Information on Logisitcs
Absolutely! We all know about the innumerable advantages of breastmilk: it is safe, it is convenient, it leads to the optimal physical growth of the baby, it improves the immunity of the baby so there are less infections in a breastfed baby, it improves emotional bonding with the mother et cetera. But do you know that breastfeeding also has many long-term advantages? If you feed your baby exclusive breast milk for the first 4 to 6 months of life, in later life this child is less likely to have major health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes or heart disease. Even the incidence of allergies is less in these babies. So investing your time, energy and love in breastfeeding does give excellent long term returns.
Yes, this is a scientifically proven fact ! The benefits of breastfeeding for the baby are well known and the list of these benefits is a long one. But very few people know that the mother also benefits when she feeds her baby. Apart from an excellent bonding with the baby, the amount of postpartum bleeding is less in the breastfeeding mother. And for a young woman who is conscious of her figure, breastfeeding is an ideal way to lose weight as the body utilises a lot of calories for the milk production, so in effect it kills two birds in one stone…giving wholesome nutrition to the baby and reducing the excess weight of the mother ! The incidence of breast cancer and ovarian cancer is also reduced in women who breastfeed their babies. So breastfeeding benefits not just the baby, but also the mother.
There are certain phases in the baby‘s growth when the velocity of the growth is more, so the baby requires more milk and it starts demanding feeds more often. It is at this time that many mothers start worrying about the adequacy of their breast milk. But the interesting fact is that “As the demand for milk increases, so does the supply “. There is an inbuilt mechanism in the mother’s body whereby increased frequency of sucking by the baby sends signals to the brain of the mother to increase the secretion of prolactin,the milk producing hormone. And as the secretion of prolactin increases, so does the production of breast milk. So in fact, in such times, it is best to feed the baby more often. As the baby sucks more often, the milk production will increase. Eventually as the milk output increases, the baby’s frequency of feeding will automatically reduce. Just have patience ! THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO NEED TO START TOP MILK IN THIS SITUATION.
Many mothers worry about whether their milk is enough for the baby, especially when some visitor or family member remarks that the baby is looking thin. One very simple way to know if your milk is adequate or not is to count the number of times the baby is passing urine. If your baby is passing urine six times or more in 24 hours ,(i.e. day and night together ), it means that the breast milk is adequate for the baby’s growth. Then there is absolutely no need to give any supplemental feeds to the baby. Of course, you must also periodically visit the baby‘s doctor to check that the weight gain is adequate. But this simple test, carried out at home, of counting the number of times the baby is passing urine,can reassure you about the adequacy of breast milk.
Yes, there are many ways by which the breast milk production can be increased. The following are some simple ways to increase the milk supply of the mother. 1. Feed the baby when it cries-Not by the clock! The more the baby sucks, the more is the milk production. 2. Don’t give the baby anything else apart from breast milk. Even water is not needed in the first 4 to 6 months of life as breast milk contains 80 to 85% water. 3. Feed the baby on one breast completely till the breast is empty and use the other breast only if the baby needs more milk. You can alternate breasts for the next feeding. 4. Stay relaxed. 5. There are certain medicines which can be taken under the supervision of a doctor to improve the breast milk production. You can consult your doctor for the same.
The best way to know if your milk is adequate for your baby is to count the number of times the baby is passing urine ( this should be six times or more in 24 hours ) And to periodically check the baby’s weight at the time of the routine visit to the baby’s doctor. At times, the mother has adequate milk, but she is very anxious and stressed out for various reasons. At such times, because of the stress, the Let down reflex i.e. the mechanism by which milk comes out from the breast, is adversely affected. There is milk in the breast but it doesn’t come out. As this happens, the baby starts crying. This crying make the mother more and more anxious and a vicious cycle sets in. Eventually the mother starts feeling that her milk is not adequate for the baby even though she has enough milk. That is why it is very important to stay relaxed while feeding the baby. Before starting breastfeeding, sit quietly for a couple of minutes, breathe out deeply and then start feeding the baby. You will immediately find a positive change. As the mother is relaxed, the let down reflex works normally, and the baby starts receiving milk from the breast when it sucks. As this happens, the baby is also relaxed and stops crying. In these situations there is absolutely no need to start supplemental milk if the baby is gaining weight adequately. The mother just needs to learn to relax and enjoy the process of breastfeeding.
