closed, we need to find some alternatives to our normal exercise routine. I am suggesting a few exercise regimes that can be easily followed at home ….and you can add on to these alternatives as per your liking…….सूर्यनमस्कार ( or chair सूर्यनमस्कार for those with knee problems ), योगासने, प्राणायाम, Dancing to the Music you like, Some Osho Dance Meditations, दोरीच्या उड्या ( especially for youngsters ) , Stretches are some forms of exercise that can be done at home. Tai chi, Qi gong, swinging arms exercises are other alternatives. On YouTube, there are some excellent videos of Walking at home.

You can also Run on the spot or Jump. Climbing stairs is another excellent calorie burner. And for those who are not fond of the word ‘exercise’, they can just help in the cleaning of the house especially the fans or the ceiling. Regular exercise is not only a fat burner, but also lifts up our mood, keeping depression away ! And while we are talking of exercising the body, let us not forget about the Mind. The Mind will benefit by solving puzzles or learning something new (either a language or some art) and by avoiding an overdose of the Media! Let us all pledge to keep our Mind and Body Healthy by any regular exercise which we enjoy.

Day 6 of lockdown – Mandala 6

The centre of today’s Mandala is Fearlessness! Actually, Fear is essential to the survival of all beings (including Humans) in the presence of any threat to life. But excessive fear can cause more harm than good…. too much fear does not allow you to take rational decisions, it can lead to a Panic attack and worse still, excessive fear can reduce the Immunity so we are more prone to infections. On the other hand, not understanding the gravity of the situation or taking things too lightly will expose you to danger! Fearlessness is a balance between these two extremes.

*FEARLESSNESS DOES NOT MEAN TAKING THINGS TOO LIGHTLY, IT DOES NOT MEAN DISREGARDING THE RULES AND REGULATIONS*;  it just means that you understand the gravity of the situation and you are taking appropriate action, you are following all the rules and regulations, you are doing everything in your capacity as a responsible citizen to help keep the situation under control. This could mean continuing to work if you are part of the essential services; and for others, it means staying safe at home. And once you have taken the appropriate action, it is best to just relax and do your job well and try and enjoy whatever circumstances you find yourself in! For those confined to their homes, *adding an element of FUN to your daily routine* can work wonders in keeping the fear at bay. You can dance, sing, paint, play an instrument, exercise regularly, put your house in order, spend quality time with your family, play boardgames or cook innovative dishes with the limited resources that you have at the moment. I am sure you can add many more activities to this list. Helping people who are at a disadvantage financially or senior citizens of your neighbourhood is another excellent way to utilise your time and energy. Normally, we talk of not having enough time. Now as we have lots of time on our hands, let us all engage in the things we love to do. Being busy has a lot of advantages….it improves the quality of your sleep and as the mind remains busy, the fear cannot manipulate you. *Avoiding too much of social media/ TV / news channels is very important in these tough times*. Also, try your best *NOT TO READ OR SEE negative posts or videos (especially posts which portray an impending doom!) *. And most definitely, *DO NOT FORWARD NEGATIVE POSTS*. If you want to forward anything, ensure that it is authentic information, and also that it has a positive impact, helping to boost the morale of people. If we all follow these simple rules, I am sure we will not fall prey to Panic or excessive fear. In this context, I am sharing an excerpt from one of Osho’s discourses in which he talks about the same issue.

*डर से बचिए*
70 के दशक में हैजा महामारी के रूप में पूरे विश्व में फैला तब अमेरिका में किसी ने ओशो रजनीशजी से  प्रश्न किया

*इस महामारी से कैसे बचे?*
और ओशो ने विस्तार से समझाया जो आज कोरोना के सम्बंध में भी बिल्कुल प्रासंगिक है
यह प्रश्न ही
आप गलत  पूछ रहे हैं|

प्रश्न ऐसा होना चाहिए था, *महामारी के कारण मेरे मन में मरने का जो डर बैठ गया है उसके सम्बन्ध में कुछ कहिए ?*
इस डर से कैसे बचा जाए..?’

क्योंकि  वायरस से बचना तो बहुत ही आसान हैं,

लेकिन जो डर आपके और दुनियाके अधिक लोगों के भीतर बैठ गया है, उससे बचना बहुत ही मुश्किल है ।
अब, इस महामारी  से कम
लोग, इस डर के कारण ज्यादा मरेंगे…।

‘डर’ से ज्यादा खतरनाक इस दुनिया में कोई भी वायरस नहीं है।

इस डर को समझिये,
अन्यथा मौत से पहले ही आप एक जिंदा लाश बन जाएँगे ।

यह जो भयावह माहौल आप अभी देख रहे हैं इसका वायरस आदि से कोई लेना देना नहीं है ।

*यह एक सामूहिक पागलपन है,* जो एक अन्तराल के बाद हमेशा घटता रहता है  ।  कारण बदलते रहते हैं, कभी सरकारों की प्रतिस्पर्धा , कभी कच्चे तेल की कीमतें कभी दो देशों की लड़ाई तो कभी जैविक हथियारों की टेस्टिंग !!

इस तरह का सामूहिक पागलपन समय-समय पर प्रगट होता रहता है । व्यक्तिगत पागलपन की तरह, कौमगत, राज्यगत, देशगत और वैश्वीकपागलपन भी होता है ।

इस में बहुत से लोग या तो हमेशा के लिए विक्षिप्त हो जाते हैं या फिर मर जाते हैं ।

ऐसा पहले भी हजारों बार हुआ है, और आगे भी होता रहेगा । और आप देखेंगे कि *आने वाले बरसों में युद्ध तोपों से नहीं बल्कि जैविकहथियारों से लड़े जाएंगे*

लेकिन मैं फिर कहता हूं हर समस्या मूर्ख के लिए डर होती है जबकि ज्ञानी के लिए, विद्वानों के लिए अवसर!!
इस महामारी में आप घर बैठिए, पुस्तकें पढिये, एक्सरसाइज कीजिये शरीर को कष्ट दीजिए, व्यायाम कीजिये, फिल्में देखिये, योग कीजियेएक माह में 15 किलो वजन घटाइए, चेहरे पर बच्चों जैसी ताजगी लाइये
अपने शोंक पूरे कीजिए.  मुझे अगर 15 दिन घर बैठने को कहा जाए तो में इन 15 दिनों में 30 पुस्तकें पढूंगा

और नहीं तो एक बुक लिख डालिये, इस महामन्दी में पैसा इन्वेस्ट कीजिये.  ये अवसर है जो बीस तीस साल में एक बार आता है पैसा बनानेका सोचिए.

कहां बीमारी की बात करतें हैं
*ये’भय और भीड़’ का मनोविज्ञान सब के समझ नहीं आता हैं ।*

‘डर’ में रस लेना बंद कीजिए…

आमतौर पर हर आदमी डर में थोड़ा बहुत रस लेता है , अगर डरने में मजा नहीं आता तो लोग भूतहा फिल्म देखने क्यों जाते ?
ये एक सामूहिक पागलपन है जो अखबारों और TV के माध्यम से भीड़ को बेचा जा रहा है
लेकिन सामूहिक पागलपन के क्षण में आपकी मालकियत छिन सकती हैं… आप महामारी से डर सकते है तो आप भी भीड़ का ही हिस्सा है

ऐसा कोई भी विडियो या न्यूज़ मत देखिये जिससे आपके भीतर डर पैदा हो..
महामारी के बारे में बात करना बंद कर दीजिए,

डर भी एक तरह का आत्म-सम्मोहन ही है।
एक ही तरह के विचार को बार-बार घोकने से शरीर के भीतर रासायनिक बदलाव होने लगता है और यह रासायनिक बदलाव कभी कभी इतनाजहरीला हो सकता है कि आपकी जान भी ले ले

महामारीओ के अलावा भी बहुत कुछ दुनिया में हो रहा है, उन पर ध्यान दीजिए|

‘ध्यान-साधना’ से साधक के चारों तरफ एक प्रोटेक्टिव Aura बन जाता है,
जो बाहर की नकारात्मक उर्जा को उसके भीतर प्रवेश नहीं करने देता है

अभी पूरी दुनिया की उर्जा नाकारात्मक हो चुकी है…
ऐसे में आप कभी भी इस ब्लैक-होल में गिर सकते हैं….

ध्यान की नाव में बैठ कर हीआप इस झंझावात से बच सकते हैं ।
शास्त्रों का अध्ययन कीजिए,
साधना कीजिए… विद्वानों से सीखें

आहार का भी विशेष ध्यान रखिए- स्वच्छ जल पीएं

अंतिम बात-
धीरज रखिए…जल्द ही सब कुछ बदल जाएगा..

जब तक मौत आ ही न जाए
तब तक उससे डरने की कोई ज़रूरत नहीं है और जो अपरिहार्य है उससे डरने का कोई अर्थ भी नहीं है,

डर एक प्रकार की मूढ़ता है
अगर किसी  महामारी से अभी नहीं भी मरे तो भी एक न एक दिन मरना ही होगा, और वो एक दिन कोई भी दिन हो सकता है| इसीलिए विद्वानोंकी तरह जियें, भीड़ की तरह नहीं!!

साभार: ओशो
*मैं जीना सिखाता हूं*

Day 7 of lockdown – Mandala 7

GRATITUDE is the centre of today’s Mandala. Gratitude is the Master key that unlocks us out of all difficult situations. When we start offering Gratitude for the Countless Blessings that we receive day in and day out, when we focus on all the things in our life that we can be grateful for, we can feel a fountain of Joy inside ourselves, and Peace descends on our being. One may ask, “What is there to be grateful about in the present situation, when we can’t go out, can’t have a normal life, our household helps cannot come and we are burdened with unending work, in addition to the threat of a Pandemic that is  looming over us……?”……one can go on and on with a much longer list of complaints and anger; and eventually this leads to frustration and sadness. Focusing on the negatives in our life is going to attract more negativity towards us (and this is true even in normal circumstances!).
But if we make an about turn in our attitude and decide to focus on all the good things in our lives at the moment ( e.g. we have a house to live in, we are endowed with good health, we have enough food to fill our bellies, we have friends and family that love us…….this list also can go on and on ) and start offering Gratitude for everything good in our life, we attract more positivity, we can remain happy and it becomes easier to deal with any tough situation. And this has been scientifically proved by functional MRI studies of the brain where it was found that offering Gratitude enhances the same areas of brain that are enhanced during Happiness
Psychologists studying the effects of Gratitude, have recommended 3 simple Gratitude practices in our daily lives
1. Expressing gratitude to family members every day for simple jobs done by them e.g. making a cup of tea
2. Expressing gratitude towards yourself for the good things that you did today (You can do this practice as you are brushing your teeth at night.)
3. Writing a letter or a mail to someone expressing your gratitude towards that person, at least once a month
You can also keep a daily journal of 3 things you are thankful for…either early morning or before going to bed.
It was found that just following these simple practices for 9 weeks improved the quality of life.
I myself have experienced this power of Gratitude during my chemotherapy 5 years ago. I was advised by a staff member of our spiritual organisation Sukyo Mahikari to write a Gratitude diary every day, and to thank people for even something simple like your driver driving you to the hospital or your cook cooking for you. (Normally, we do not feel the need to thank these people as they are paid for it ). As I started writing the diary every night before going to sleep, it made me realise how lucky I am to have so many people helping me during my tough time. It helped me remain focussed on the positives in life rather than crying over the difficulties. I now realise that it also helped me stay positive and cheerful throughout the challenging period of chemotherapy and being confined to the house for most of the time. (Even at that time, I was confined to my house for almost 6 months) I am continuing with the practice of thanking God for the innumerable blessings I receive daily and thanking people for their help or love or good wishes or good times together. It has come to my notice that whenever I move away from the practice of Gratitude into the zone of Complaining, I am unhappy. Just switching back to Gratitude makes life blissful once again.
I am a sending you an excerpt from an Osho discourse in  which he endorses the practice of Gratitude every day.

