Day 70 of lockdown – Mandala 70


8th June
Good morning!
As the Lock down is slowly opening up, people are excited on one hand at the prospect of resuming a normal life; and on the other hand, there’s a fear too, because we all know that the virus has not really gone away. Some people are obsessed with the virus and are all the time, operating out of fear; while some others are becoming careless and not following the basic rules of protecting oneself. Both these extremes need to be avoided. We need to follow all the basic rules of hygiene….physical distancing, using a mask and frequent hand washing. At the same time, we would find it difficult to live if we become paranoid and panicky about catching the virus.
Osho has many times given the example of a tightrope walker for achieving balance. The tightrope walker leans first to one side and then to the other. Only if he learns this knack can he remain safe on the rope.

Our Life is also like walking on a tightrope even in normal circumstances, more so in the present situation. We all have to take good care that we do not lean too much on one side or the other; or else, we are likely to topple! So, all of us need to respond optimally and wisely so as to maintain our balance and stay centred in these challenging times.
I hope you all have the knack to achieve Balance in the current scenario.
Anjali Bhatawdekar

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