Day 96 of lockdown – Mandala 96


Good morning friends!

A few days ago someone called me up to discuss an uncommon medical problem of a young child. This child was already under treatment from a specialist. After discussing the case with me,she asked me, “Will True Light help this child?”

Manoj and I are often asked questions like this. Many people know that Manoj has recovered from a chronic painful and difficult to cure condition called rheumatoid arthritis with the help of meditation. Those who have read his book एका पुनर्जन्माची कथा, describing his journey from a painful disease to a complete painfree medical remission with the help of meditation, find his story very impressive and inspiring. They too ask ,”How can meditation help us in our lives? “Quite a few people know about my experiences with True Light during my chemotherapy and they too are interested in knowing whether True Light can help in the cure of certain medical conditions.

Answering such questions is very difficult, especially because effects of spiritual practises like meditation and True Light are subjective. And therefore the effects seen in one person may not be reproducible In somebody else. Also, whenever one tries out these practices with an open mind, the results are excellent; but if you enter any spiritual practice with a lot of expectations, the expectations themselves can affect the outcome negatively.

Osho has often talked about this. He advises us to go into meditation with an open mind, ready and willing to experience ; and at the same time, to go without expectations. Because, the moment expectations come in, you are focusing on the expectations and not on the experience itself. He has also said that you can enjoy the wonderful experiences and hope for more; but not to get attached to them. The moment you get attached, that attachment acts like a hindrance.

Something else that can affect the whole process positively is TRUST ! Just like you trust your doctor to do the best for you and to cure you; if you trust in the power of existence ( or the higher powers), that Trust itself can invite wonderful experiences into your life. But if that Trust is replaced by a closed mind,it is difficult for any spiritual practice to help you. Approaching these practices with curiosity (कुतूहल ) rather than sarcasm helps a lot !

I feel that when we couple an open mind with Trust, we can connect with our Inner strength and Peace more easily; this also helps us to unconditionally accept the outcome and to deal with it in the best possible manner.

So, whenever people ask us if a particular spiritual practice can help in curing a certain problem….be it physical or psychological…. it is difficult to answer with a simple yes or no. The only thing that we can say is, go into it with openness and trust, at the same time not focusing on the cure….not expecting anything; and then you will be able to experience miracles like us !! I know that this is easier said than done ! But we have seen many people benefiting when they practice with Openness and Trust……and we have also seen that people who can’t do this, may not be satisfied with the results.

Let us remember that Spirituality is the foundation of Life and when this foundation is strong, Miracles Happen !

Hoping that many of you can experience and enjoy the joyful and peaceful experiences of meditation or any spiritual practice that appeals to you ,

Anjali Bhatawdekar

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