Day 81 of lockdown – Mandala 81


19th June
Good morning!
I was re-reading a Rumi quote which says, *”Never miss an opportunity to show your love. Apart from love, everything passes away.”* Though I have read this quote many many times; today for the first time, I realised that I have been missing the opportunity to show Love almost every day.
When I don’t listen attentively to what my son is telling me, I have missed it. When I answer a phone call of a patient without empathy ; when I get angry with my family for stupid reasons; when I hold on to my anger for long periods ( with the thought that I am right and the other person is wrong ); when I don’t appreciate the other person ; when I jump to conclusions and judge somebody without any understanding about his/ her situation in life ; when I blame others for what is happening in my life……..all these are missed opportunities for showing my love; and I seem to be doing one or many of these things every single day !

When I started thinking about these lost opportunities, I thought of how I could grasp them and use them to improve myself…..and I realised that I just need to be more alert, more aware, more empathetic and tuned in to Love for this to happen !

I am hoping and praying that I can imbibe Rumi’s Mantra of Love into my whole being, can make it a part of me so that I don’t miss out on a single opportunity to LOVE. To begin with, I wish I can be successful at least a few times a day…..

What about you ? Are you ready to embark on this path of Love?

Anjali Bhatawdekar

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