After reading this, would you be willing to start this simple practice of Gratitude from today ?



*कृतज्ञता से भरें..!!*

मुझे *भोजन* उपलब्ध हुआ है, यह बहुत बड़ी धन्यता है।

मुझे *एक दिन और जीने को मिला* है, यह बहुत बड़ा ग्रेटिटयूड है। आज सुबह मैं फिर जीवित उठ आया हूं। *आज फिर सूरज ने रोशनी की है।आज फिर चांद मुझे देखने को मिलेगा।*

*आज मैं फिर जीवित हूं।* जरूरी नहीं था कि मैं आज जीवित होता। आज मैं कब्र  में भी हो सकता था, लेकिन आज मुझे फिर जीवन मिलाहै। और मेरे द्वारा कुछ भी कमाई नहीं की गई है, जीवन पाने को। जीवन मुझे मुफ्त में मिला है। *इसके लिए कम से कम धन्यवाद का, मन मेंअनुग्रह का, ग्रेटिटयूड का कोई भाव होना चाहिए।*

*भोजन* हम कर रहे हैं, *पानी* हम पी रहे हैं, *श्वास* हम ले रहे हैं, इस सबके प्रति अनुग्रह का बोध होना चाहिए।

*समस्त जीवन के प्रति, समस्त जगत के प्रति, समस्त सृष्टि के प्रति, समस्त प्रकृति के प्रति, परमात्मा के प्रति एक अनुग्रह का बोध होनाचाहिए कि मुझे एक दिन और जीवन का मिला है। मुझे एक दिन और भोजन मिला है। मैंने एक दिन और सूरज देखा। मैंने आज और फूल खिले देखे। आज मैं और जीवित था।*

*रवींद्रनाथ* की मृत्यु आई, उसके दो दिन पहले उन्होंने कहा—उन्होंने कहा कि हे परमात्मा, मैं कितना अनुगृहीत हूं कैसे कहूं! *तूने मुझे जीवनदिया, जिसे जीवन पाने की कोई भी पात्रता न थी।* तूने मुझे श्वासें दीं, जिसके श्वास पाने का कोई अधिकार न था। *तूने मुझे सौंदर्य के, आनंद के अनुभव दिए, जिनके लिए मैंने कोई भी कमाई न की थी।* तो मैं धन्य रहा हूं और तेरे बोझ से, अनुग्रह के बोझ से दब गया हूं। औरअगर तेरे इस जीवन में मैंने कोई दुख पाया हो, कोई पीड़ा पाई हो, कोई चिंता पाई हो, *तो वह मेरा कसूर रहा होगा।* तेरा जीवन तो बहुत—बहुत आनंदपूर्ण था। वह मेरी कोई भूल रही होगी। तो मैं नहीं कहता हूं तुझसे कि मुझे मुक्ति दे दे जीवन से। *अगर तू मुझे फिर से योग्य समझेतो बार—बार मुझे जीवन में भेज देना। तेरा जीवन अत्यंत आनंदपूर्ण था और मैं अनुगृहीत हूं।*

यह जो भाव है, यह जो *कृतज्ञता का भाव* है, वह *समस्त जीवन* के साथ संयुक्त होना चाहिए।


Day 8 of lockdown – Mandala 8

HOPE is the centre of today’s Mandala! I remember studying a संस्कृत सुभाषित in school.

आशा नाम मनुष्याणां काचिदाश्चर्यशृङ्खला ।
बद्धा यया प्रधावन्ति मुक्तास्तिष्ठन्ति पङ्‍गुवत् ॥

This can be roughly translated as
“Hope is the name of a mysterious chain binding men. Those tied to it keep running, but those free from it are stranded as if lame”
As a medical doctor, I have experienced the truth of this, especially in severe illnesses. A patient with a life-threatening disease can survive if he has a strong willpower and his hopes of a recovery remain high. On the other hand, patients with even minor problems can succumb to the illness if they give up Hope. Here I remember a story by O Henry, ‘The last leaf’; in which a young seriously ill patient miraculously starts recovering when his hopes are aroused by seeing that the last leaf on a tree refuses to fall. In the present situation, Hope is very important to maintain our sanity, to ensure that we are not carried away by the flood of unnecessary information. Hope is an elixir that nurtures the Tree of Life. But at the moment, we can see many people who are so bogged down by the onslaught of negative news and doomsday predictions, that they are losing all hope in life. On the other hand, there are sane people who are choosing to stay away from the media and its negativity and they are enjoying Quality time with their families. In the present circumstances, we will have to nurture the seeds of Hope in us, by protecting the seeds from negativity and surrounding them with Joy and Peace. Though this may sound very difficult, I can assure you that it can be achieved if you are aware and taking care! Let us all hope that once this calamity is over, once the whole world has been cleaned of its impurities, we can see a bright future ahead of us and a better world, which is more loving, more grateful and in which all living beings have an equal chance to thrive.

Day 9 of lockdown – Mandala 9

The centre of today’s Mandala is INSIGHTS! All of us are facing various difficulties at the moment. Some of us have to go out to work braving the risks of catching the infection; while most others have to stay confined to the house giving rise to frustration in some, but also giving us opportunities like spending quality time together or getting the house in order. Most of us have more time on hand than we normally have, and this can lead to boredom at times. We all have been trying various means to keep ourselves occupied meaningfully like cleaning, cooking, reading, exercising, listening to music, dancing etc. But all this is on the outside…. what are we doing inside ourselves? Are we stopping for a few minutes and peeping inside ourselves, reflecting on what has happened and why it has happened? I am sure if we take some time to  do that, we will be able to get many NEW INSIGHTS every day !………continued

Did you read the story of the 93 year old Italian ?…..the one who recovered after being on a ventilator and was asked to pay for the ventilator….it was at that time that he realised that all these years, he has been breathing without any support only by God’s grace ….and also realised how much he really owes God ! All of us are in the same boat, taking all God-given gifts for granted, not offering Gratitude for the fact that we are alive, that our hearts are pumping ceaselessly, that our lungs are breathing in fresh air, that we are intelligent…..this list is endless!

If calamities like this can give us such wonderful insights, isn’t it worth going through these difficult times, so that we are better Human beings ? I think it is time to sit back a little, and look inside to see what each one of us has learned during this Pandemic.

Speaking for myself, I have realised anew that all of us connected to each other! We may at times think that we are superior to others, but actually, all of us are children of God and each one of us has been given a job which we have to do sincerely. We are not isolated beings who can survive alone (unless we are staying in the Himalayas!). In any society, we are all dependent on each other. When things are going smoothly, we don’t realise it; but when some services are not available and we have to make extra efforts, only then do we realise the importance of every person who is making our lives comfortable….right from our maids, our zaduwalas, paperwalas, watchmen, grocery suppliers, fruit and vegetable vendors to Police, bankers and healthcare workers. All of us are a part of a giant web and the society can run smoothly only if each one performs his / her duties responsibly. No one is superior and no one is inferior! I only hope that this Insight stays with me even when the world assumes Normalcy.

What are the New Insights for you? Do look inside yourself and share them. …

Day 10 of lockdown – Mandala 10

The centre of today’s glittering Mandala is JOY! One may ask, ‘ What is Joyful in the present circumstances, when everything is uncertain, when clouds of fear surround us and suffocate us, when even a normal touch can be dangerous……?’ In answer to that, I remember the story of the LAUGHING SAINT. This saint would always be laughing, no matter what the circumstances! Once, in a particularly trying situation, someone asked him,” How can you laugh when things around us are so bad?” His answer was, ” Every morning, when I wake up, I ask myself, ‘What do you want to be today…happy or unhappy…?’ And I invariably get the answer, ‘HAPPY ‘! And so, I CHOOSE HAPPINESS and LAUGHTER !!”

Actually, JOY is Innate to all human beings. We are born with the seeds of Joy within us, which, if nurtured well, can convert us into JOYFUL BEINGS. Unfortunately, instead of watering these seeds of Joy, most of us cover them with anxieties and worries and grudges and complaints and anger and all the stresses of this world. But, like the Laughing Saint , if we ask ourselves every morning the same question, what do you think the answer will be ?

And if the answer is ‘Happiness’, do you really think it is very difficult to find something to be happy about ? Even now, during the Lockout, I can hear the koyal singing, can see the squirrels chasing each other merrily on the trees, can hear the birds chirping in my window and can feel a gentle breeze blowing through my hair….is all this not enough to feel Joyous  As we spend wonderful time with our families, looking through old photographs and remembering the merry times together, as we play board games and carrom and cards, are we not experiencing a feeling of Happiness ?
If we forget our grudges, if we decide to overlook the minor faults of others and if we let go of painful memories and forgive others, don’t you think we will feel Joy surging through our veins?
All our saints and Gurus have been telling us from ages that the best way to feel Happy, is to be grateful and to Give unconditionally (without expecting anything in return); and now scientific studies are proving this!
Every day when I wake up, I find myself alive, my heart is beating rhythmically ,and the breath which went out, is coming in without any effort on my part….. isn’t all this enough to feel grateful? If our hearts are filled with Gratitude for the innumerable blessings that we have been receiving right from the time of our birth, Joy becomes second nature to us. And then, we can give to others the Joy we have, so that we are surrounded by Joy and Peace.

Of course, all this cannot happen overnight. But a simple practice can help us achieve this slowly. Before going to bed, stand in front of the mirror, Smile at yourself, appreciate yourself for everything good that you could do during the day and go off to sleep with Gratitude in your heart. And next day morning, when you wake up, again stand in front of the mirror and Smile at yourself. And ask yourself the question of the Laughing Saint …………….and let me know the answer !!

All the love
in the world can be
given to you, but if you
decide to be miserable,
you will remain miserable.

And one can be happy,
tremendously happy, for
no reason at all – because
happiness and misery are
your decisions.


Day 11 of lockdown – Mandala 11

KEY is the centre of today’s Mandala. I am sure all of us, who are Locked In our homes are eagerly waiting for a key to get out of this situation. At the moment, we are Locked out for a period of minimum 21 days. Our normal life is on hold! There’s a lot of Uncertainty in the environment, and with this uncertainty, comes frustration, anger, sadness, depression and even Panic attacks! Many students were halfway through important exams when the Lockout was declared. Some were in the process of applying to foreign universities, their future is unpredictable. Overall, people are worried about what the future holds for them. And frustration and sadness seems to be seeping in as days are passing with no early solution in sight……….continued

Many of us are asking the question,” WHY ME ?” or ” Why did it have to happen just now when we were planning this….or that….or looking forward to this…?”

