Day 66 of lockdown – Mandala 66


4th June
Good morning!
Buddha says, *”Every morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.”*
If we continually complain about the situation or blame others for the tough times, or persistently focus on the negatives ; we remain frustrated, angry, dissatisfied and unhappy.
But if we decide that ‘ whatever the situation, I am going to focus on the positives, even if the positives are only 1 or 2 %’ ; then we find our situation changing for the better and Miracles start surrounding us !
I have personally experienced this many times…..if I choose to stay angry with someone or something, my entire day is lost to me. On the other hand, when I decide to Let go of my negativity; I am filled with Joy and my day is lit up!
The Choice is in our hands…totally !!
So, what is your Choice for today?
Anjali Bhatawdekar

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