5th June
Good morning!
Rumi says, *”You wander from room to room, hunting for the diamond necklace, that is already around your neck ! “*
He also says , *”We carry inside us, the wonders we seek outside “*
All of us are seeking outside the treasures of Joy and Peace, but we are unaware that these treasures actually lie inside us.
Saint Kabir has said,
“मोको कहां ढूँढे रे बन्दे,
मैं तो तेरे पास में….”
These treasures are hidden by the negativity that we carry within us, and as soon as we start moving towards positivity, we start getting glimpses of this Joy and Peace which are our inherent nature.
Do you really want to experience this Inner Joy and Peace ? The key to it is Relaxed Awareness…..and when you practice Relaxed Awareness, the Joy and Peace will come seeking you…..just as Rumi says,
*”What you seek , is seeking you ! “*
Hope you can get glimpses of this Joy and Peace today !
Anjali Bhatawdekar