YES ! Scientific studies have shown that the intelligence of breast fed babies is more than that of top fed babies. And there’s a scientific reason for this. The important chemicals needed for the optimal growth of the baby’s brain are available only in human breast milk. These nutrients are not available in the optimum ratio in cow’s or buffalo’s or any other milk. That is why it is recommended that mothers should give breast milk and only breast milk to the baby for the first 4 to 6 months of the baby’s life.
The breast milk of the mother of a premature baby is specially ‘designed’ for the optimum growth of the premature baby and also contains higher immunological factors to prevent infections in the baby. So, in fact, breast milk is best for the premature baby and there is no need to give any supplemental milk.
This is one of the most dangerous myths prevalent in modern society. Actually, a bottle is enemy number one of breastfeeding and also enemy of the health of the baby. Giving a bottle even once a day can cause ‘nipple confusion’ in the baby and may eventually lead to a failure of breastfeeding. Also, the incidence of infections is higher in the bottle fed baby. So, DON’T start a bottle. Breastfeed your baby exclusively for the first 4 to 6 months and then start weaning ( for which you don’t need a bottle) Continue breastfeeding for 1-2 years. Avoid outside milk for the first year of life to reduce the incidence of allergies.
There’s a great difference in the way a baby feeds from the breast and from the bottle. When a baby is breastfeeding, it uses the muscles of the cheeks to create a vacuum and draws the milk in its mouth. With the bottle, the process is absolutely different. The baby keeps getting the milk from the hole in the bottle’s nipple and has to actually stop the milk flow with the help of its tongue. So, if a baby is given supplemental milk with a bottle, the baby gets confused as to which process to use for feeding. This is called ‘nipple confusion’. As you can understand from this explanation, breastfeeding is an active process involving efforts on the part of the baby; while bottle feeding is a passive process. Therefore, if a baby is offered a bottle even once in a day, the baby is likely to choose a bottle as it doesn’t require much effort on the part of the baby. Then the baby refuses to breastfeed ( which requires quite a bit of effort), and this can eventually lead to a failure of breastfeeding, even if the mother is getting adequate milk.
This is another dangerous myth about breastfeeding. Colostrum, i.e. the milk secreted in the first 2-3 days after delivery has more immunological factors , to prevent infections in the neonates. It is also easier to digest for the baby and improves the maturation of the digestive system of the baby. So, in fact, giving colostrum is beneficial to the baby. Also, if colostrum is not given, the baby will be given some other milk, mostly through a bottle. This increases the risk of infections as well as causing nipple confusion. SO, PLEASE GIVE COLOSTRUM TO THE BABY. DO NOT THROW IT AWAY.
YES ! If you earnestly wish to breastfeed your baby, it is possible to restart breastfeeding. The most important factor is your desire to feed the baby. There are some medicines which can improve the breast milk production; but the best thing is to feed the baby on the breast often. As the baby feeds more, the supply will increase! Till this happens, remember to feed the baby on the breast before giving other milk. AND MOST IMPORTANT: DON’T USE A BOTTLE FOR GIVING OUTSIDE MILK.
If your baby is gaining weight adequately, then there’s absolutely no need to give any other milk. Remember that babies cannot speak, so the only way they can communicate with us is through crying. So a baby cries not just because it is hungry, but also because it is wet, or feeling cold or feeling hot or has a pain in the tummy or simply because it wants to be picked up ! Just find out the reason for crying and don’t worry about the adequacy of your milk if the baby is growing well. Giving supplemental milk ,when it is not needed , can be extremely dangerous to the baby’s health and can also lead to a failure of breastfeeding.