Here I remember the story of Arthur Ashe, the legendary tennis player who won 3 grand slams. He contracted HIV through infected blood that he received during his heart surgery. When his fans asked him, ” Why did God have to select you for such a bad disease ?; he answered, ” When I was holding the Cup in my hand , I never asked ‘ WHY ME?’; so now, when I am in pain, how can I ask , WHY ME ?” !!! I think this applies to all of us! When we are being showered with innumerable blessings day in and day out, we never ask , “WHY ME ?”…..We take all these blessings for granted and very often, don’t even thank God for these blessings ; but when we are in a rough situation, we start complaining thereby wasting all our energy much needed  for dealing with the situation .
I really LOVE THE SERENITY PRAYER in this context. …. GOD, GRANT ME THE SERENITY TO ACCEPT THE THINGS I CANNOT CHANGE, THE COURAGE TO CHANGE THE THINGS I CAN AND THE WISDOM TO KNOW THE DIFFERENCE! If we can unconditionally accept whatever situation we find ourselves in, then it becomes easier to deal with it. And when we stop fighting, we conserve our energy and consequently have more energy to take the necessary action. I have also experienced in my life that every so-called bad situation can teach you valuable lessons if only you allow it to do so.

Let us all try to apply the key of the SERENITY PRAYER to the current status and see what emerges…….

Sharing an Osho quote in this context…..

Total acceptance is the
key. It is the master key;
it opens all the doors.

There is no lock that
cannot be opened by
acceptance. It is simply
the key that fits all the
locks – because the
moment you accept
something, a transformation
has started in your being
because now there is no
conflict. You are not two.

In acceptance you have
become one, you have
become a unity.

*- OSHO*

Day 12 of lockdown – Mandala 12

LOVE is not only the centre of today’s Mandala, but also the centre of the whole universe! We cannot run the world on efficiency alone. If there’s no Love amongst human beings (or amongst all living beings!), the world would be a terrible place to live in. But whenever we infuse Love in whatever task we are doing, the task (even if we don’t like that particular work) becomes easier and more enjoyable. Speaking for myself, I have experienced this first hand with many household chores. I am not really fond of the daily cooking (especially roti sabzi dal rice), so I used to do it more as a duty. But when I first heard someone talk about ‘Loving what you do ‘, I decided to give it a try. And almost immediately, I experienced that if I incorporate Love in my cooking, the food is tastier! But more importantly, I found that I could enjoy the cooking (maybe not 100% of the times, but most of the times!) ……..continued

The same thing is happening with cleaning the vessels and the house now. Most of us Indians are used to the comforts of having a bai do these boring jobs. But in the Lock down period, we are forced to do ALL the jobs in the house. Initially, I was getting a little irritated when I saw the sink full of dirty vessels, but when I used the above principle, (and also started playing music or thinking about what to write for the next day’s message while doing these chores ! ),  I truly started enjoying even these boring jobs. So, an attitude change from boredom / hatred to Love/ making the job interesting has worked wonders for me. It has also maintained Harmony in the family. Let me put on record here that my family helps me in all these chores wholeheartedly.

When we talk of Love, we always think that it means ‘ Loving others ‘; but the very first step on the path of Love is ‘Loving Yourself’! Unless we have learned to Accept and Love ourselves unconditionally, we will not be able to love others. And as Osho says, “Whenever one loves oneself, one becomes capable of loving the whole existence.” So as a first step, let us all start Loving Ourselves (in spite of all our faults and the mistakes we have made in the past)! Once that happens, sharing this love with others will automatically happen.

While we are talking on the subject of ‘Love’, I would like to comment on some posts which are being circulated. These posts show a particular community behaving irresponsibly, and the comments accompanying these posts are full of hatred. I remember a quote by Martin Luther King …..

‘Darkness cannot drive out darkness,
Only Light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate,
Only Love can do that.’

Any irresponsible and potentially harmful behaviour HAS TO BE STOPPED, but let us target the behaviour, and not the whole community (or a country, for that matter). Let the lawmakers take the necessary actions, and let us remember that there are bad worms in each community. So, let us refrain from spreading hateful messages, as they will do more harm than good in the present scenario.
Let us all concentrate on Radiating Love instead. As Rumi says, ” With life as short as a half taken breath, don’t plant anything but LOVE “!!!

Love is a must.
It is the only nourishment for the soul.
The body can exist with food; the soul can exist only with love.
Let it not remain just a word; allow it to become a penetrating experience.

Day 13 of lockdown – Mandala 13

Meditation is the centre of today’s Mandala. A few days ago, we talked about Gratitude being the key that can unlock the locks of many difficult situations. The same is true with meditation. As Osho says,

“Meditation is the
only answer to all the
questions of man.
It may be frustration,
it may be depression,
it may be sadness, It
may be meaninglessness,
it may be anguish; the
problems may be many,
but the answer is one.

*Meditation is the answer*.”

We were introduced to Osho Meditations at a time when my husband (Dr Manoj Bhatawdekar, Psychiatrist) was suffering from severe Rheumatoid Arthritis. He had inflammation of most of his joints …knees, ankles, jaw, shoulder, elbow, wrists and small joints of the hands. He was in severe pain most of the times, was on a high dose of painkillers; and if he delayed the dose of the painkiller, he used to be in agony. That was the time (18 months after his illness began) when we attended an Osho Meditation camp conducted by Swami Satya Niranjan. Osho meditations are of different types, most of them involving Dance or some physical activity. This was very difficult for Manoj with his physical condition, but with a strong determination, he wholeheartedly participated in the meditations ……..and on the second day of the camp, we realised that Manoj had missed the afternoon dose of his painkiller, but there was no pain!! That’s when we first experienced the Power of Meditation. As Manoj continued to meditate regularly at home even after the camp was over, we could see the positive changes in his health and he made a fast recovery into complete remission ( which continues to date, even after 23 years !)

This is just one small example of the healing effects of Meditation. But meditation can heal not only the body, but also the mind. It can help reduce your anxieties and stresses and can bring Peace to your troubled souls. And even more important, it can connect you to your INNER JOY. Just a word of caution though….. it is best to meditate without any expectations, just to experience the Joy of meditation. If you focus your mind on the expectations, you may be in for a disappointment.

Whenever we think of Meditation, most of us visualise someone sitting with eyes closed and trying to achieve a state of Thoughtlessness. While this is true for the original Vipassana meditation given by Buddha 2500 years ago; for the modern man, sitting quietly like this is next to impossible. That’s why Osho has designed many different kinds of meditations to suit different persons. Most of these meditations involve dancing or physical activity followed by sitting silently. These are better suited for the modern man who is used to running and hurrying all the time. Osho recommends at least one hour of meditation every day, but for busy people, he talks about *work as meditation* ….. i.e. doing your day to day activities or work meditatively. So you can meditate while cooking or cleaning or taking a walk or running or eating! As you delve deeper and deeper into a meditative state, any activity can be converted into meditation. (I am sharing an excerpt from one of Osho’s discourses which talks in detail about this concept…. it’s a little long, but do read it at leisure. )

For me, at the moment, drawing theme-based Mandalas and expressing my thoughts about this theme are like a Meditation! But more about that some other time.

At the moment, hoping that you can get in touch with some form of Meditation which can reduce the stress of coping with the current situation.


Osho on Work

You people go on thinking in wrong terms. Work is not work. And without work you will become more rotten, because what will you do? Your whole energy will become just a whirlpool inside and will create a thousand and one problems.

Work is needed… it is a relaxation. You create energy by food, by sleep. Where to put that energy?

You have to be creative about it. And work is a very ugly word, and particularly in the West, it is very ugly. That has created a certain subconscious attitude. In primitive societies, work is taken to be almost a play, a game. Everything is thought to be a game.
Once a man came to see me. He was a bus driver. Of course, to drive a bus in a city like Bombay or Delhi where the whole traffic is neurotic, brings one to be continuously on the edge of a nervous breakdown. He was very nervous, shaking.

He told me, ’I want to get rid of this work. It is too much! I cannot sleep – it gives me nightmares. And the whole day on the wheel in such neurotic traffic I cannot relax for a single moment.’
I told him, ’Try a meditation that I will give you, for seven days. Take this as a challenge – that these people are running into the middle of the road and doing everything in disorder.

Take it that they are just creating a situation for you in which to test your skill. Take it as a play. Take it as a situation in which your energy is put to test, and your whole skill is to be judged.’

This idea appealed to him and after seven days he came and said, ’It has worked… tremendous! Now I am not worrying about the road; I am enjoying it! The more disorderly it is, the more I enjoy it. It is really beautiful how I can avoid all the problems of the traffic. When I come back home, I come almost as a victorious player; like somebody who has won a gold medal in the Olympics!’

Take work as a game and enjoy it. Everything is a challenge. Just don’t go on doing it, dragging yourself because it has to be done. Then you will become ill.

If you have to work for four, five hours a day and those hours are a continuous sub-current of avoiding it, then you are dividing your being. It is not a question of work. It is a question of your whole inner well-being.

You will become divided doing something for four or five hours which you cannot like or don’t like.

So there are only two possibilities: either find work you like or become capable of liking the work, whatsoever it is.

The second is the best alternative because it is very difficult to find work that you like. Sooner or later you will dislike it. In the beginning, maybe you like it.
The first alternative is to find work you like. But that is not going to help for long because every kind of work, by and by becomes boring. You have to repeat everything. The other alternative is best. Bring a capability to like anything that you do; whatsoever the work you can like it.

Try it. Find out ways how to like it.

People want to find out ways how to dislike it, so of course they find ways.

For three weeks, try doing the work and liking it. Enjoy it, and singingly. Let it be just a dance. If you are cleaning, it can be a dance, a singing, an enjoyment, a delight and you will be tremendously benefited by it.
Excerpts from –
Beloved of my Heart

Day 14 of lockdown – Mandala 14

“Nurture” is the focus of today’s Mandala. If you look at the dictionary for the meaning of the word Nurture, it says,” care for and protect (someone or something) while they are growing, help or encourage the development of, to cherish ”

In the present moment, nurturing the young ones in our families is of course very important. It would be wonderful if all the young ones learn how to face difficulties with a Smile on their lips and Hope in their hearts. But for that to happen, the parents and the elders in the family have to be in the right frame of mind, so the children can learn from their example. And that’s why I would like to talk about “Nurturing Oneself ” today.

And how can we go about nurturing our inner selves, our soul? All the precious things in life (like our souls) are delicate and fragile and can be easily contaminated by our thoughts, our actions and by the things or vibes that surround us. So it is extremely important to take extra care to Nurture our souls. Keeping our thoughts pure, praying for others, helping others whenever possible, showing kindness in your actions …..all these can help Nurture our inner beings.

But there’s one more important factor which affects our being, and that is the vibes surrounding us. Unfortunately, in the modern times, we seem to be flooded with negativity from all directions, especially from the media. These days we are not getting newspapers, but in recent years, I have had a peculiar experience after reading the newspaper. I would get up in a happy state after a good night’s sleep, but my mood would be spoilt after breakfast. I would either be anxious or stressed out or angry. When this situation kept repeating itself, I tried to analyse what was happening, and realised that reading the newspaper was making me unhappy or totally stressed out! Further analysis revealed to me most of news these days predicts an impending doom (even in normal times) or focusses on all the negatives that are happening around. Anything positive is either not reported or it is overshadowed by the overwhelming negative news. That is when I decided to stop reading the newspaper. I still receive it daily, but use it for solving Sudoku or other puzzles. Occasionally, I am tempted to read the newspaper on the breakfast table, but invariably, the result is the same. I do think that someone in media should think of publishing a “GOOD NEWS” newspaper, focusing on the encouraging things happening all over the world.

