Day 99 of lockdown – Mandala 99


1st July
Day 99 of Lock down !
Good morning

Eckhart Tolle says, ” *Acceptance means : For now, this is what this situation, this moment, requires me to do , and so I do it willingly* “… simply put, yet so profound !

We hear some times from people in difficult situations ( like an illness or financial losses or loss of a loved one ), ” Why me ? “, ” Why do I always have to go through bad times ? ” or ” Why is everyone else spared this and only I am suffering ?” This group is all the time complaining and blaming others for their misfortune.

On the other hand, there are people who unconditionally accept the situation ( however bad it may be ) without wasting any time and energy fighting the problem
; and , as Eckhart Tolle says, just take the necessary action. This group of people is also more grateful for whatever assistance it receives.

Which of this group is happy, you think ? The answer is quite obvious, isn’t it ?

Taking the necessary action is of course, absolutely essential. But apart from that action, what is needed in such times, is total surrender to the situation ( or to the will of God if you believe in God ! )
It is important to remember that Surrender does not mean defeat and Letting go does not mean giving up ! It just means that you accept that there is something larger than you which controls your life and you surrender to that Power. Letting go of all the unnecessary fight leaves you with a lot of energy to actually take the necessary action.

As Osho says, ” *Total acceptance is the key ! It is the Master key, it opens all the doors* ”

As we hear about the Lock down being extended to 31st July, what is your reaction ? Are you accepting it unconditionally or are you fighting it ?

Anjali Bhatawdekar 

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