Day 12 of lockdown – Mandala 12


LOVE is not only the centre of today’s Mandala, but also the centre of the whole universe! We cannot run the world on efficiency alone. If there’s no Love amongst human beings (or amongst all living beings!), the world would be a terrible place to live in. But whenever we infuse Love in whatever task we are doing, the task (even if we don’t like that particular work) becomes easier and more enjoyable. Speaking for myself, I have experienced this first hand with many household chores. I am not really fond of the daily cooking (especially roti sabzi dal rice), so I used to do it more as a duty. But when I first heard someone talk about ‘Loving what you do ‘, I decided to give it a try. And almost immediately, I experienced that if I incorporate Love in my cooking, the food is tastier! But more importantly, I found that I could enjoy the cooking (maybe not 100% of the times, but most of the times!) ……..continued

The same thing is happening with cleaning the vessels and the house now. Most of us Indians are used to the comforts of having a bai do these boring jobs. But in the Lock down period, we are forced to do ALL the jobs in the house. Initially, I was getting a little irritated when I saw the sink full of dirty vessels, but when I used the above principle, (and also started playing music or thinking about what to write for the next day’s message while doing these chores ! ),  I truly started enjoying even these boring jobs. So, an attitude change from boredom / hatred to Love/ making the job interesting has worked wonders for me. It has also maintained Harmony in the family. Let me put on record here that my family helps me in all these chores wholeheartedly.

When we talk of Love, we always think that it means ‘ Loving others ‘; but the very first step on the path of Love is ‘Loving Yourself’! Unless we have learned to Accept and Love ourselves unconditionally, we will not be able to love others. And as Osho says, “Whenever one loves oneself, one becomes capable of loving the whole existence.” So as a first step, let us all start Loving Ourselves (in spite of all our faults and the mistakes we have made in the past)! Once that happens, sharing this love with others will automatically happen.

While we are talking on the subject of ‘Love’, I would like to comment on some posts which are being circulated. These posts show a particular community behaving irresponsibly, and the comments accompanying these posts are full of hatred. I remember a quote by Martin Luther King …..

‘Darkness cannot drive out darkness,
Only Light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate,
Only Love can do that.’

Any irresponsible and potentially harmful behaviour HAS TO BE STOPPED, but let us target the behaviour, and not the whole community (or a country, for that matter). Let the lawmakers take the necessary actions, and let us remember that there are bad worms in each community. So, let us refrain from spreading hateful messages, as they will do more harm than good in the present scenario.
Let us all concentrate on Radiating Love instead. As Rumi says, ” With life as short as a half taken breath, don’t plant anything but LOVE “!!!

Love is a must.
It is the only nourishment for the soul.
The body can exist with food; the soul can exist only with love.
Let it not remain just a word; allow it to become a penetrating experience.

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