The other source of profound negativity can be Television, especially the News & the serials! Luckily for us, we don’t have a television in our home for more than 13 -14 years (and I don’t miss it !!). But whenever I happen to watch news or political discussions during my visit to someone’s house, I am convinced that these are THE MOST VIOLENT programmes on TV. The way the reporters are yelling at the top of their voices, the way the same horrible video clips are being thrust at you again and again, I feel as if I am drowning in a tsunami of negativity! But in many homes, even very young children are exposed to this negativity day in and day out. No wonder then if they grow up to be insensitive adults! Do we really need to take in all this unnecessary news which makes us angry, depressed, insecure and provokes the feelings of hatred? I sincerely feel that if we want to Nurture our souls, we need to make a conscious decision to stay away from this.

The same is true with many whatsapp and other social media posts and videos. Some of the posts are full of hatred, but are still forwarded many times. All such posts can play a big role in creating communal disharmony and in propagating negativity. I believe that as responsible citizens, it’s our duty to stop forwarding such posts. Not only that, we should stop viewing such posts to maintain the purity of our souls.

Avoiding all such negativity is the first step towards Nurturing ourselves and I am sure all of us can do it ! Once we start surrounding ourselves with positive vibes, it becomes easier to go on to the next steps.

I would like to share a part of an Osho discourse in which he has talked about the next steps.

*मंगल कामना*  एक ध्यान विधि…

बुद्ध अपने भिक्षुओं से कहते थे कि तुम चौबीस घण्टे, राह पर कोई दिखे उसकी मंगल की कामना करना।

वृक्ष भी मिल जाए तो उसकी मंगल की कामना करके उसके पास से गुजरना।

पहाड़ भी दिख जाए तो मंगल की कामना करके उसके निकट से गुजरना।

राहगीर दिख जाए अनजान, तो उसके पास से मंगल की कामना करके राह से गुजरना।

एक भिक्षु ने पूछा, इससे क्या फायदा?

बुद्ध ने कहा, इसके दो फायदे हैं।

पहला तो यह कि तुम्हें गाली देने का अवसर न मिलेगा।

तुम्हें बुरा खयाल करने का अवसर न मिलेगा।

तुम्हारी शक्ति नियोजित हो जाएगी मंगल की दिशा में।

और दूसरा फायदा यह कि जब तुम किसी के लिये मंगल की कामना करते हो तो तुम उसके भीतर भी रिजोनेंस, प्रतिध्वनि पैदा करते हो।

वह भी तुम्हारे लिए मंगल की कामना से भर जाता है।

–  ओशो


Day 15 of lockdown – Mandala 15

Today’s Mandala’s focus is on Opportunity! I was talking to someone today and that person said that this Lock down is a punishment! That is when I started wondering whether it is really a punishment or an opportunity! If you look at the dictionary for the meaning of opportunity, it says, “An opportunity is a situation in which it is possible for you to do something that you want to do.” And what better time to have a look at the Opportunities that Life is presenting us than the present time, when we have a lot of free time on our hands?   As I started reflecting on the past few days, I realised that for me, this period has been full of wonderful opportunities and I have a long list of opportunities that this Lock down has presented us. I am giving you just a few examples of these opportunities and I am sure each one of us can come up with a different and interesting list.

🔯 This is a heaven sent opportunity for me to have a lot of quality time with my family.

🔯  I don’t have to worry about waking up early in the morning, so if I am doing something interesting, I can continue with it…..like yesterday, when at 1.30  in the night , I was drawing a Mandala while chatting with my son, having a discussion on the changes in the dietary habits of man from the Paleolithic period and the modern man !!


 We had a most interesting talk, when my son surprised me with his knowledge about varied subjects!! In normal circumstances, I wouldn’t have been relaxed enough at this time for such discussions.

🔯 I have realised that it is possible to do everything without the help of our bai. This has also made me realise that I have a lot of untapped energy and great stamina !!

🔯  We have realised that we can use our creativity to cook wonderful meals within the limited resources.

🔯 This has been an opportunity for me to realise afresh that my family is extremely adjustable in such times….in fact , these difficult times are bringing out the best in us !

🔯  We had been planning to translate Manoj’s book एका पुनर्जन्माची कथा into English for a long time, we could actually start the work during this Lock down

🔯 This has also been an opportunity to start getting the house in order, cleaning and getting rid of unwanted stuff that all of us hoard in our houses

🔯 This time has also made me realise how little we really need to live happily…a house, food on the table and a few clothes…and of course, books !…..we are down to essentials. We realise how little is the  use of all the jewellery and purses and accessories.

🔯 I have been given the opportunity to draw these theme based Mandalas, which is bringing out the best of my creativity , I am enjoying this immensely.

I think the list can go on , but let me stop now…..and maybe you can share with me some of the opportunities that you have found in the past 2 weeks.

Day 16 of lockdown – Mandala 16

PRAYER is the centre of today’s Mandala. The definition of Prayer according to the dictionary is ,
” A solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or another deity /An earnest hope or wish.” In the present situation, we can see that almost everyone is praying for safety, for good health and for the situation to come under control quickly. On this background , I thought it would be nice to revise the concept of Prayers and look at what prayers really mean.

When I was young, I didn’t really understand what prayers meant. Even when I went to a temple or stood in front of the God, I never thought of asking for anything. But as I have grown older, I have started realising the importance of prayers. Normally, almost everyone thinks of prayers as asking for something. But as I have been blessed to have my Spiritual Masters guide me , I have realised that a Prayer is much more than asking. And now, whenever I pray ( at least twice daily, after waking up and before going to sleep ), I try to pray in the following manner

1. As Osho says, the true essence of any Prayer is Gratitude ! So my prayers always start with thanking God. When I bow down in front of God, I am filled with gratitude for the innumerable blessings that we have been receiving from the time of our birth….our bodies, health, our parents who loved us, all the material blessings through which we can enjoy this life….the list is really unending.
I also thank God that I have been guided on the Spiritual path, which has been a great source of Joy and Peace for me.

2. If we try to analyse the causes leading to the current situation, we can easily see that the root of this problem lies in Man’s greed. In trying to fulfil our wants, we have disregarded the laws of the nature, have polluted the air, water and soil…and we have not stopped there, we are poluting our minds and bodies too. We have developed the habit of popping pills for minor illnesses ( instead of taking rest or reducing stress ) and this in turn has lead to more ailments. Once we realise our follies, we need to apologise to God ( or the supreme Power ). I believe that our prayers will reach God only if we sincerely seek for forgiveness for our mistakes.

3. Praying for others : Whenever we sincerely pray for others altruistically, without any thought of benefits to ourselves, the prayers are answered !

4. And the last part is Praying for yourself ! Actually, God knows what you need, so rather than asking for anything, I just state my problems and ask for help. I ask for strength and courage to face the problem, I pray that after going through this problem, I learn something new and that I am a better person as a result of this.

And I have experienced many times that our prayers are answered, especially the altruistic prayers when we pray for others !
I have also experienced that when we pray Unitedly for something, if possible, at the same time, we send out strong vibrations which reach God, and these United Prayers definitely work !!

We generally see that people have a tendency to pray only in the times of difficulties. In good times, they forget to thank God for the blessings they are receiving. Let us try to change this scenario.
It’s my personal feeling that if we pray regularly, thanking God for everything, we are connected to God, we have created a path which takes us closer to God ; so in emergencies, it becomes easier to reach God. So rather than praying only during crisis, let us make it a regular habit to pray and thank God for his Benedictions.

Let me end this post with Prayers for the wellbeing of all humankind and a sincere prayer that this crisis ends soon. I also pray that whatever we are learning in these difficult times, these Insights remain with us even during normal times; so that when everything returns to normal, we change our ways, stop polluting the earh and ourselves , so as to create a Heaven on earth !

I am sharing an Osho discourse which throws more Light on Prayer.

Anjali Bhatawdekar

तुम्हारी सारी प्रार्थनाए तुम्हारी शिकायतें हैं |
और प्रार्थना कहीं शिकायत हो सकती है ?
तुम उसी दिन मंदिर पहुंच पाओगे जिस दिन तुम धन्यवाद देने जाओगे, जिस दिन तुम कहने जाओगे कि मैं किसी योग्य न था, मेरी कोई क्षमता और पात्रता न थी, और तुमने इतना दिया !
जिस दिन तुम्हारे पास जो है, तुम्हारी पात्रता से तुम्हें ज्यादा दिखाई पड़ेगा, उसी दिन प्रार्थना का जन्म होगा |फिर उस प्रार्थना का कोई अंत नहीं है | वह बढ़ती जाती है, बढ़ती जाती है | और एक घड़ी ऐसी आती है कि तुम्हारी पात्रता शून्य हो जाती है | उस शून्य पात्र में ही सारा अस्तित्व उतर आता है | जिस दिन तुम कह पाते हो, मेरी कोई भी योग्यता नहीं, मैं जीवन के योग्य भी न था, एक सांस भी ले सकूं अस्तित्व की, इसकी भी मेरी कोई क्षमता न थी, और तूने मुझे अनंत जीवन दिया, जिस दिन तुम्हें इसमें परमात्मा के अनुग्रह के अतिरिक्त कुछ भी दिखाई न पड़ेगा, तुम बिल्कुल शून्य मात्र हो जाओगे, उसी क्षण फिर तुम्हारी कोई मृत्यु नहीं है |
मृत्यु वासना की है | तुम्हारा जीवन वासना है, इसलिए तुम्हारे भीतर मृत्यु बड़ी होती है | तुम्हारे भीतर की वासना ही तुम्हारे भीतर की मृत्यु है | जो निर्वासना को उपलब्ध हुआ वह अमृत को उपलब्ध हो गया |
ताओ उपनिषद
भाग 5
प्रवचन 50

Day 17 of lockdown – Mandala 17

The theme of today’s Mandala is QUEST! Quest is derived from Latin, meaning, ” to seek, to look for, to ask”. A quest could be a long and arduous journey to look for something that is difficult to find. An example of quest is to embark on a mission to find hidden treasure. We have heard from all our saints and Spiritual Masters that ” That which you seek, lies within you “. And what is it that all of us are seeking? If you ask any person what he wants in life, the answers could be money, fame, knowledge, Love, etc; but underlying all these answers is HAPPINESS. Each one of us is seeking happiness in his / her own way in life. We seem to be running hard to get a glimpse of it. But how many of us are successful in this mission?

Now that we all have some time to reflect on our lives, let us ask ourselves, ” What do I want from Life? And am I getting it? ” All of us set out in life with some goals. Let us introspect and try to gauge whether we have achieved our goals and if yes, has it given us happiness? After accumulating wealth or fame, are we satisfied? If we were given another chance in Life, to begin anew, would we be going after the same goals…..or would we look for something different this time ? I think this is the right time to peep inside yourself and be honest with yourself. Let us all give a thought to whether we want to continue in the same manner chasing imaginary happiness and getting stressed out in the bargain) , or do we want to change some things ? Do we want to slow down a little and smell the flowers and hear the birds sing and look at the sunrise and the sunset and enjoy the music and dance to our inner music? I believe the present time is a very rare opportunity in our lives….to look at our priorities, to look at what makes us happy……to touch that Inner Peace and Joy , which is our very nature !

