Day 48 of lockdown – Mandala 48

17th May
Good morning !
I remember reading a wonderful quote some time back , ” *Stop being afraid of what can go wrong and start being excited about what can go right* ” I feel that this is absolutely apt for the current situation when the Corona Pandemic is slowly changing into a Fear Pandemic.
Have you read the story of a saint asking Death during a Pandemic, ” You told me that only 5000 will die, how is it that 50000 have died ? ” To which, Death replied, ” I killed only 5000, the rest died due to Fear !”
So, while we take proper precautions of hygiene, physical distancing and wearing masks, let us NOT tune in to the fear Pandemic. And the best way to do this would be to avoid excessive exposure to media, especially those posts/news that predict an impending doom. Let us all avoid fear provoking posts and concentrate (and spread) the Good News posts.
Hoping that all of us can focus on spreading Smiles and Hope and Positivity in the coming weeks.
Anjali Bhatawdekar

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