Your gynaecologist is absolutely right. There are two reasons why the baby should feed on one breast completely. 1. As mentioned in an earlier answer, the signals for increasing the milk producing hormone Prolactin are sent only when at least one breast is emptied completely. If both the breasts remain half full, these signals won’t be sent, the prolactin levels will not increase and hence, the milk production may decrease. 2. The milk which comes out of the breast initially ( called fore milk ) is watery and satisfies the thirst of the baby. The hind milk, which comes out towards the end of the feed is thicker and richer in fats and therefore satisfies the hunger of the baby. If you feed the baby only fore milk ( which will happen if you feed the baby at both the breasts at each feed ), then the baby will not gain weight adequately ( even though it may pass urine adequately). Also, as the baby gets only watery milk, it will keep crying and demanding feeds very often. So, please listen to the advice given by your gynaecologist: feed the baby completely on one breast during one feed. Of course, if the baby is still hungry after feeding on one breast, you may offer the other breast after the first breast is empty. Alternate breasts for the next feeds.
This is absolutely normal in a small baby. As the baby is fed, he passes small amount of motion. This frequency will reduce as the baby grows older. There's no need to worry about this if the baby is passing urine at least 6 times in 24 hours and if the weight gain is adequate. No medicines are needed for this; in fact, unnecessary medicines could be harmful to the baby. So, remember that this is a normal situation and it needs no treatment. Always remember that whenever the baby or even the older child is passing motions more frequently, you have to keep a watch on the urine output. If the baby is passing adequate urine, there's no reason to worry. On the other hand, if the urine output reduces, please consult the baby's doctor as soon as possible.
This again, can be normal in some babies. These babies do not pass stools daily, but do so once in 3-4 days or even once a week at times. Here again, there's no need to give any medicines as long as the stools are soft and there's no persistent vomiting and if the baby is sucking well and active. Of course, it is best to get the baby checked at least once with a paediatrician. If these babies are crying excessively or vomiting continuously, please consult the baby's doctor. Also, it may be best to confirm that the baby's thyroid levels are normal, especially if the baby is lethargic.
In very small babies, the sphincter between the food pipe and the stomach is not yet fully developed. So many babies have a tendency to bring out a part of the feed immediately after the feed is over, especially if there's pressure on the tummy ( as happens while changing the diaper ) If the baby is gaining weight adequately and is passing urine at least 6 times in 24 hours, there's no need to worry. No medicines are needed for this kind of vomiting. This condition will gradually reduce as the child grows older. In the meantime, it is best to hold the baby in an upright position immediately after feeding for 15-20 minutes and to burp him. In a baby who has a tendency to vomit after feeds, it would be advisable to keep the baby on its side, preferably right side, after burping him. This will reduce the chances of aspiration of milk in the lungs in case the baby vomits
Evening colic is a condition in which the baby cries continuously for a couple of hours daily, mostly in the evenings, but it can also happen at any time. There is apparently no known cause for this crying, though the incidence may be higher in bottle fed and top fed babies. Some medicines may reduce the crying intensity, but these should be taken only under the guidance of a doctor. As advised by the Paediatrician, there's no reason to start top milk for this condition; as this crying is not related to hunger and the baby is gaining weight adequately. Apart from medicines, some things that could be helpful in this condition are putting on soft music or rubbing oil in a circular motion on the tummy or taking the baby out in open air. It has been noticed that the baby cries more when held by an anxious parent; but if the person carrying the baby is calm and relaxed, the intensity of crying may reduce. So it is important to stay calm and relaxed in this situation; even though it is quite difficult to do so with the baby crying loudly and continuously. One comforting fact is that evening colic generally stops miraculously and suddenly once the baby is 3 to 4 months old. So just wait for the baby to grow older and you may find that the evenings are quiet again!!