It’s worth reading Osho’s discourse in this context.

I do hope that you can go on this Inner Quest for the hidden treasure in this Lock down period.


Osho Naman@

|| जीवन की कसौटी ||

आनंद एकमात्र कसौटी है जीवन की। जिस जीवन में आप बहे जा रहे हैं अगर वहां आनंद उपलब्ध नहीं होता है, तो जानना चाहिए आप गलत बहे जा रहेहैं। दुख गलत होने का प्रमाण है और आनंद ठीक होने का प्रमाण है, इसके अतिरिक्त कोई कसौटियां नहीं हैं। न किसी शास्त्र में खोजने की जरूरत है, नकिसी गुरु से पूछने की जरूरत है। कसने की जरूरत है कि मैं जहां बहा जा रहा हूं वहां मुझे आनंद बढ़ता जा रहा है, गहरा होता जा रहा है, तो मैं ठीक जारहा हूं। और अगर दुख बढ़ता जा रहा है, पीड़ा बढ़ती जा रही है, चिंता बढ़ती जा रही है, तो मैं गलत जा रहा हूं।

इसमें किसी को मान लेने का भी सवाल नहीं है। अपनी जिंदगी में खोज कर लेने का सवाल है कि हम रोज दुख की तरफ जाते हैं या रोज आनंद कीतरफ जाते हैं। अगर आप अपने से पूछेंगे तो कठिनाई नहीं होगी। बूढ़े भी कहते हैं कि हमारा बचपन बहुत आनंदित था। इसका मतलब क्या हुआ कि वेगलत बह गए? क्योंकि बचपन तो शुरुआत थी जिंदगी की, और वे आनंदित थे और अब वे दुखी हैं। शुरुआत आनंद थी और अंत दुख ला रहा है तोजीवन गलत बहा। होना उलटा चाहिए था। होना यह चाहिए था कि बचपन में जितना आनंद था वह रोज—रोज बढ़ता चला जाता। बुढ़ापे में आदमीकहता कि बचपन सबसे दुख की स्थिति थी, क्योंकि वह तो जीवन का प्रारंभ था, वह तो जीवन की पहली कक्षा थी।

अगर एक विद्यार्थी विश्वविद्यालय में पढ़ने जाए और कहे कि पहली कक्षा में ज्यादा ज्ञान था और अब धीरे— धीरे ज्ञान कम होता जा रहा है तो हम कहेंगेकि तुम पढ़ रहे हो,  तुम ज्ञान की तरफ बढ़ रहे हो?  हद हैरानी की बात है!  पहली कक्षा में अज्ञान ज्यादा था यह समझ में आने वाली बात थी, ज्ञान कमथा यह समझ में आने वाली बात है,  और अब ज्ञान बढ़ना था, अज्ञान कम होना था।
जीवन की पहली कक्षा में लोग कहते हैं कि बहुत सुख था। कवि गीत गाते हैं कि बचपन बड़ा आनंदपूर्ण था। पागल होंगे ये कवि।  क्योंकि अगर बचपनआनंदपूर्ण था तो जिंदगी तुमने गवां दी ।

अंतरयात्रा ( ध्यान शिविर , प्रवचन ~7 )


Day 18 of lockdown – Mandala 18

REJUVENATION is the centre of today’s Mandala. The dictionary meaning of Rejuvenation is, ” The process of rendering young again or of producing beneficial changes”. We generally use this word after we come back from a wonderful vacation, as in, ” I am feeling rejuvenated after this vacation “. So why am I focusing on this word when most of us are house-bound, unable to pursue normal activities and in addition, the sword of the pandemic is hanging over our heads by a thin thread?… Because, I have experienced that every difficulty in our lives is a learning, a lesson for us. With the right attitude, all problems can teach us precious lessons and we can emerge a better person after we have come out of the storm, like a sword which is sharpened by repeated heating and cooling. Let me elaborate on this further…….

I was diagnosed with cancer in June 2014 and had to undergo 2 surgeries, 6 cycles of chemotherapy and 4 weeks of Radiation therapy. For most of this time, I was confined to my house (Being a child specialist, I was at risk of contracting infections easily from my patients, so I was advised to stop my clinic and hospital work during this period). Naturally, I had a lot of time on my hands; especially a week after the chemotherapy, when things would be fairly normal. I was lucky that I had some spiritual background, so I could use this time judiciously and had many wonderful insights throughout this period. I could realise to a certain extent, the roots of my cancer and this brought about a change in me slowly. After my recovery, within a couple of months, I found that my energy levels were higher than before the diagnosis and I was also much happier. *This entire period was one of Rejuvenation for me* And even now after 5 & half years, I can connect to the Insights I received during this period, and I am a much happier person now. I do have my moments of anger and sadness and anxieties, but they are moments or minutes now, rather than hours or days. I think this is the greatest blessing that I have received from my Cancer.

Similarly, if we can look upon this Lock down period as a time when we can learn something new about ourselves, our lives, what is important to us and what is not so important…..all these Insights, I am sure, will definitely lead to Rejuvenation.

Another time when I feel rejuvenated is after attending a meditation camp ….or when I meditate regularly. I find that Meditation is a wonderful way of recharging your batteries, of getting fresh energy…..and if you meditate sincerely ( not as a ritual !), you will definitely feel rejuvenated.

In our clinic, we try to conduct an Osho Meditation session once a week in the afternoons. Maybe, after the Lock down is lifted, we can meditate together some time.

But before that, during this Lock down, if you can direct some of your energy to being open to what Life is teaching us all through this Pandemic, I am sure you will feel rejuvenated.

REJUVENATION is the centre of today’s Mandala. The dictionary meaning of Rejuvenation is, ” The process of rendering young again or of producing beneficial changes”. We generally use this word after we come back from a wonderful vacation, as in, ” I am feeling rejuvenated after this vacation “. So why am I focusing on this word when most of us are house-bound, unable to pursue normal activities and in addition, the sword of the pandemic is hanging over our heads by a thin thread?… Because, I have experienced that every difficulty in our lives is a learning, a lesson for us. With the right attitude, all problems can teach us precious lessons and we can emerge a better person after we have come out of the storm, like a sword which is sharpened by repeated heating and cooling. Let me elaborate on this further…….

I was diagnosed with cancer in June 2014 and had to undergo 2 surgeries, 6 cycles of chemotherapy and 4 weeks of Radiation therapy. For most of this time, I was confined to my house (Being a child specialist, I was at risk of contracting infections easily from my patients, so I was advised to stop my clinic and hospital work during this period). Naturally, I had a lot of time on my hands; especially a week after the chemotherapy, when things would be fairly normal. I was lucky that I had some spiritual background, so I could use this time judiciously and had many wonderful insights throughout this period. I could realise to a certain extent, the roots of my cancer and this brought about a change in me slowly. After my recovery, within a couple of months, I found that my energy levels were higher than before the diagnosis and I was also much happier. *This entire period was one of Rejuvenation for me* And even now after 5 & half years, I can connect to the Insights I received during this period, and I am a much happier person now. I do have my moments of anger and sadness and anxieties, but they are moments or minutes now, rather than hours or days. I think this is the greatest blessing that I have received from my Cancer.

Similarly, if we can look upon this Lock down period as a time when we can learn something new about ourselves, our lives, what is important to us and what is not so important…..all these Insights, I am sure, will definitely lead to Rejuvenation.

Another time when I feel rejuvenated is after attending a meditation camp ….or when I meditate regularly. I find that Meditation is a wonderful way of recharging your batteries, of getting fresh energy…..and if you meditate sincerely ( not as a ritual !), you will definitely feel rejuvenated.

In our clinic, we try to conduct an Osho Meditation session once a week in the afternoons. Maybe, after the Lock down is lifted, we can meditate together some time.

But before that, during this Lock down, if you can direct some of your energy to being open to what Life is teaching us all through this Pandemic, I am sure you will feel rejuvenated.

Day 19 of lockdown – Mandala 19

The centre of today’s Mandala is SMILE. I am sure we don’t have to refer to a dictionary to know the meaning of a Smile! I am also sure that all of us have experienced the importance of a Smile sometime or the other in our lives. A smile can connect hearts, a smile can reduce stress, a smile can be infectious     ( this is one infection that we would welcome in our lives at the moment ! ), a simple smile can be the beginning of a long lasting friendship, a small baby smiling at you can remind you of God’s Love and as the Vietnamese Monk Thich Nhat Hanh says, ” Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” Have you ever noticed how a smile can transform an ugly face into a beautiful face? Smile has that capacity! It doesn’t cost you anything to smile…and yet, somehow, most of us don’t really smile frequently ( I too belonged to the same category, but am trying to make changes ) I would like to share some of my experiences with smiling….

I would like to tell you about this Amazing lady that helps us in cooking and cleaning our house. At least once in 4- 5 days, she enters the house with a huge grin on her face and asks me, ” Do you know what happened yesterday? It was so funny….” and then she will start with her narrative of some mishap e.g. how she forgot to turn off the taps and the house was flooded with water, or how she forgot the keys and had to break open the lock or how she bought something special and forgot it in the store or how she tried out a new recipe and made a mess of it…. Actually, none of the stories are really funny….I mean, if they happened to me, I would be either angry or upset or feel guilty, but she has this wonderful capacity to laugh at her mistakes, and in turn, make others laugh ! I have been trying to emulate her for years, but have not yet succeeded.
One incident that is etched in my mind about smiling, happened years ago. We had just been married and we had to stay with an eccentric relative of my husband Manoj for 2 days. This man was so obsessive that he would tell us the exact angle at which the milk bag should be cut! As Manoj knew this person was whimsical, we had decided to just smile at each other whenever we were given some irritating instructions. And that helped! Whenever this happened, Manoj and I would just look at each other and smile…and there was no irritation and no anger !!

One more experience : A few years ago, I used to be out of the house for work for long hours, and when I reached home, I would find the house in a mess. This would make me irritable and angry; it would spoil my mood and the harmony in the home would be lost. Manoj brought this to my notice after it happened a couple of times. Then I decided to try and change the situation. The mess in the house was unavoidable, so I had to change my reaction to it. As I became aware of the problem, I started preparing myself for the mess a few minutes before entering the house. I decided to enter the house with a smile, to greet my family and try to ignore the mess. And most of the times it worked. Just putting a smile on my face, helped me get rid of the irritation and the anger. Of course, I do fall into the same trap if I am not aware, so I have to consciously remind myself to put that smile in place. But just having that smile in place helps tremendously!

Another time when Smiling helped me was during my chemotherapy. I had lost all my hair including my eyebrows, but whenever I smiled at myself in the mirror, I would see a beautiful person who radiated Joy and who was at Peace with herself. As I saw beauty in myself, so did the others! I never ever felt ugly, thanks to that smile!

I have also found that if I don’t have a frown on my face when I am criticising some behaviour, the criticism is accepted better. Even during situations making you angry, if I can smile (inside) at that situation, I can express myself better and the criticism is more constructive.

One important practice that I have adopted in recent years is Smiling at myself in the mirror before going off to sleep. I smile at myself, appreciate myself for all the good things that I have done during the day and offer Gratitude that I was allowed to do so. This has deepened my practice of Gratitude and has certainly made me happier.

