Day 18 of lockdown – Mandala 18


REJUVENATION is the centre of today’s Mandala. The dictionary meaning of Rejuvenation is, ” The process of rendering young again or of producing beneficial changes”. We generally use this word after we come back from a wonderful vacation, as in, ” I am feeling rejuvenated after this vacation “. So why am I focusing on this word when most of us are house-bound, unable to pursue normal activities and in addition, the sword of the pandemic is hanging over our heads by a thin thread?… Because, I have experienced that every difficulty in our lives is a learning, a lesson for us. With the right attitude, all problems can teach us precious lessons and we can emerge a better person after we have come out of the storm, like a sword which is sharpened by repeated heating and cooling. Let me elaborate on this further…….

I was diagnosed with cancer in June 2014 and had to undergo 2 surgeries, 6 cycles of chemotherapy and 4 weeks of Radiation therapy. For most of this time, I was confined to my house (Being a child specialist, I was at risk of contracting infections easily from my patients, so I was advised to stop my clinic and hospital work during this period). Naturally, I had a lot of time on my hands; especially a week after the chemotherapy, when things would be fairly normal. I was lucky that I had some spiritual background, so I could use this time judiciously and had many wonderful insights throughout this period. I could realise to a certain extent, the roots of my cancer and this brought about a change in me slowly. After my recovery, within a couple of months, I found that my energy levels were higher than before the diagnosis and I was also much happier. *This entire period was one of Rejuvenation for me* And even now after 5 & half years, I can connect to the Insights I received during this period, and I am a much happier person now. I do have my moments of anger and sadness and anxieties, but they are moments or minutes now, rather than hours or days. I think this is the greatest blessing that I have received from my Cancer.

Similarly, if we can look upon this Lock down period as a time when we can learn something new about ourselves, our lives, what is important to us and what is not so important…..all these Insights, I am sure, will definitely lead to Rejuvenation.

Another time when I feel rejuvenated is after attending a meditation camp ….or when I meditate regularly. I find that Meditation is a wonderful way of recharging your batteries, of getting fresh energy…..and if you meditate sincerely ( not as a ritual !), you will definitely feel rejuvenated.

In our clinic, we try to conduct an Osho Meditation session once a week in the afternoons. Maybe, after the Lock down is lifted, we can meditate together some time.

But before that, during this Lock down, if you can direct some of your energy to being open to what Life is teaching us all through this Pandemic, I am sure you will feel rejuvenated.

REJUVENATION is the centre of today’s Mandala. The dictionary meaning of Rejuvenation is, ” The process of rendering young again or of producing beneficial changes”. We generally use this word after we come back from a wonderful vacation, as in, ” I am feeling rejuvenated after this vacation “. So why am I focusing on this word when most of us are house-bound, unable to pursue normal activities and in addition, the sword of the pandemic is hanging over our heads by a thin thread?… Because, I have experienced that every difficulty in our lives is a learning, a lesson for us. With the right attitude, all problems can teach us precious lessons and we can emerge a better person after we have come out of the storm, like a sword which is sharpened by repeated heating and cooling. Let me elaborate on this further…….

I was diagnosed with cancer in June 2014 and had to undergo 2 surgeries, 6 cycles of chemotherapy and 4 weeks of Radiation therapy. For most of this time, I was confined to my house (Being a child specialist, I was at risk of contracting infections easily from my patients, so I was advised to stop my clinic and hospital work during this period). Naturally, I had a lot of time on my hands; especially a week after the chemotherapy, when things would be fairly normal. I was lucky that I had some spiritual background, so I could use this time judiciously and had many wonderful insights throughout this period. I could realise to a certain extent, the roots of my cancer and this brought about a change in me slowly. After my recovery, within a couple of months, I found that my energy levels were higher than before the diagnosis and I was also much happier. *This entire period was one of Rejuvenation for me* And even now after 5 & half years, I can connect to the Insights I received during this period, and I am a much happier person now. I do have my moments of anger and sadness and anxieties, but they are moments or minutes now, rather than hours or days. I think this is the greatest blessing that I have received from my Cancer.

Similarly, if we can look upon this Lock down period as a time when we can learn something new about ourselves, our lives, what is important to us and what is not so important…..all these Insights, I am sure, will definitely lead to Rejuvenation.

Another time when I feel rejuvenated is after attending a meditation camp ….or when I meditate regularly. I find that Meditation is a wonderful way of recharging your batteries, of getting fresh energy…..and if you meditate sincerely ( not as a ritual !), you will definitely feel rejuvenated.

In our clinic, we try to conduct an Osho Meditation session once a week in the afternoons. Maybe, after the Lock down is lifted, we can meditate together some time.

But before that, during this Lock down, if you can direct some of your energy to being open to what Life is teaching us all through this Pandemic, I am sure you will feel rejuvenated.

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