Day 100 of lockdown – Mandala 100


2nd July
Day 100 of Lock down !
Day 100 of Mandala Musings !!

Good morning friends and family !

25th March ( गुढीपाडवा ), the first day of the year of the Hindu calendar, was also the first day of our Lock down. On that first day, when I sent out a Mandala, I had a vague notion of creating Alphabetical Mandalas for 21 days and writing a short relevant post along with it; as the initial Lock down was supposed to be for 21 days ! But as days passed by and the Lock down kept getting extended , I found myself writing longer posts which were appreciated by many of you. When the alphabets were over, I thought of stopping; but then felt that I had a lot more to share, so continued writing posts which could boost morale in the presence of the fear and the uncertainty created by the Pandemic.

Another reason to continue was the Love and appreciation I received from many of you. Many people told me that they waited for my post in the morning and the positive note in the posts helped them stay calm and relaxed in these turbulent times. This encouraged me to go on till today.
I have enjoyed this entire journey immensely. Though I have had to spend two hours or more every day on this project, it was time well spent. Everyday, when I thought about what to write, I had to reflect, introspect, dig into my life experiences to find the right thing to share ; and I learnt a lot during this process….about myself, about my own strengths and my own weaknesses, about Life in general…..and that is what made this entire process worth while. I do think I have gained much more than my readers in the last 100 days.

But now, I think it is time to stop the daily posts. I am not going to stop completely, I may write once ot twice a week depending on circumstances. I am also thinking of starting a blog….let’s see what happens in future.

But before I say Goodbye, let me thank all of you for the very very important role you have played in this journey. Without your encouragement, none of this would have been possible. So, a big THANK YOU to all my readers.

Until we meet again,
Anjali Bhatawdekar 

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