Day 88 of lockdown – Mandala 88


26th June
Good morning !
” *The wound is the place where Light enters you* “….when I read this quote by Rumi, I was reminded of a similar saying which we have heard from our saints ,” *Pain is the doorway to God* ”
In my younger days, I could not fully grasp the meaning of this profound statement. But as I grew up and faced the many challenges that Life presented, I realised how true these sayings are ! Most of us take things for granted when everything is going smoothly, don’t we ? This is true for almost everything in life, ….. the equipments ( like fridge, TV, car etc) which we use daily ( we realise their importance only when they stop functioning ) …… nature ( पंचमहाभूतं ), we realise the Power of these forces only when a calamity like the recent cyclone Nisarg strikes…..our health , which we take for granted till we fall sick…..and of course, our near and dear ones….we are truly made aware of the place they occupy in our hearts only after they pass on or their existence is threatened…

But each of these crises can become an opportunity to rise higher and to awaken to the many truths of Life.

For us, my husband’s Rheumatoid arthritis 25 years ago was an extremely difficult period, but it also lead us on to the path of Meditation, which may not have happened in the normal course of events, so, in that sense his pain opened the doors for us.
6 years ago, the treatment of my cancer was another opportunity to learn more about Life’s truths.

I strongly believe that I am a better human being for having gone through these trials of Life.

So , even if it may seem difficult and impossible at times, let us accept the present crisis with Gratitude and a Hope that the Human race will evolve and become more Loving after going through this Pandemic.
Anjali Bhatawdekar

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