I am sharing a short story in this context…

Hoping that all of us can smile more and radiate our Joy,
Anjali Bhatawdekar

1000 mirrors
A person asked a question to his Guru, “My workers are not true to me. My children, my wife and the entire world is very selfish. Nobody is correct.”
Guru smiled and told a story…,
In one small village there was a room with 1000 mirrors. One small girl used to go inside and play! Seeing thousands of children around her she was joyful. She would clap her hands and all the 1000 children would clap back at her. She considered this place as the world’s happiest n beautiful place and would visit often.

This same place was once visited by a sad n a depressed person. He saw around him thousands of angry men staring at him. He got scared and raised his hands to hit them and in return 1000 hands lifted to hit him back. He thought… this is the worst place in the world and left that place.

This world is also a room with 1000 mirrors around you… What we let out of us is what the universe will give back to us.!!”This world is a heaven. Or Hell. It’s up to us what we make out of it…” said the Guru….

Day 20 of lockdown – Mandala 20

Today’s Mandala is focused on TRUE LIGHT.

I am writing today to share the wonderful experiences that  my family and I have been having with True Light.

As some of you may ( or may not be ) aware, we have been members of a Japanese Spiritual Organisation and are practising the Art of True Light for more than 7 years and I am immensely grateful to God for giving me the opportunity to practise this art.

True Light essentially purifies the spiritual aspects, which in turn purifies the mind and the body. We do not advocate True Light solely as a physical healing therapy because it is essentially meant for spiritual purification. Of course, spiritual purification leads to wonderful effects on the mind and the body, many times resulting in physical healing.

Many members from my family have  experienced the wonderful effects of True Light.

Speaking for myself, I have had several miraculous healing experiences with True Light ( which cannot be explained on the basis of current medical science ! ); the least of which are physical. As most of you know, I was diagnosed with breast cancer in June 2014. During my surgery and chemotherapy, thanks to True Light, I had NO MAJOR SIDE EFFECTS! No vomiting, no weight loss (many patients lose at least 5-6 kgs….I did not lose even a gram ! ). But more importantly, I could remain positive and cheerful for almost the entire period of 6 months. (I had to stop my clinic work during this period due to the risk of infection, so I was confined to my house for most of this period). I also find that after the completion of my treatment, I am more enthusiastic and doing much more work than before my diagnosis. My energy level is higher and I can remain happy and relaxed in spite of the many challenges that I face.

I have been giving and receiving True Light for more than 7 years now. In the initial days, being a doctor, coming from a scientific background, I had difficulty talking about True Light, as it was difficult for me to explain it in scientific terms. But in the last 7 years, I have had many satisfying experiences personally as well as in those who have received Light from us;  and that’s why I can now wholeheartedly talk about the importance of True Light.

I would like to state here that belonging to any particular faith / religion/ belief system is NOT A BAR to receiving True Light. What is needed is just an openness (without any expectations) to experience True Light

In general, it has been the experience of those receiving True Light that it is easier to remain cool and collected in trying circumstances. It is also easier to handle your anger, stress and anxieties. With the help of True Light, you can accept difficult situations with gratitude and stay cheerful. We have also experienced that people who have lost their loved ones can handle their grief better when they start receiving True Light.

With the intention of spreading the benefits of True Light to others, we along with other members in Andheri  started offering Light to visitors at our clinic on Wednesdays in the evening ( 4.30 to 7.30 pm ). Now as the number of visitors has started increasing (after experiencing the benefits of True Light), we have shifted this activity to a nearby place from 12 to 8 pm.  Many visitors have taken advantage of this and have had wonderful experiences.

Please feel free to contact me for further details.

Day 21 of lockdown – Mandala 21

If we look at the dictionary meaning of the word Understanding, it is “to be sympathetic to someone’s woes, to be aware of other people’s feelings” and it also means ,” having insight or good judgement”…..or there are some other nuances to the meaning of this word, like knowledge of a subject or an unwritten agreement between two parties etc. But today I would like to talk about some practical aspects of Understanding, which help us in dealing with potentially volatile situations and maintaining harmony in the family. As I understand it, (again, the same word!), a good understanding between members of the family is very important to maintain Harmony in the family. And in the present circumstances, Harmony is absolutely essential. If there is no harmony, we lose our cool, we get angry, and all this can affect our Immunity negatively. So, let us look at some examples…….

Let me tell you two incidents which happened when my son was in nursery. The first one happened in a school gathering where parents were invited. My son came to me holding beautiful rose in his hands and started plucking out all the petals! Normally, I would have told him that it is not good to destroy a beautiful thing like this rose, but that day I refrained from doing so because I had seen what had happened a few minutes earlier. My son had gone with this rose in his hands to offer it to a girl in his class, but that girl refused to even look at him, let alone accept the gift. Obviously, he was feeling hurt and angry, didn’t know how to express his feelings, so he was just venting out his feelings by destroying the rose. As I was aware of the cause for this behaviour, I just said to him,” You didn’t like it that she refused your rose, isn’t it?” He was very happy to realise that I could “understand” his behaviour and the matter ended there. If I had not seen the earlier incident, I may have admonished him, which may have increased his anger. All that was averted just by understanding the cause!

The second incident is etched in our minds for ever! It was just a few days after my son’s third birthday. Someone had gifted him with a battery-operated toy, which made a particularly irritating noise. We both [ Manoj and myself] didn’t like this noise, so when my son, Satyajit was asleep, Manoj hid the toy on the loft. When Satyajit woke up and couldn’t find his [by this time] favourite toy, he pointed at the loft and told Manoj, “Give me my toy” [ To this date, I don’t know how he knew that the toy was hidden on the loft !….so actually, we don’t Understand what our kids know or Understand !!] Manoj told him that we don’t like the noise that the toy makes; to which Satyajit replied, “But I love that noise.

तू म्हणजे मी आहे का

(Are you and I the same)?” We both were dumbfounded by this question and that is when we really understood how little we understand  how smart our kids are ! That was also the time when I first began to understand how difficult it is to understand your own son!

But talking about understanding would not be complete if we don’t talk about the judgements we make about people, without really understanding their situation. I have been guilty of this very often until a few years ago. I would judge a person by his behaviour in a particular situation, without realising where the behaviour is coming from! Nowadays, before judging anyone, I try to put myself in that person’s position and try to understand why he/she is behaving this way.

All this time we are talking about understanding others. But do you think any of this would be relevant without understanding ourselves? I think understanding of our own behaviour is absolutely essential if we want to maintain Harmony, whether at home or at the work place. Many times, when I try to analyse the cause of my anger, I find that the apparent cause may be the behaviour of others, but the real cause is that there is lots of anger within me! And whenever my ego is threatened by some behaviour of others, like my family not listening to my requests, the anger bursts out. Another cause could be that I expect the others to behave in a particular way and when my expectations are not met, I get mad! As I started meditating regularly, and following Osho’s advice about first watching the breath, then the thoughts and then the emotions, I started getting in touch with my emotions; so that now whenever I am angry, within a few minutes, I can pinpoint the exact cause of my anger and also realise that my anger belongs to me ! (at least most of the times! Of course, there are times when I lose my head completely, but I am trying my best to improve myself) When I understand this, it becomes easier to deal with that anger, as I now own my anger !

Praying that all of us can utilise the time in our hands to better understand ourselves and our families and that there is Love, Unity and Harmony in our families !


Day 22 of lockdown – Mandala 22

VALOUR means, “Great courage in the face of danger, especially in battle”. In the present battle against Covid 19, many health workers are working on the forefront at great risk to their lives. And they are showing great courage in this fight. Apart from them, there are many others who are continuing to work…sanitation workers, police forces, bankers, chemists….even fruit and vegetable vendors…..all these people are aware of their chances of getting the infection, but are nevertheless carrying on valiantly. But I feel that the battle is not limited to those working on the forefront. Each one of us is fighting this battle, whether we are sitting at home, or staying alone away from the family, or stranded in a strange country ……every single person is fighting this battle in his or her own way. And every- one is trying his / her best to be courageous in the face of the negative news coming in all the time!
Here, I would like to revisit the word Courage. As Nelson Mandela has said, ” I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.”…..I would like to talk a little more about courage in our daily lives…..

As a child specialist, I have been vaccinating children for more than 30 years now.  Once the child is more than 8-9 months, he starts associating the clinic with a painful experience and starts crying even before entering the clinic. And I have seen many different kinds of reactions of children and their parents during the vaccination, especially with the 2-3 year olds. Some parents scold their child (this happens more often with the father-son situation), ” Why are you crying like a baby? Be brave!” The child is not even able to express himself in words and he is expected to be brave in the face of pain!
Some parents tell their child, “It’s nothing, it won’t pain at all. Don’t worry” Though these parents mean well, I am sure the child must be feeling cheated when he does experience pain.

The best parents are the ones who tell their child, “It is going to pain , but we have to do it so that you don’t fall sick. Let me hold your hands…it will get over in a minute ” These are the children who are scared, but feel that their parents are around to help them, and so can face the situation by gritting their teeth and pursing their lips. I always feel that these children are showing great courage. ( I would like to compare this situation with adults….those who have a strong faith in God, and feel that he will take care of them come what may,….and consequently show great courage in adverse situations )

I would like to share a very personal experience of my fears and how going to the root of that fear helped me overcome that fear. After my surgery for cancer, I was scheduled to receive 6 cycles of chemotherapy. I did not experience any fear before or immediately after the surgery. But later, I found myself uneasy and anxious. I tried to go to the roots of these feelings. I asked myself if I was scared of death, but the answer was a very vehement ‘No’ (Having listened to Osho talk about death in many of his discourses, I was not really fearful of death per say). But then why was I feeling anxious? As I delved deeper into myself, I realised that my anxiety stemmed from a fear of chemotherapy (being a doctor, I knew all possible complications of chemotherapy!) When I could pinpoint my fear, it was easy to take action! We decided to put in a port to make easy the process of actually giving the chemotherapy drugs. With that my anxiety reduced considerably and I could remain positive and cheerful again.

Here let me share one more insight about our fears about future. I was initially quite scared about the number of blood collections I would have to undergo during my chemotherapy. But surprisingly, when it actually happened, I realised that it was no big deal….I could easily handle it….that’s when I realised the truth of the statement that most of the times, we worry about things that are never going to happen ( or are not as bad as you fear they would be ! )

I think each and every one of shows a lot of courage in various situations in our life…..Valour is seen not only on the battlefields, it is seen in everyday life too !!

Day 23 of lockdown – Mandala 23

WONDER! You must be wondering why I am writing about ‘Wonder’ in these troubled times! As the clouds of fear are darkening the skies, as we are worried about our health and the safety of our families, as we ‘wonder’ about what’s going to happen to us, our city, our country and  the whole world.., as we are fearful about the future of our economy.., as our well-structured world is crumbling around us…is there anything like.. “a feeling of amazement and admiration, caused by something beautiful, remarkable, or unfamiliar.”  (the dictionary meaning of Wonder!) There seems to be nothing remotely beautiful in the present situation, but of course, it is unfamiliar to all of us and it is also remarkable in the sense that something like this happens once in a lifetime! I am trying to look at the situation, not with apprehension, but with Wonder! *But more about my thoughts tomorrow*! In the meanwhile, I request you to think about what could be ‘wonder’ful about this situation and do share it with me

Day 24 of lockdown – Mandala 24

Yesterday, I was wondering which word I should select that starts from W. As you have probably noticed, I have been going alphabetically with my


. I had initially thought of writing on Wisdom, but even though I tried hard to write on Wisdom, I just couldn’t get down to writing. ( I hope this is not an indication of how much wisdom I have !


