Day 89 of lockdown – Mandala 89


27th June
Good morning !
Yesterday, I came across an interesting statement by Wayne Dyer. ” *Loving people live in a loving world. Hostile people live in a hostile world. Same world*” As I read this and pondered over it, I remembered a story I had heard long ago in one of Osho’s discourses. The story goes like this :
A traveller came to a new city and asked the guard guarding the gates of the city , ” How are the people in this city ? ” The guard answered with the question, ” How were the people in the city you come from ? “. The traveller said that everyone in the previous city was horrible. The guard told him, ” Then you will also find the people here horrible ! ” A little while later, another tourist asked the same question before entering the city. To the guard’s question, this tourist replied that everyone in the previous city was wonderful ! The guard replied, ” Then you will also find the people here wonderful ! ”
Same city….different people, depending on your perception and your vibrations !!…

I have myself experienced this in a small way, especially when I go somewhere ( bank or some office ) to register a complaint….If I go with anger and bitterness in my heart, I find that I am not treated well, which worsens my mood. On the other hand, if I register the complaint with a smile on my face (or at least talk matter of fact…without anger ), my complaint gets resolved sooner. From this I understand that if my perspective changes, the same situation can result in different outcomes. So, these days, I am trying my best to live in a loving world !

What about you ? Are you living in a loving world or a hostile world ?

Anjali Bhatawdekar

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