Day 75 of lockdown – Mandala 75


13th June
Good morning!
I am sure many of you have had this experience while cleaning cupboards. As you start sorting out things, suddenly you find something precious, something which you had forgotten about; but when you see it now, you realise it is something you cherish and were looking for subconsciously.
A similar thing happened to me yesterday. As usual, I was trying to create space on my mobile by deleting unwanted images and suddenly I found this beautiful quote…..” *You carry within you, the wisdom to heal your soul !* ” I was moved when I read the quote and realised that this holds true for your body also.
All of us have this wisdom actually but we are not in touch with it. The trick is to get in touch with this wisdom….and what better way than Meditation to do that?
I do hope all of us can get in touch with this wisdom to heal our body and soul, especially in these troubled times.
Anjali Bhatawdekar

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