) So I thought of drawing the


first, leaving a blank in the centre. But just as I started drawing, I remembered the song from Sound of Music that Julie Andrews sings as she leaves the Abbey to take up her job. Do you remember that song?

“What will this day be like? I wonder.

What will my future be? I wonder.

It could be so exciting to be out in the world, to be free

My heart should be wildly rejoicing

Oh, what’s the matter with me?

I’ve always longed for adventure

To do the things I’ve never dared

And here I’m facing adventure

Then why am I so scared”

To a certain extent this song identifies with how most of us feel at the moment. We have always had a desire to change the present state of the world …from the overtly Materialistic to a more Humane, Loving world, free from conflicts, haven’t we ? I wonder if this Pandemic is the beginning of this change. As they say, before any major change, there’s chaos ! We are in the chaotic stage at the moment. BUT THIS TOO SHALL PASS ! I choose to believe that this calamity will be able to bring in many desirable changes in us humans, in the animal world ( we are already seeing the positive effects of the reduced pollution on many animal species ) and also in our Spiritual world. Anyone who passes through a storm this size, cannot remain the same even after the storm quietens. Many of us are getting new Insights about Life in general, and the behaviour of humans in particular. It is my sincere wish that all of us can carry these Insights with us even when things normalise.

I would like to share a small incident from my chemotherapy days here. After my treatment was over, a dear friend messaged me , ” Now you can put everything behind you and forget about this difficult period ” I know she meant well, but I told her, ” Yes, the difficult period is over. But I never ever want to forget about this period, because I have learnt a lot of Life lessons during this time, and I would always like to carry these wonderful lessons in my heart through the rest of my life! ”

Quite a few of you have shared your new Insights with me……the importance of respecting the nature, about how little we actually need and how much we hoard, how we can do without so many so-called essential things, the importance of family, Gratitude for the things we have, realisations about our own strengths and stamina ( how we can do all household work without any help !) , and also our perseverance and our creativity and how we can still HOPE in the midst of so much fear……..and most importantly, how little we actually need to be happy!

So yes, let us hope and pray that this calamity gets over soon with minimum damage to our world; but let us always remember the wonderful lessons that all of us are learning now and act in future with this newfound Wisdom.

Day 25 of lockdown – Mandala 25

XPERIENCE! Today’s Mandala is centred on (E)xperience ! For all of us, this Lock down is a new experience. None of us have ever been exposed to a similar situation in the past. Everything that is happening is Novel, just like the Novel coronavirus. So, how are we responding to this situation? Are we brooding and worrying about what will happen in the future? Are we consumed by the Fear pandemic? Or are we Coping well with the new challenges? Are we learning new skills in response to this hitherto unforeseen calamity? How are all of us responding to this extra ordinary experience? Let us all reflect on our individual, subjective experience of this worldwide Lock down……

One of the definitions of the word experience is as follows:” It is an event or occurrence which leaves an impression on someone.” I am absolutely certain that the present crisis is going to leave a permanent mark on all our lives. In fact, I have heard people say that in future we will be talking about the Before-Corona and After- Corona Times.

Another meaning of the word experience is, “The process of getting knowledge or skill from Doing, Seeing, Or feeling things.” I am certain that all of us have learnt some new skills and also gained knowledge about various aspects of life during this period, and I am fairly certain that this learning is going to continue in the coming weeks and months.

Speaking of skills, I know I have learnt quite a few new ones, but the latest one is using this ( to me) new facility on whatsapp ……speech getting converted into text ! Today, for the first time, I used this new format to type half of my write up. I still need to develop this skill, but I have taken the first step. I am sure many of us will HAVE to learn new skills to cope with the changes that the future will bring. Many doctors are learning and practising Video consultations during this Lock down period; and this trend is bound to continue in the future.
If we are not open to learning something new now, we may find it difficult to adjust to the inevitable changes in the near future.

But now, comes an important question. Do we all respond in a similar manner to any event? We all know about the half-full or half-empty cup, indicating that the response to a particular event depends on one’s outlook. As each person looks at the same event from his/her own perspective, the effects on that person are going to be different, his experience is going to be different. I remember a story about two twin brothers. One of them is always optimistic, whatever the situation; and other one is always pessimistic. Once their father decides to try an experiment. He gives them both different gifts on their birthday. For the pessimistic one, he has a room full of wonderful gifts. And for the optimistic one, he gives a box full of horse shit. When the father goes to see how the two brothers are responding to their gifts, he is surprised to see that the one gifted horse shit is dancing with joy. When asked the reason, he replies, “If there is so much horse shit, there’s bound to be a horse somewhere! “On the other hand, the pessimistic one is not happy even with a room full of gifts! These brothers remind me of ourselves….the Pessimists amongst us are not happy in any situation, they are not grateful for the wonderful blessings that they have ( like good health, a loving family, a home…..the list goes on ! ) But in the same situation, the Optimists can focus on the minutest blessing and stay happy in any circumstances. How you perceive or experience) any event depends so much on your Outlook.

So, at the moment, how am I looking at this lock down? Is it a punishment for me or is it a new opportunity for me to take an overview of my life, to learn new skills and to face the coming changes in the world with confidence? Am I looking at it as just a bad phase in my life that has to be tolerated and forgotten as soon as possible or am I looking at it as an enriching experience?
The choice is in our hands, don’t you think?
Anjali Bhatwdekar

Day 26 of lockdown – Mandala 26

Day 26.
YES is the centre of today’s Mandala and also the centre of our lives! We don’t need the dictionary to know the meaning of the word yes, it’s quite obvious. But I just wanted to know its origin and I found out that it comes from the old English word gese, loosely meaning “be it.” Or “may it be so “ ( This comes very close to Acceptance ! )
When you say Yes, you are opening yourself to countless possibilities that life is offering you. When we say Yes, we believe that we are inviting all positivity in our lives. So, saying Yes means inviting good health, a strong immunity, Harmony, Prosperity and so on. I think all of us have been reading a lot of posts affirming these positive qualities in the present times. But as I understand it, saying Yes does not stop just at these affirmations. It goes way beyond this to touch all aspects of our lives. Yes is a flowering of our being!
My own understanding of the word Yes is that “Apart from inviting Positivity, the two great virtues Acceptance and Humility are interwoven when We say Yes to something.”

Let me share a few of my experiences with saying Yes and No. Until a few years ago, I had difficulty saying an immediate Yes to any request. I would not be able to say Yes easily even if it didn’t require a lot of efforts for that work. On the other hand, Manoj would immediately say Yes to any request even if it meant going out of his way to fulfil that request. But as I started meditating, I came to realise that I was wasting a lot of energy by saying No unnecessarily . On the other hand, saying Yes was easy and saved my energy. It was especially true while working in the house e.g. cooking. Earlier, I used to be very rigid about how a particular work should be done. I was not open to any suggestions. But as I started saying Yes, I experienced that listening to others’ suggestions can actually be time saving and energy efficient at times, and of course, it helped to create a strong bond amongst us. So saying Yes has reduced a lot of Conflict in my life. Earlier, I used to feel guilty for having said No unnecessarily and also spend a lot of time justifying that No. Now all that time and energy is available to me for more constructive purposes.

My real test with saying Yes came when I was diagnosed with cancer in June 2014. But luckily for me, I could accept the diagnosis very easily. I had no questions like ‘why is this happening to me or why do we have to go through this’. I could unconditionally accept the diagnosis and was ready to face the difficult treatment. I had full trust in the Almighty and strongly believed that he wants me to go through this treatment for a particular reason. I could place myself in his hands and of course, the hands of my doctors and I never questioned anything that they advised. Even when things did not go in the ideal manner, I did not blame anyone. I could totally accept this as the will of God. Looking back now, I understand that this was the source of my strength. If I had wasted my time and energy fighting with the diagnosis or the treatment , I am sure I would have had difficulty coping with this strenuous and emotionally challenging period. Saying Yes i.e. Accepting the condition unconditionally led me to a positive outcome, at the same time permitting me to stay Positive and Cheerful throughout the period.

I remember reading a wonderful sentence some years ago, “If you accept some discomfort, your comfort Zone will increase.” This particular sentence has left a lasting impression on my mind and as I started following it , I have experienced that accepting a minor discomfort is easier for me now and my comfort zone has definitely expanded. Again, saying Yes to discomfort is profitable to me!

When I talk about saying Yes, it obviously does not mean that you allow people to exploit you or to take advantage of you. Also, if you strongly feel that you should not be doing a certain thing, listen to your heart and protect yourself. In those situations, it’s perfectly ok to say No!

Let us also remember that saying Yes also includes saying Yes to yourself; that is accepting yourself completely, as you are, without feeling guilty or ashamed of your shortcomings. This acceptance is essential for your Peace of Mind. And not just accepting yourself, but accepting your needs, accepting the fact that you need some ” Me-time”, accepting your needs of Relaxation….all these are a part of saying Yes!

For me, saying Yes has opened up a beautiful path of Joy and Peace ! And I hope and pray that you can find it too!

Anjali Bhatawdekar

P.S.: For the Puzzle lovers, can you find out how many times ‘Yes’ has been written in this Mandala?

Day 27 of lockdown – Mandala 27

Today is the last letter Z from the alphabet, and what better word to write on than ‘Zest’ ? For the last 27 days, I have been drawing a Mandala every day with a write up on the word in the centre of the Mandala with a lot of enthusiasm and energy i.e. Zest! The dictionary meaning of this word tells us,” If you have got a zest for something, you put your whole heart and soul into it”, which has been true with me for the last 27 days. And the most important factor in this journey has been the fact that I have thoroughly enjoyed this process. As Osho has said,” Without zest, what is life? Just waiting for death?” For me, this zest has converted the potentially boring days of the Lock down into very busy, enjoyable days which I will cherish for ever.

As I was looking through the dictionary meaning of Zest, I came across one meaning which I was not aware of! Zest also means “a piece of the peel of a citrus fruit used as flavouring”. My son Satyajit, who loves cooking, was aware of this meaning as he keeps watching a lot of videos on cooking, but for both Manoj and myself, this was a revelation. And as I thought about it, I realised that this meaning is really apt! You can enjoy Life completely in any situation only if you add that something extra to give it Spice! Only with this zest, can you maintain your interest in Life and live Life with great enthusiasm and energy. Walt Disney has said, “ In bad times and good times, I have never lost my zest for life.” And that was precisely the reason that he could continue to create wonderful movies all through his life.

The present situation can become dreary and depressing if you lose your zest for life, but it can become more meaningful if you find ways to be zestful and energetic in these days. So, adding that flavour, that spice to the boring, monotonous routine can make life enjoyable even in Lock down. And as Norman Vincent Peale says,” if you have zest and enthusiasm, You attract zest and enthusiasm. Life does give back in kind.”

As I already said, for me, these Mandala Musings have added zest to my life. There have also been some other factors which I have consciously worked upon to maintain my interest in the monotonous routine of cooking and cleaning. Making chapatis while listening to either Music I like or to an Osho discourse breaks the monotony. Concentrating on making soft rotis which puff up like puris can be a rewarding experience, which can add Spice to this otherwise tiring job. Also, practising “Work as Meditation” has saved me from getting irritable with the unending load of dirty plates and utensils in the sink. Dancing while washing is not really difficult, as I have found out in the past few weeks!

Moving your hips to Music you love can make this job definitely tolerable, if not enjoyable.

Trying to find something to enjoy while doing the monotonous jobs could be the key to getting back the Zest in your life. Of course, changing the way you look at the situation, whether as a punishment or as a challenge, can be of paramount importance.

So, let us all concentrate on adding zest to the current situation that we find ourselves in. Do let me know if you find some Novel ways to incorporate Zest in your Life in Lock down.

Day 28 of lockdown – Mandala 28

Dear friends, Today’s Mandala is just to express my Gratitude to all of you, who have appreciated my efforts in drawing these alphabetical Mandalas and penning down my thoughts. I am extremely grateful for the tremendous encouragement I have received in these 4 weeks of Lock down. This exercise has given me a lot of happiness and satisfaction and a sense of fulfilment during the Lock down; when I too, have been more or less confined to my house. What initially started as something to keep me occupied , turned into quite a serious affair, leaving me writing or drawing till late into the night! During the last 4 weeks, I have received feedback from many of you which has been quite overwhelming ; and also has given me a boost to continue to share my experiences

Many of you told me that mine was the first post that they read in the morning , as it helped maintain positivity in these depressing times. This really touched my heart and kept me going. I was especially moved when one of my doctor friends, working on the forefront messaged that the positive reinforcements from my posts are a great help, especially in tough times !

The first 2 – 3 days, I had written very short posts, but as days went by, I felt compelled to share more of my experiences as they seemed to be helping many readers. Initially, I had made a list of the words alphabetically which I could write on. But to my surprise, on many days, I found that I could not write on the pre-decided word till late evening, and then suddenly another word was (sort of ) revealed to me, after which there was a steady flow of my thoughts. This happened with C, I had initially decided to write on Compassion, but ended up writing on Cheerfulness ! Then again, Exercise instead of Empathy, Hope instead of Health, Key instead of Kindness, Wonder instead of Wisdom…….. I felt as if I was guided by someone to write on a topic which was more relevant and more useful during the Lockdown. The letter X was quite a challenge, I had decided to write on Xcellence, but a discussion with my family changed my mind and I ended up writing on Xperience. YES was suggested to me by Manoj , when I talked to him about my inability to fix upon a word starting with Y…….and almost instantaneously , he came up with YES, and I said YES !!!

I have been having a feeling that I was being guided to write these posts—–it was almost as if this was my mission during Lock down, to spread Positivity and Love. I am immensely grateful to the Almighty for showing me the way throughout these 4 weeks, for helping me when I was stuck and for giving me the energy and the enthusiasm, or should I say, the ZEST to continue !

Today, as I write this, I have a wonderful feeling of being permitted to accomplish something which had not occurred to me in the wildest of my dreams; and at the same time, there is a sense of loss too. I am going to miss this artistic and intellectual stimulation, and of course being able to connect with so many of you every day. But I know in my heart, that these connections are here to stay, even if I stop writing on a regular basis. Of course, whenever I have the time, I will try to post either a Mandala or some of my thoughts, but not as regularly as the last 28 days.

Some of you have asked me to compile these Mandalas and my posts accompanying them into a book. For that to happen, I will need to find a publisher who is willing to publish it. If you have any contacts, do let me know

Once again, thank you very much for your appreciation and your suggestions and wishing you and your family good health in the days to come…

Day 29 of lockdown – Mandala 29

Good morning with a Monochromatic Mandala. I am writing this post to share my Understanding about Mandalas. Let me clarify here that I have not formally studied how to draw a mandala. My knowledge about mandalas has been derived from internet videos and Wikipedia and I have added to it my own experiences of drawing Mandalas. BTW, it is exactly 11 months today that I started my Mesmerising journey with Mandalas.

The word Mandala is a Sanskrit term that means circle or a discoid object. Mandala can be a schematic visual representation of the universe externally and as a guide for spiritual practices like meditation internally. Mandalas are commonly seen in Hinduism, Buddhism and also Jainism.

A Mandala is often the symbol that is used to help people focus on in meditation and achieve a sense of Oneness with the Universe. Speaking about myself, I have experience wonderful Peace,Joy and Relaxation while drawing Mandalas. I can actually feel my tense muscles relaxing when I am drawing or even thinking of drawing a Mandala.

There are various types of Mandalas for example Teaching Mandalas Healing Mandalas, Sand Mandalas etc. Certain symbols occur commonly within the Mandala for example wheel with eight spokes, bells, lotus flower and the Sun.

Sand Mandalas are found in traditional Tibetan Buddhism. As part of a spiritual practice, monks create intricate Mandalas with coloured sand made of crushed semiprecious stones.It can take weeks to create these Mandalas and shortly after it is completed, it is destroyed in a ritualistic manner to align with the Buddhist belief that nothing is permanent.

In Hindu and Buddhist cultures, Mandalas serve as a representation of the universe and a guide on the path to enlightenment.

Sometimes Mandalas are associated with a symbolic Palace at the centre , surrounded by several layers of circles which have to be traversed before you can reach the Palace at the centre. I think I have used this concept subconsciously when I drew the alphabetical Mandalas. If we want to reach the quality at the centre of each alphabetical Mandala , we would definitely have to work hard, introspect, understand our follies and make the necessary changes, not just in our outward behaviour, but in our innermost being !

Carl Jung, the Swiss analytical Psychologist recognised that the urge to make Mandalas emerges during moments of intense personal growth. Their appearance indicates that a profound rebalancing process is underway in the psyche. The result of the process is a more complex and better integrated personality. That’s why a Mandala can correspond to the artist’s emotional state at the time of drawing it.

But all this was more or less theory about Mandalas. I will share my wonderful personal experiences with the actual creation of Mandalas in a day or two.

Till then, enjoy quality time with your family and stay safe!

Anjali Bhatawdekar

Day 30 of lockdown – Mandala 30

Good morning with a very simple Mandala today. As I mentioned yesterday, I fell in love with Mandalas 11 months ago and the person instrumental for this was my dear friend Sangeeta Naik. Let me take this opportunity to thank you Sangeeta for introducing me to this Wonderful, Captivating, Satisfying, Funfilled
Mesmerising, Relaxing, Joyful, Enjoyable and Healing art form. Since I started drawing Mandalas, Life is Brighter, Happier, Exciting and at the same time, relaxed, filled with Peace and much more beautiful. Mandalas have definitely changed me and my life tremendously. I feel that I am Healing….many wounds from the past have healed…my heart is stronger and filled with Love and Joy and Peace. Mandala art has indeed been the equivalent of a very deep meditation for me and I am ever grateful to it. But more about this tomorrow……..

Day 31 of lockdown – Mandala 31

I fell in love with Mandalas 11 months ago ! It was a Thursday ( 23rd of May 2019) afternoon when I was relatively free and planning to relax when I opened a post sent by my dear friend Sangeeta. It was a beautiful Mandala with a title ‘ Another Mandala after a long time’. I instantly fell in love with it ! Actually, this was not the first time that I was seeing a Mandala. I had heard about Mandalas, seen some Mandala colouring books, but never had I felt this kind of attraction towards them. Like a person possessed, I searched the net for information on Mandalas. And I think I was meant to do this search , because for the next 40-45 minutes, the wifi stayed steady and I could watch some lovely and informative videos. One particular video caught my interest, as it talked about not the completed Mandala, but the meditative process of creating a Mandala. Looking back now, I believe all these things were preparations for my Alphabetical Mandalas during Lock down.

If I had not been drawing Mandalas, I would never have thought of posting something every day during the Lock down period…..and the write ups going with the Mandalas sort of evolved over time.

To go back to my story……watching the  videos on internet prompted me to try out a Mandala…..it was a small one, not very intricate , so took me only 20 -25 minutes and I sent it to my friend. She appreciated it very much , which encouraged me to try out two more Mandalas with colour pencils, and sent them to a few groups of family and friends. Here too I received tremendous encouragement….and now I was wanting to draw a Mandala in every spare moment.
I was not very happy with the colour pencils…the lines were not sharp enough, so I switched to gel pens. Here again I found 2 gel pens in the house immediately …( I believe all these arrangements were indicators that I was meant to practise this art )….  then there was no stopping me ! I started creating a Mandala a day ! ( and when I couldn’t create one, I felt something was missing ! )

When my son Satyajit had been studying in a Steiner school, the students had an art subject called ‘Form drawing’. I had attended one workshop on this subject and enjoyed it enormously. I had filled 2 drawing books with these repetitive and artistic forms, which I found now. Mandalas reminded me of the joy I had experienced while practising Form drawing…and now Mandala drawing gave me so much more Joy, because I was not copying anything….I was creating it ! And I cannot thank enough all the friends and family who encouraged me, appreciated me, praised my Mandalas and gave me tips to improve.

I continued to spend every spare moment for this art…..to the extent that I was carrying a pen and a drawing book or sketch pad wherever I went and drew the outlines of a Mandala when I had a free moment. So I drew Mandalas at the end of my OPD, outside the airport waiting for my son to clear his immigration, during the boring lectures at a conference….and even when I was waiting for my turn in Tata hospital for my regular follow up ! ( A funny incident took place here….I was waiting for an echocardiogram and was lost to the world as I was immersed in a new Mandala…the nurse who came to check the BP thought Manoj was the patient…I probably did not look anxious enough to be a patient to her… and she was about to tie the BP cuff on his arm ! )

And now, something about the process itself….
For me, drawing a Mandala is a wonderful combination of Relaxation and Awareness ! ( which is what meditation is all about ! ) The creativity can emerge only if I am relaxed ; and the actual drawing is smooth only if I am totally Aware of what I am drawing.
Personally, I don’t decide the shapes or forms in a Mandala beforehand. I relax and just allow the shapes / forms to come to me. Almost all my Mandalas are freehand; only occasionally have I used instruments to draw lines or circles. ( I find that using instruments hampers my creativity ) Though I am basically not an artist, the lines just flow through my hands…effortlessly….and I am filled with Joy and Peace as the Mandala takes its form. It is amazing how a few lines or dots can create wonders on paper .

I continue to be surprised at the completed forms. It is not I who created the Mandala…it was already existing, waiting for someone to give it a physical form…and that someone just happened to be me ! I am really lucky and blessed that I was chosen to be that someone ! I can feel the Peace and the relaxation and the Joy flowing through me…throughout my body…touching me, caressing me, healing me !

Actually, it is very difficult to describe in words what I feel as the Mandala goes through its various stages..from inception to completion…I can only say that,” For me drawing a Mandala is as powerful as a meditation….it IS meditation for me !!”

During the initial months, I was creating a Mandala almost every day. But slowly, the frequency was reduced and I started drawing for special occasions, like Ganesh festival, Diwali, New year etc. In the meanwhile, a friend gifted me with a small sketch book in which I could draw miniature Mandalas ( Incidentally, this is the book that I have been using for the series of Alphabetical Mandalas ) , another friend brought lovely pens which I was not getting in India. I conducted a Mandala workshop for a large group of Senior  citizens in my society, and also a few individual classes for friends and family. But as I said earlier, I was unaware that I was slowly but surely, being led to the culmination —- the Alphabetical Mandala Series !

Once again, let me thank all of you for your keen interest in my Mandalas and my posts,